August 1 - 13

On vaca with Ueli in Luzern

Tuesday – August 1, 2006
Training: 60 minutes
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles

Week Total: 15.5 miles
Where: Thun, along the good ol' Aare again
Weather: humid, cool
Details: Along the Aare with Ueli…we have a week's "vacation." AKA, light training, light workouts.

Switzerland 's National Holiday!!!
Lots of fireworks will be set off today as it is our National Holiday. I am going to Bern to watch the fireworks tonight! Yaaay! J It's not the same spectacle as the 4th of July, but remember, we are only the size of New Jersey and a half! Even though there's not much overblown spectacle for the holiday, Swiss Pride is all around with every house displaying Swiss Flags and County flags and then every main mountain will have a bonfire all around Switzerland. Oh yeah, and I forgot to go grocery shopping yesterday and there weren't any 24 hour stores open. Hahaha.

Wednesday – August 2, 2006
Training: 60 minutes
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles
Week Total: 24 miles
Where: along the Aare again
Weather: warm
Details: With Ueli againJ It's nice to have a training partner since mine is still in an what appears to be "overtraining" stage…

Thursday .. August 3, 2006
Training: 20 minutes warm up, 5x700 meter hill workout, 10 minute cool down
Day Mileage: 8 miles
Week Total: 32 miles
Where: Spiez
Weather: rainy, cool
Details: Crappy workout.
It's said that between 3 and 7 days are bad days when you come down from elevation so I can't wait until this phase is over. I have been so tired every day and it's been tough to recover, but I just have to give it some time.

Friday – August 4th, 2006
Training: 60 minutes
Day Mileage: 8 miles
Week Total: 40 miles
Where: Wolhusen
Weather: cool and rainy
Details: Hilly run again!

Saturday .. August 5, 2006
Training: 20 minutes warm up, 2x1000, 5x200meters, 15 minutes cool down
Day Mileage: 7.5 miles
Week Total: 47.5 miles
Where: Notwil
Weather: cool and rainy
Details: Didn't feel great today!!! But at least I didn't have to warm up and cool down alone. J Thanks to Ueli, Stevi, and HP!!!
Rainy today!!!!!!! Poured down in buckets and we were soaked!

Sunday – August 6, 2006
Training: day off
Day Mileage: none
Week Total: 47.5 miles
My next track race is a 3k on Wednesday night…I hope I won't be so tired!!!

Monday .. August 7, 2006
Training: 40 minutes
Day Mileage: 5.5 miles
Week Total: 5.5 miles
Where: Steffisburg
Weather: not summer
Details: Last low mileage week before I pop up again…

Tuesday .. August 8, 2006
Training: 30 minutes and strides
Day Mileage: 4 miles
Week Total: 9 miles
Where: Steffisburg
Weather: still not summer
Details: Felt okay…a bit sore.

Took 2nd in a 3K in my lucky NC State uniform (photo by HP ROOS)

Wednesday .. August 9, 2006
Training: 10 min jog in the morning
20 minutes warm up
10 minute cool down
Day Mileage: 7 miles
Week Total: 16 miles
Where: Langenthal
Weather: cool
Details: felt like poop.

Thursday – August 10, 2006 – My sister Eve's birthday!!!!
Training: 45 minutes
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 22 miles
Where: Wolhusen with Stevi and Ueli
Weather: cool and rainy…where is summer…Switzerland skipped both spring and summer…what's the deal…
Details: felt like poop again.

Friday .. August 11, 2006
Training: 25 minutes
Day Mileage: 3 miles
Week Total: 25 miles
Where: Wolhusen
Weather: crappy and cold
Details: felt like a step better than poop today…so at least there's an improvement…

Saturday – August 12, 2006 Road Race
Training: 20 minutes warm up, 10k race, 10 minutes cool down
Day Mileage: 10 miles
Week Total: 35 miles
Where: Münsingen
Weather: cool, partly cloudy
Details: Road Race. Placed 2nd behind one of my teammates from Thun All-Blacks

Sunday .. August 13, 2006
We just got information about the cross country season and I am pumped!! Cross has always been one of my strengths and this year official distance for women is moving up to 8k!!! Sweeeet! Longer is good for me since a 5k feels like a sprint to me now! Haha. Okay, maybe not that extreme, but I definitely feel confident I will have more success this year. I am taking a week off this coming week and then building up my mileage again for the 10k road Swiss Championships at the end of September and then for my half marathon in October and on to cross country in November!!! School starts in October as well and I am THRILLED! I am excited to get back into the old study and run routine!

NEXT: August 14, 15, 16, 17 – Keeping the dream alive...

PREVIOUS: July 15 - 31 – Feeling the heat in Switzerland...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...