June 22, 23

Thursday – June 22, 2006
Training: 62 minutes
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles, 13.7km
Week Total: 25 miles, 40.2km
Where: Aare
Weather: cool! nice
Training details: TIGHT, went slow today

Friday – June 23, 2006
Training: AM: 20 mins warm up, 10 cool down, workout 7x700 meter HILL 4.5
PM: 27 minutes
Day Mileage: am: 8.5 miles, 13.7km
Pm: 3.5 miles, 5.6km
Week Total: 37 miles, 45.8km
Where: Spiez, Steffisburg
Weather: warm, humid..well, as humid as Thun can get, which is not very humid compared to good ol' Raleigh, NC.
Training details:
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. ~Good ol' Abe L.

I know sometimes I get really cheesy with all of this Carpe Diem "stuff," but the older I get, the more I learn to appreciate life and what it has offered and what it still has to offer. Our lives are really short and we have to enjoy ourselves and not stress too much about the little things. I always compare every single quote to running just because running is really at the core of my life…not THE number one most important thing in my life, but while I still am able to run, it is indeed at the center. I feel very lucky to have food and shelter and love and support from my loved ones…Especially when I see the devastation around the world and those who are less fortunate. I want to make the most out of my life with what I have been given and I apply that to running. I have been trying to really make the most out of my trainings. This doesn't mean I go out and POUND the miles every single day (don't want an injury), but I really just enjoy my continuous runs and run the pace where I feel comfortable. Of course today I had hills, so I cannot run comfortably then!!! Workouts are the time to bring your body into TOTAL discomfort and ignore the pain and keep pushing…Which sounds weird, but it is very satisfying for me to "struggle" in a workout…I love running so hard until I feel the lactic acid in my arms and can barely swing them anymore, (a few times I ran so hard, I felt the tingly feeling in my fingers!) heave for air at the end of my workouts, have the sweat just dripping off of me, feel my heart beating so hard it feels like it's going to explode, having my head throb, my stomach hurt or "workout stomach…" And on and on! Of course it is also a great feeling to have the workout over with as well! Hahaha! No pain, no gain…Next workout is on Tuesday…3x600, 500, 400 with short recoveries!!! I feel the tingle in my fingers already!!! Heehee.

NEXT: June 24, 25, 26, 27 – Gotta get a race on the track...

PREVIOUS: June 19, 20, 21 – If you can't remember your last day off...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...