March 25, 26

Saturday - March 25, 2005

Training: AM: 20 mins warm up, 15 cool down, 8 times 200+ meter hills (about 40+ seconds uphill, STEEP)
PM: 40 mins shake out

Day mileage: AM: 6 miles
PM: 5 miles
11 miles

Week Mileage accumulated: 69 miles

Where: Spiez, Steffisburg

Weather: amazing 50+

Training Details: The hill was really, really steep, but the workout went pretty well considering I haven't done speed in I don't know how long because of all the sickly complications! I was really tired from the workout, but it was nice to go back out for a run in the afternoon since the workout was so short. Hill workouts are a lot tougher here in Switzerland because their idea of a hill is a lot different than those I ever had to do back in the States!!! I guess when you are surrounded by Alps, even a steep hill is nothing!

Sunday - March 26, 2006

Training: AM: 1 hour 56 minutes

Day mileage: AM: 15 miles

Week Mileage accumulated: 84 miles----Whoa!!!! That is a lot of miles!!!!!!

Where: Aare river, Steffisburg

Weather: amazing, 65 and sunny with blue skies

Training Details: I really, really enjoyed my run today!!!!!!!! The weather was GORGEOUS and I was able to run in shorts and a tank top, which I haven't been able to do in a long time here in Switzerland!!! It was warmer here today than it was back home, but it is going to cool off again during the week.

All I can do is eat!!!
I think this may be one of my highest weeks yet! It feels really good, well my legs are sore, but I mean considering the mileage load, they fell pretty decent. I feel pretty proud of myself that I ran this many miles....See what I mean? Anyone could become a number cruncher, because I see 84 miles and I am real pleased. Although, I AM going to become a marathoner, so I guess I have to look at the numbers, but not obsess over them! If I get really exausted one day and am just broken, I won't force a double-run if I am too tired so I am pretty good about this kind of thing...Although it DOES feel really good to really get over that 80 mile mark....BUT I am hungry ALL OF THE TIME! If I don't eat right before I go to bed, then I get hungry in the middle of the night. And I don't even have like a normal snack either, I literally eat like a whole meal that late!!! OR something really heavy like peanut butter (that my friend Dee sent me, thanks Dee!!!) and a banana with some bread! I am really tired right now so I am going to bed. We had to move our clocks ahead an hour last night, so I am pretty exausted...losing that precious hour and all..You all change your clocks on like April 2nd I think, so right now I am 7 hours ahead of you back home in PA! Don't forget! I almost did! hahaha Livia, thanks for coming all the way from Bern to run!!!

By the way, eating all the time is a BEAUTIFUL thing (saying from the Clauds)...

NEXT: March 27 – There are no shortcuts in distance running...

PREVIOUS:March 22, 23, 24 – Thuner Trio reunited...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...