March 22, 23, 24

Wednesday- March 22, 2006

Training: AM: 23 mins warm up, 6-3-1 fartlek with 3-2-2 recovery respectively, 33 mins cool down Total (88mins)
PM: 30 min shake out run, 20 mins core strength

Day mileage: AM: 7 miles warm up warm down, 4 miles workout
PM: 4 miles
15 miles

Week Mileage accumulated: 39.5

Where: Steffisburg and Thun

Weather: feels like Spring! with rain

Training Details: The workout went pretty well this morning, considering I was out of commission for so long. The Thuner Trio was reunited once again plus FritzBoss on his bike!!! We ran the 6 minute part in about 3:35 pace to 3:40, then we ran the 3 minute parts in about 3:30 pace or faster and then the minutes were just all out. I am really happy that the workout actually went! I didn't know how I was going to come back off of my time off, but I think that my base is so big that I can just run purely run off of strength until the speedy parts come back again.

Thursday - March 23, 2006

Training: AM: 60 mins
PM: 20 mins shakeout, strides, drills

Day mileage: AM: 8 miles
PM: we'll say 2 miles, I doubt I was running 10 min. pace, but that is what it felt like! hah
10 miles
Week Mileage accumulated: 49.5 miles

Where: Spiegel with Livia

Weather: high 40s

Training Details: Easy run today. Very nice to see Livia again!!!!!!!

Friday - March 24, 2006

Training: AM: 63 minutes
PM: off

Day mileage: AM: 8.5 miles
PM: 0ff

Week Mileage accumulated: 58 miles

Where: Along the Aare river, nice and flat!!!!

Weather: warm, wore shorts!

Quotes: "Whoooaaa, you're fast." Some old guy that I passed twice running this loop...

Training Details: Ran today's run at a solid run pace, felt about 6:40 per mile....Plus I ran my normal loop 4 mins faster than usual....

Base Building
I already have a pretty solid base under me, but we are hiking up the km or the miles for the next couple of weeks to get ready for our training camp in Italy. Right after Italy, I will have a 5k road race to get ready to race my first 10k on May 4th!!! I am going to be running in the German Championships so I am pretty pumped about that. Right now my legs are definitely feeling my base building already, especially from these past couple of days....almost 60 miles in 5 days and still going! I have a workout tomorrow and then a long run on Sunday so it looks like my mileage will be about in the 80s this week and my body is feeling it...I especially notice it with eating, I am always eating and ALWAYS hungry!!!! I have to eat like 3 pieces of bread before I go to bed at night so I don't wake up hungry after eating a huge dinner! I have to make sure I have gas in the tank with all of these miles so it is a great feeling that I can eat all the time, literally, and then go and burn it off and then come home and eat again. I like these base building phases because it really makes me feel strong and confident that I will be able the upcoming workouts...I am excited to do those hardcore distance workouts to get ready for the 10k....good ol 4 times 2ks or 10 times 1ks.....ahhhhh, I think I may be the only one who LOVES running 10 by 1,000s!!!!!

NEXT: March 25, 26 – Over 80 MPW and eating all the time...

PREVIOUS: March 19, 20, 21 – Aaahhh, back back back...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...