June 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Wednesday .. June 7, 2006
Training: 50 minutes
Day Mileage: 7 miles, 11km
Week Total: 21 miles, 33+km
Where: Steffisburg
Weather: warm
Training details:

Josi wins a huge 10K on June 11th in a race with more than 13,000 women...
and following media interviews, gets to start the walkers...

Thursday – June 8, 2006
Training: off day from FritzBoss's orders…am a bit dead legged
Training details: Enjoyed a day off!

Friday – June 9, 2006
Training: AM: 47 mins
PM: 20 mins
Day Mileage: 9 miles, 14.5 km
Week Total: 30 miles, 48km
Where: Spiez and Steffisburg.
Weather: hot
Training details: Two easy runs with strides.

Saturday – June 10, 2006 – Important Race tomorrow
Training: 35 minutes easy with strides
Day Mileage: 4.5 miles
Week Total: 34.5 miles, 55.5
Where: Uttigen with Asi.
Weather: Really warm!
Training details: Getting ready for my race tomorrow. I was in the newspaper that was published all over Switzerland and FritzBoss was like, Now you have to show something……So I have a little bit of pressure from my coachJ Which I need at times.

Sunday – June 11, 2006 – Race Day….Frauenlauf in Bern
Training: 20 mins warm up, 10k road race
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 43.5 miles, 70km
Where: Bern
Weather: HOT
Training details: Hilly race…

The "Frauenlauf" means Women's race and today is the 20th-year anniversary for the 5k Women's race so it was a really, really huge deal with record-breaking racers.
So strategic race today…Legs felt kind of weird, probably from physical therapy too close to the race plus the weather was pretty hot…I went out at a slower pace for the first 5k and then started to pick it up…I was probably in 6th place at the beginning and then slowly began to make my way up. At around 6k, I passed the last runner and brought it in for the win. The race was so awesome because there were so many spectators…and LOUD ones. Over 13,000 women ran and it was just a really cool aura around the whole race. The spectators were great. I totally didn't expect it since my race was at 9am on a Sunday morning, but they were out, about and totally loud and awesome. Every time I ran by a huge crowd of spectators, I got goose bumps.

So I finish the race and automatically get swept up by the media…which was a really weird experience for me…Had to talk on the radio first before I even caught my breath, a kid came to get my autograph because he was also half Filipino and half Swiss! Cute… Anyway, then I went to the press conference and don't' even remember what I said. HAH! One of the questions they asked was, "what went through your head when so and so gave up in the race (one of the leaders in the race)…Well this was after 4k where this person stepped out due to an injury…What did I think???? UUHH, nothing, I wasn't the one who had to stop…so I told them that I told the girl to come with me…that I thought, hey come and run! LOL. Don't know where they were going with that one… But yeah, I saw her step out and called out to her that she should come and run with me… I think they wanted me to say something smart-assy, but I still don't really get it…I think I missed out on something.
Anyway, so I was done with the press conference and wanted to go and shower…I went to the start to meet up with Ueli and Astrid at the starting line since they were my biggest supporters there, besides FritzBoss of course, and then this guy from the starting area comes up to me and asks me if I would be so kind to shoot of the gun for the walkers! I was like, A GUN?? WHOA! I'm scared, but okay!!! Hahaha. I know it shoots blanks, but still… Anyway, so I got to shoot the starting gun off for the walkers. It was really cool! Here is a pic of it…ridiculous, right?

AAAnnnayway, yeah… It was a really awesome road race and I am already excited for next year.

NEXT: June 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 – It was a normal day, sort of...

PREVIOUS: June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – My idea of what a hill is, has changed...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...