Destroy Yesterday T-Shirt Contest Winners Announced

Over 100 athletes nationwide entered the Nike/MileSplit Destroy Yesterday contest.  Their mission was to design a t-shirt using the "Nike Track & Field" and "Destroy Yesterday" logos to express their passion and interest in the sport.

The grand prize winner was selected by a panel of Nike representatives: Jarrod Lenfest of Windsor, Maine. He will receive a pair of the latest Nike +2 running shoes, 10 t-shirts with the winning design to give to family and friends, and his design will be printed on t-shirts available at the Nike Store in Oregon during the Nike Track Nationals and the USA Track and Field Championships, June 24-26.

Lenfest first saw the contest on Facebook and knew his design had to be something fresh and clean-looking like most Nike products he had seen before. After submitting two previous designs, it was his third one that was finally selected.

"They encouraged multiple entries, so I entered in every design I had. To be honest, I was just curious how many people would vote for the designs. I really had no serious thoughts that I would win. I am really glad that the last design was chosen. I spent the most time on it. As for my other designs, one was a runner in silhouette with "Destroy Yesterday" streaming behind him, and the other was almost graffiti like with the Destroy Yesterday logo."

He came up with his last entry (pictured right) in about two hours time. He explains his thoughts in the design process:

"I liked the green color of the logo, so I simply made that the dominant color. Black looked really nice with it. As for the ringer tee look, it looked aesthetically pleasing. I put all of the graphics on the front because I knew that it was a little bit more cost effective. I also didn't want to detract too much from the design as well."

Lenfest has dabbled in design work before, but has never participated in a t-shirt contest. When he first entered he thought he had no chance of winning, and when he found he had been chosen for the grand prize.... he was ecstatic.

"This is like the lottery to me. Running is my greatest passion in life, and to be a part of the Nike Nationals-- even if only for a t-shirt--makes me feel great. I would do this again in a heartbeat."

In addition to Lenfest 's design, over 16,000 votes were cast to determine a trio of fan favorites. The final three received more than 2,000 votes a piece and will receive a pair of the latest Nike +2 running shoes. Below are their designs and the number of votes they tallied.


Cody Girardeau, FL (2,278 votes)





Phillip Grothus, IA (2,224 votes)


Jeremy G., FL (2,067 votes)