August 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Friday – August 18, 2006
Training: 60 minutes slow
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles
Week Total: 32 miles
Where: Wolhusen with Ueli.
Weather: Warm.
Details: Easy run again. I have a workout tomorrow so I hope I will feel better since we skipped a hard workout this week.
Oh man…Josi is getting IMPATIENT again! Lol I have been feeling like crap and haven't really felt the "training effects" from all the hard training I've done except the fact that my legs feel real shh…I mean crappy. I have a workout tomorrow in the form of some kind of faster-paced tempo or something so I hope it goes well… I am hoping that once I start school and am in a SOLID routine, that I'll really be able to break through before this year ends! But if not… Well, gotta' keep on moving and running and training and doing all those things I am supposed to do and keep working towards a big goal!!! I believe… I believe… I believe…

Saturday .. August 19, 2006
Training: 82 minutes Total…40x1 minute on and offs
The ons were about 3:35-3:40 pace perk and the offs were about 4:00-4:10s per k.
Day Mileage: 11 miles
Week Total: 43 miles
Where: Spiez somewhere with Fritz
Weather: Hot!
Details: Felt pretty hard today. Maybe the heat? Maybe just tired? I dunno'. Guess we'll see.

Sunday – August 20, 2006
Training: 80 minutes
Day Mileage: 10.5 miles
Week Total: 53.5 miles
Where: Aare
Weather: rainy and warm
Details: Ran with Ueli, Fritz (on his bike of course) and Mirjam (Fritz's wife). I ran butt-slow and got my butt dropped! But it was nice. Probably was running about 7:30 miles!

Monday -- August 21, 2006 Training: AM: 40 minutes easy
PM: 40 minutes exercise…core strength and arms
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 6 miles
Where: Steffisburg
Weather: warm
Details: I did some hardcore core strength today and I am sure I will feel the pain tomorrow….

Tuesday -- August 22, 2006 Training: AM: 40 minutes
PM: 20 minutes, ABC drills, strides
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 12 miles
Where: Lachen Stadium
Weather: warm and sunny…maybe Switzerland didn't skip over summer afterall…
Details: Oh yeah, felt the pain from yesterday…Josi's super-turbo core strength really was out of control yesterday…hahah I don't have six pack people..but I am strong. Hahaha!
Oh yeah, I did my ABC's and strides with Asi…so Asi is back in business…Well, part time…haha. Aka, she just started back with running so she is in her build up stage, but I am pumped that we can at least do SOMETHING together!!!

Wednesday – August 23, 2006
Day off
Details: Well, I hope after this week, I will finally have my legs back under me again…I really think I was in a slight hole for the past 3 weeks…which is why I have been taking it easy…So I really hope that after this week, things will be on the up and up again.

Off day today…I had German classes from 8 to 11 then I had work with my lil' tykes from 2 to almost 5, and they were WILD today so I was glad I had the day off because I normally run on Wednesdays around 6:30 with my club.

Thursday – August 24, 2006
Training: AM: off
PM: 50 minutes, core strength and arms
Day Mileage: 7 miles
Week Total: 19 miles
Where: Steffisburg
Weather: windy and partly cloudy
Details: So I guess I should write a little bit about my hip since it has been bothering me for over two years now…Although I think I have wrote about it before…So anyway, I have this hip problem, which I personally call, a butt problem because my butt always hurts. Right now I am in the process of getting acupuncture on a regular basis, (those of you who know me also know my fear of needles know that I am not happy about this…) and it has been helping a little bit. I also go to normal physical therapy to some guy from Holland who is really amazing! I always feel better when I walk out of that place. My insurance covers most of my physical therapy and I think I only have to pay 10 percent and it's actually not too expensive in general. Also, another physical therapist who works with the National Team gave me some exercises that I have to do in order to improve my stride, which would then also improve the pain in my hip…So I have been working on that as well and it seems to be doing well….But I also haven't been on the track in forever so that always makes it flare up as well so we'll see how my body does once I get back on the track… When I was at NCSU, they had a bone scan done and it wasn't bone so that was why I kept running through the pain… I run in a bit of pain almost everyday so I am hoping that if I really work hard with all of these exercises and everything, it will go away on its own… Although I have a feeling I may eventually also look into orthotics if it doesn't go away within half a year and maybe some other specialists or something… For now, I am doing what I am supposed to do and hope that those things will improve my "hip situation." (I like that, hip situation sounds official or something…hahaha. I am a nerd.:-))

NEXT: August 25, 26, 27, 28 – The GUSHING BLOOD INCIDENT...

PREVIOUS: August 14, 15, 16, 17 – Keeping the dream alive...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...