March 11, 12, 13, 14

Saturday - March 11, 2006

Training: 30 minutes

Where: Steffisburg

Weather: cold

First day back...I'm back in business!
Oh man, it was really nice to run today! My legs were stiff of course, but felt decent considering I just sat on my butt for almost 2 weeks. The run went smoothly and I am excited to get this new training cycle underway. I am excited to have a meeting with Fritz so we can set new goals together since this season didn't work out at all how we planned it. But hey, as Skinny said, "tap, tap, moving on..." So moving on... New goals, new planning of the next season, TRACK season!!! YAAAAAY!

Sunday - March 12, 2006

Training: AM: laid in bed
PM: 60 minutes, a very FUN 60 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile smile smile smile

Where: Aare river

Weather: really cold!!!!

Training Details: It was a great 60 minutes!

I am so happy today. Wunschlos glücklich!!!

Monday - March 13, 2006

Training: 53 minutes

Day mileage: 6.5 miles, core and back strength

Week Mileage accumulated: 6.5 miles

Where: Steffisburg trails

Weather: flippin' freezing

Tuesday - March 14, 2006

Training: 60 minutes easy

Day mileage: about 8 miles

Week Mileage accumulated: 14.5 miles
(since Tuesday)

Where: Steffisburg

Weather: Freezing

Quotes: "Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?'. The answer is usually: 'Yes'."
Paul Tergat quotes

I really love this quote because it is totally TRUE! I am really motivated right now so as soon as I am back to 100 percent, I really want to truly push myself harder...Not to the point of stupidity and injury, but to a point where it is right below that. hahaha. We can truly suffer a lot more than we think. We often set our limits too low, but as soon as we get to a point where we THINK we have reached our limit is the moment we have to push ourselves harder and that is what I would like to do...Coach Geiger, when he used to want to tell me this sort of thing would say, "I want the Josi with whom nobody wants to run with because she pushed the pace..." Basically, get that fire under my as* going again. I have all the fuel I need, now I have to get healthy and then start at it!

Speaking of healthy...I went to the docotor today and got some more meds...Man, it's been 2 weeks and I am still coughing stuff up, but as far as my strength goes, I feel fine. My doctor is a certified doctor by Swiss Olympic so I like to go to him to make sure I am cleared to run. I am doing continuous runs this week and then am going to try a workout at the end of the week. Aaah, very good.

Oh yeah, first day of work was awesome. Those kids are so cute!!!!

NEXT: March 15, 16, 17, 18 – Back in the swing of things... and motivated.

PREVIOUS: March 6, 7, 8, 9. 10 – Finally, I can run again...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...