Cory recently caught up with Cuthbertson High School duo Killian Fahy and Reece Morgan, University of North Carolina sprint signees who are scheduled to compete at The VA Showcase. The North Carolina-based standouts say they're ready to make their mark this weekend.
"My mentality, honestly, is: Win. I know the guys in front of me. I just have to catch him. It's like dog chases the rabbit. You just have to catch him."
- Killian Fahy on the impending 300m at The VA Showcase
"It's a 300m. It's a full sprint the whole time. You don't have time to pace yourself or stride it out. You have to go out and get it. And you have to have that dog mentality. And I feel like I do."
- Reece Morgan, on that same race
Interview Segments:
- The expectations for 2023 with Killian & Reece [1:20]
- Possible reasons for big improvement this indoor season [3:15]
- Killian discusses his early 500m success [4:20]
- Reece discusses his improvement in the 300m [5:20]
- Strategizing about competing against the best [6:10]
- The guys talk about the team's 4x400 hopes [8:10]
- On the potential of going after state records [10:00]
- The best formula for a mixed 4x4 [12:05]
- The guys talk about their signings with UNC [13:00]
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