June 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Monday – June 12, 2006
Training: 61 mins
Day Mileage: 8 miles
Week Total: 8 miles, 12.9Km
Where: Thun
Weather: hot, beautiful!
Training details: Easy week this week because of my 10k road race.
Quotes: Moderation is a fatal thing; nothing succeeds like excess. ~Oscar Wilde
I really like this quote, because my relatives and neighbors and some others who aren\'t really involved much in \"serious\" sports are always worrying that I am doing too much. I always get, \"Are you okay? Aren\'t you doing too much? Aren\'t you worried about your health when you\'re older? Shouldn\'t you take a break? Are you sure you aren\'t doing too much?\"….Oh lord, how do you answer that….Um, YES, I am okay;NO, I am not doing too much-you can\'t achieve anything if you don\'t DO anything; NO, I am not worried about my health when I am older because what I am doing is healthy; I DO take some breaks during the year, for about a week or so, YES, I am sure I am not doing too much…\"
Sometimes I get annoyed with the questions, but I have to realize that I am not within the \"normal\" limits of \"normal\" athletics…And some people who are just your every day people can\'t really understand that. So I try my best to stay patient with them and try to explain to them that if I want to succeed at something, I also have to work at it and in order to succeed in the sport I\'m doing, you HAVE to put in a lot of work and that I wouldn\'t do it if I didn\'t love it! If I am doing something that makes me happy, shouldn\'t that be enough, dammit? LOL.
So yes, what the normal people find as \"excess,\" I find to be normal…If that makes any sense at all. MY idea of excess is if you overtrain…Then it was TOO much…but before you hit that line, you\'re just training hard!

Tuesday – June 13, 2006
Training: 65 mins
Day Mileage: 9 miles, 14.5
Week Total: 17 miles, 27.4Km
Where: Emdtal
Weather: hot, I love it!
Training details: A nice jog around the country today!

Don\'t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. ~Charles Richards
Ah yes, another quote that I can use to get my butt out the door at times. I am a lot more motivated now than I was during the winter, weather has something to do with it…but there are still times when I am not in the best of moods to go out and do that double run so I have to motivate myself. The best motivator is, \"Josi, why the hell are you here (in Switzerland) if you\'re not going to train right…Then you might as well go back home and stop chasing your dream…\" Okay, yes, that is the one extreme if I need a big KICK in the rear out the door…but if I just need a little nudge out the door then I think of this quote. You know Carpe Diem Shiite… Seize the day (for you young un-cultured (sarcasm) people who have never seen Dead Poets Society)… You have to make the best use of that particular day in training…Sometimes the best use of that day may actually be to REST!!! I always say that rest is just as important as those 400s on the track or those tempos in the forest.

Wednesday – June 14, 2006
Training: 68 mins
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 26 miles, 41.8 Km
Where: Lerchenfeld
Weather: hot
Training details: Jog with Asi and FritzBoss on my favorite trails.

Thursday – June 15, 2006
Training: 65 minutes
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles
Week Total: 34.5 miles, 55.5 Km
Weather: hot
Training details: Felt a bit fatigued…took it easy today.

Friday .. June 16, 2006
Training: 55 minutes
Day Mileage: 7 miles
Week Total: 41.5 miles, 66.8 Km
Where: Around Steffisburg.
Weather: warm
Training details: Easy \"fart-normal\" day…So in Switzerland when you want to say that you just had a normal, routine day, they say \"fart normal,\" which I just find hilarious in translation because it makes no sense. But anyway…Had a fart-normal day…\"