January 11, 12, 13

Wednesday January 11, 2006
Training: AM: 90 with Astrid, 70 of it DL1
PM: No running. Amen. Strength: Core strength, back, arms
Day Mileage: about 12
WEEK Mileage accumulated: 39
Where: Uetendorf, Lerchenfeld, Steffisburg…everywhere
WEATHER: Cold enough to wear two pairs of gloves.

Training Details: No workout today. Just a harder continuous run. We have the lactate test on Saturday so I am assuming we aren't doing one because we don't want to skew any results since most of our training pace from then on will be based on our lactate test.

Thursday January 12, 2006
Training: AM: 58 with Livia
PM: rest
Day Mileage: about 7.5 because it is so darn hilly around where Livia lives!!!
WEEK Mileage accumulated: about 46.5….looks like it's going to be another 70mile week. Guess this is good prep for my half marathon in April! But I hope I will be ready for my Cross Country races first!!!
Where: Spiegel, Bern
WEATHER: cold, hi in the 20s
Quotes: "Saisonlich…is not even a word." Hahaha Livia!

Training Details: Ran slow today in prep. for lactate test. Thanks for lunch, Livia!

Friday January 13, 2006---Ooohh, Friday the 13th.
Training: AM: Rest for lactate test.
PM: 50 mins slow
Day Mileage: about 6
WEEK Mileage accumulated: 53.5
Where: Lerchenfeld, some with Astrid
WEATHER: Cold. Of course!
Quotes: (21:47:45): ure such an interesting species
Thanks Kiersa!!! I take that as a compliment! hahha

Positive mental state!!!

It is hard to stay constantly positive, but it wastes more energy to always worry about things. Being a normal woman of this world where "skinny is in," I worry about my weight, my appearance and then being an athlete, I worry about my training, my athletic performance, my nutrition…ya da ya da ya da So I worry about things on two different fronts! I don't like to admit this of course, because I guess I have grown up to always have self-confidence in myself, and if there is a time where I doubt, I feel somehow "weak" because I am questioning things, or being doubtful. I am not sure if this makes sense to anyone else but me, but bear with me….Generally I feel my attitude is pretty positive, but I think it is also important to "talk" about the times when I don't fell like that… because when I hear other people who worry like me, it makes me feel normal, makes me feel human! I hope to do the same for someone else…

Anyway…I find when I am constantly worrying about whatever it is I worry about; it is very draining! I am currently battling all of these negative thoughts and worries with more positive thoughts…I am finding it difficult though! I find myself stressing about food right now, worrying about whether or not I am eating the right things or not (what will make me fit etc…). I find myself worrying about whether or not I am training correctly, whether or not I am ready for my first qualifying race on the 21st…I worry about financing this running career….I worry, worry, worry and it doesn't bring me anything! My Conrad always tells me, "There's no point in worrying if there is nothing you can do about it." I am not always like this of course, or I would probably give myself migraines. But I am sure there are many other women and/or many athletes who do the same thing…who question themselves a lot. (Reminder to self: trust, trust, trust…training, coach, yourself). I really think it is a physical drain to be worrying all the time, so I am working on my mind right now, as well as my body of course! Train, train, train. Train both body and mind. I am a huge believer in mind and body harmony, as many of you know. One's mental attitude is so important, especially in this sport! (I am speaking from a distance runner's point of view, people!) When I talk about mental "health," I mean mental ATTITUDE. For positive things to occur, I have to stay positive. I find it helpful to make a DAILY effort not to worry! And by this I mean, I don't focus on the fact I shouldn't worry, but instead find positive and motivational things for me to concentrate on…whoa, that was redundant…I just mean I make a CONSCIOUS effort to stay mentally positive, just like I have to make a conscious effort to eat 3-5 servings of fruits and veggies a day! Hmmm, an example??? Instead of worrying about my race on the 21st and questioning myself about whether I am ready or not, I focus on the fact that I have been putting in a lot of hard work for the past couple months, and remind myself I am not going backwards in training! I guess I derive a lot of confidence off of good workouts, (I think a lot of people do) and being unable to gauge my workouts (because they have been unmeasured and on the roads), I keep questioning myself! So when I worry, I try to focus more on the big picture, instead of this one short "clip" in my running movie. I guess that is a good way to put it. A great big motion picture and this is only a little "picture," but a piece that is needed to make the big motion picture. Oh dear, I don't think I am making sense. Maybe I need to go to bed! What I mean, is that this little training cycle is only a little piece of a HUGE puzzle, and though it is needed, I have to see it for what it is, a piece, and not EVERYTHING, aka the whole puzzle. Surprise, surprise, Josi is rambling……….

Bottom Line. This is how I see it…
"Note to self: Don't place more importance on something than is necessary. Instead, focus on training smart during that time and being thankful that I can train, uninjured and really appreciate the time I spend running on these legs! Live this ONE day to the fullest and (forgive the Tshirt lingo) 'don't sweat the small stuff.' Focus on the good. FOCUS."

NEXT: January 14, 15 – Apparently I should be a marathoner...

PREVIOUS: January 9, 10 – Please don't needle me about this...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART ONE, AUG 20-DEC 31, 2005...