Track Chats: Megan Goethals

Megan Goethals, Rochester MI, recently bullied her way into history, running an amazing solo-3200 in 10:00.15 for US#7 All-Time.  She continued through Two Miles for a US#2 All-Time run of 10:03.2h.  While impressive, her ultimate goal was sub-10, therefore she gets one more chance, the New Balance Nationals.  Read on to learn something you probably didn't know about the nations most humble distance ace...


To read all the TrackChat Interviews, click here  A 10:00 3200 has only been achieved by a few girls in prep history. When did you decide to go after this barrier?

Megan Goethals:  I decided that I wanted to make it my goal to break 10 after NIN this year. I ran 10:10 for the full 2mile there, and it really showed me what I was capable of on the track.
  What type of workouts and training did you do to prepare for that type of effort?

Megan Goethals:  I do about 60 miles every week. It includes one long run and 2-3 workouts each week, in addition to weight training. Usually, each week one of my workouts is my race, one is a medium workout, and the other is a 6000m workout. The 6000m workouts are the hardest and what the interval lengths are vary, but they always add up to 6000m.
  Did you have any doubts as the race progressed? What did you focus your mind on to keep going in a solo effort like that?

Megan Goethals:  Going into the race I was very confident in my training and was just really excited for it. Once I got to the line, that’s when the doubts started creeping in, but then once the gun went off, my doubts went away. It was hard to run at that pace alone, but I just focused on how badly I wanted to break ten. The crowd was awesome and that really kept me going.
  Has this performance changed what you will be trying to do at Nationals this year?

Megan Goethals:  Yes, originally I had planned on going for the 5k, but now I really want to do the 2mile. I have all of college to run the 5k, but this will be my last 2mile ever, and I want to be well under ten at it.
  What has been your most memorable race to date in your high school career? Why does this one stand out?

Megan Goethals:  I think the most memorable was definitely Midwest regional’s my junior year. The year before, I was 64thplace, but I had improved a lot that summer, and during the regular season, my coach said that he thought I could make it to nationals. I wanted to make it so bad, but really thought that the best I would do was 8thor 9thplace. When I got first place in the last few meters, it was like my wildest dream came true!
  What are some fond non-running memories from high school that you will carry with you as you graduate this year?

Megan Goethals:  I think that I will always remember the friends I made in high school. I became good friends with the swim team this year, and we ate lunch together every day. We had a lot of good times and I will remember them forever!
  What do you like to do with your time when you aren't competing or practicing? Hobbies? Activities with friends?

Megan Goethals:  I really like to be outside. I love to bike, read, walk my dog Dobie, and be with friends.
  When did you first get into running? Was there a particular event or person that influenced you?

Megan Goethals:  I started as a sprinter at a team through my church when I was in the 6thgrade. I did the 60m dash and thought I would die when they made us do a 2 lap warm-up. I started running distance when I was in the 8thgrade and my freshman year, I wanted to do basketball, but the cross country coach wanted me to try cross. I ended up doing both, and realized that I loved running, so I stopped playing basketball and committed to only running.
  What role models do you have in T&F? Why?

Megan Goethals:  I think that Sara and Ryan Hall are great role models. Not only are they great athletes, but they also help out a lot in the community. I love watching their interviews!
  Who do you look up to outside of T&F? Why?

Megan Goethals:  My parents because they are the hardest workers I have ever met. And they put up with me and my 3 siblings, which is saying a lot.
  If you allowed yourself to think ahead for the next several years, what would you like to accomplish in college? Beyond college?

Megan Goethals:  In college my ultimate goal is to help the team win a national championship, and to also win an individual championship. I hope to make the Olympic team one day also.
  You are joining the powerhouse program at U of Washington next year. What excites you most about this program? What are you most looking forward to about college life?

Megan Goethals:  I am sooo excited to become a Husky!! When I visited I loved the team and the Seattle area is beautiful! Obviously Coach Metcalf has been very successful, and I am very excited to run for him. The incoming freshmen are awesome and it will be nice to have so many girls to train with! I am really looking forward to living in Seattle and getting away from the Michigan winters!





Here are some quick-fire fun questions...

Favorite movie?
  Anything Will Ferrell. It’s between Elf and Blades of Glory.

Favorite quote?
  “Pressure is only the shadow of a great opportunity.”

Greatest American Idol ever?
  Carrie Underwood!!!

Pet peeve?
  When people nonstop complain!


If you were lost on a deserted island and could only bring one (non-life-essential) item what would it be?

A boat


To read all the TrackChat Interviews, click here