August 25, 26, 27, 28

Friday – August 25, 2006
Training: PM: 60 MINUTES, weights for arms, core strength
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles
Week Total: 27.5 miles
Where: Aare
Weather: Yay, warm for once!
Details: Felt alright today…still a bit heavy-legged….weird….

Saturday – August 26, 2006
Training: AM: 20 warm up, 6x1,000 on the track with 80 seconds jog recovery, 15+ cool down…strides and ABC drills
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 36.5 miles
Where: Lachen stadium
Weather: warm and sunny but not for long….
Details: Pace around 3:30s per km.

Sunday – August 27, 2006
Training: AM: 50 minutes easy
Day Mileage: 6.5 miles
Week Total: 43 miles
Where: Steffisburg
Weather: eh. Nothing special.
Details: I had another down week, but I just can't seem to recover…I am always tired and my legs have been feeling crappy…We'll see how Swiss Champs go on the roads, if it doesn't go at all, I'm just going to take two weeks off and leave the half marathon out until I feel "fit" again. There is no point in running a half-marathon if I can't even run a decent 10k!!! Here's to hoping!!!

I was supposed to run a long run today but had a strong pain in my right hamstring. A "pain" developed there most likely because it traveled down from my tight, right hip…I have acupuncture on Monday (dangit) and then physical therapy on Thursday so I hope they will be able to help me out.

Monday -- August 28, 2006-The GUSHING BLOOD INCIDENT
Training: AM: 5:45 am…35 minutes easy
PM: off, tired.
Day Mileage: 5 miles
Week Total: 5 miles
Where: Thun under the lights
Weather: actually pretty warm this morning.
Details: Felt the hamstring pulling and had to stop in the middle of the run to stretch…

Okay…let me just say that acupuncture SUCKS. Well, it sucks when the needles are in there and the day after…but then after the second day it doesn't suck anymore. I just hate needles…

Speaking of needles…So I get acupuncture today and then I ask him if I have to get my iron checked out again since I haven't gotten it checked since I came down from St. Moritz (elevation training is no good for keeping iron stores up!)… So he goes up to the secretary and is saying something. And then all of a sudden she says, "come with me…" I am like, "WHAT, I HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT NOW???" And then she says yes… Then I say, "WHAT, I AM NOT MENTALLY PREPARED…" Her response…tells me to go back into the, what I call, "the evil needle room" and to lay down… So before I can even think about me, the woman gets me all set up and then stabs me in the arm…..AAAAHHHHH! "Are you done yet, are you done…I hate this…I always hate needles…." Then the nice lady says, "oh just think about something nice…" Then I say, "I can't think of anything nice when there is a bleeping NEEDLE IN MY ARM." So by this time she is done… Then I tell her to put the needle away so I don't see it and then ask her if she can put a bandaid on my arm…"Of course dear." …. Okay so band-aid on, check….So I am kind of in a hurry (because I promised my cousin I'd meet him at NOON and it is now 12:05) so I pretty much hop up and tell the lady thanks because she did a good job…so I walk out the door toward the reception area and feel dampness…OH NO, OH NO, OH NO...I say, "NOOOOOT GOOD, NOOOT GOOD, NOT GOOD AT ALL.!!! I'M BLEEEEDING!!!" So I slap my other hand over the band-aid and arm, which is just GUSHING blood (okay, slight exaggeration, but remember I hate blood and needles and the evil needle room)….. So I guess the lady sees that my face just went pale and my eyes are glazing over so she grabs my arm, sits me in a chair and starts frantically wiping the blood away telling me to look away…HAHAHA. Well there is just blood all over my hand and arm and I am just totally disgusted and ILL from seeing my gushing blood, which at this point isn't gushing anymore, but is still in my mind….So then I sit there for a moment to make sure I don't pass out…And I didn't …. MARTIN, THANKS FOR LUNCH!!!!!! (ps. I ate meat for lunch to refill the iron I had just lost form my gushing-blood incident….) (pps YES, Astrid, I still have my band-aid on and I'm not taking it off!!!)
Only could this happen to Josi…Only Josi….

NEXT: August 29, 30, 31, September 1, 2 – It was my birthday, the big 25!

PREVIOUS: August 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 – I explain my 'hip situtation'

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...