June 24, 25, 26, 27

Saturday – June 24, 2006 Soccer fever….Switz wins
Training: 47 minutes
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 43 miles, 69.2Km
Where: Wolhusen
Weather: warm
Training details: two hilly loops today! Wolhusen has LOTS of hills!

I feel "stale." Not like my body is stale, but mentally. I keep trying to motivate myself, but I need to race on the track again again! I get motivated in track workouts, but it's just not the same as racing on the track, seeing a time, and then working harder to better that time. In cross, it's a lot different, you have to just run "balls to the walls" on every course and you never really know if you are improving or not. Obviously, well most likely, as the season progresses, you improve…but you just don't SEE obvious results like you do on the track. On the track, it's all on time, it's all based on the clock and you either ran well or you didn't. It's simple. I love cross country and track of course for different reasons, obviously. But the simple clock and uniformity of track really "turns me on," for lack of a better explanation. Something about hearing those splits on every lap and seeing that final time and being able to judge right as you cross the line whether you ran well or not really hits home…Well, under good racing conditions of course. The whole concept of "time" all changes once you had heat and humidity of course…But I am talking about perfect race conditions; cool, no wind, low humidity and good competition!!!

Sunday – June 25, 2006
Training: 60 minutes
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles, 13.7km
Week Total: 51.5 miles, 82.9km
Where: Wolhusen
Weather: hot
Training details: 60 minutes with H.P. and Stevi!
A hilly run in Wolhusen…If you know anything about Wolhusen, it's very obvious it was hilly. There is one flat course I know there, and that is next to the main highway that connects all the small little "cities" or "towns" in and around the middle of a bunch of hills! A hill here would definitely count as a mountain in North Carolina!

Monday – June 26, 2006
Training: 45 minutes
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 6 miles, 9.6km
Where: By the Aare, with Asi.
Weather: Hot!
Training Details: Oops, went a little longer than I should have…Lost track of time because I was talking to Asilein!

Tuesday – June 27, 2006
Training: 22 minutes warm up, 20 minutes cool down
3 sets of 600, 500, 400
Pace: 600s – 154s, 500s – 134s, 400s – 75s.
Day Mileage: 9.5 miles, 15.2 km
Week Total: 15.5 miles, 25km
Where: Neufeld.
Training Details: Trained with Monique today, who had been out of commission because of her Achilles and then because of food poisoning!!! It's good to have you back Monique!

NEXT: June 28, 29. 30, July 1, 2 – Cutting back on mileage for Swiss Champs...

PREVIOUS: June 22, 23 – Lucky to be a runner... and living every minute.

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...