Roswell-Chattahoochee Dual 2011

Roswell, GA

Boys and Girls - Results

Licensed to Perfect Timing Group - Contractor License
                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/3/2011 08:54 PM
                     Roswell-Chattahoochee Dual - 3/3/2011                     
                           Roswell HS, Roswell, Ga.                            
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Garvin, Caroline             Roswell High             13.63   3   5   
  2 Daniels, Morgan              Chattahooche             13.98   3   3   
  3 Daniel, Hailey               Roswell High             14.55   3   1   
  4 Gregory, Lexi                Chattahooche             14.77   3 
  5 Escamilla, Britany           Chattahooche             14.82   2 
  6 Jennette, Libby              Chattahooche             15.21   1 
  7 Larocque-harris, Zana        Roswell High             15.40   1 
  8 Mason, Michaela              Chattahooche             15.50   3 
  9 Johns, Raven                 Roswell High             15.53   1 
 10 Sanders, Nia                 Roswell High             15.64   2 
 11 Freeman, Holly               Chattahooche             16.11   3 
 12 Addo, Stephanie              Chattahooche             16.17   2 
 13 Foster, Candace              Chattahooche             16.24   3 
 14 Wagenbrenner, Shannon        Roswell High             16.60   2 
 15 Leal, Taryn                  Roswell High             16.97   2 
 16 Tela, Tatenna                Chattahooche             17.17   2 
 17 Taylor, Acacia               Chattahooche             17.22   1 
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Hart, Trey                   Chattahooche             11.78   4   5   
  2 Duarte, Joseph               Chattahooche             11.97   4   3   
  3 Hearn, Josh                  Chattahooche             12.03   2   1   
  4 Gant, Ryan                   Roswell High             12.14   3 
  5 Garris, Isaiah               Roswell High             12.25   4 
  6 Hazelton, James              Chattahooche             12.27   4 
  7 Schachter, Ido               Chattahooche             12.29   4 
  8 Banks, Noah                  Chattahooche             12.39   3 
  9 Scott, Toby                  Roswell High             12.46   2 
 10 Jones, Sam                   Roswell High             12.48   4 
 11 Smith, Jaran                 Chattahooche             12.65   2 
 12 Hazelton, Chaunce            Chattahooche             12.67   3 
 13 Fullerton, Steve             Chattahooche             12.78   3 
 14 Goldmon, Hank                Chattahooche             12.79   3 
 15 Hughes, Kalon                Roswell High             12.92   1 
 16 Dismuke, Damieon             Roswell High             12.95   2 
 17 Delphin, Richard             Roswell High             13.05   1 
 18 Clay, Joel                   Chattahooche             13.30   1 
 19 Wong, Damion                 Chattahooche             13.42   1 
 20 Uddin, Shadman               Roswell High             13.44   2 
 21 Washington, Jonmarc          Chattahooche             13.47   2 
 22 Hill, Myles                  Chattahooche             13.49   3 
 23 Murray, Colten               Roswell High             13.57   2 
 24 Lahatte, Jason               Roswell High             13.65   1 
 25 Butters, Christopher         Roswell High             13.95   2 
 26 Guagliardo, Nicolas          Roswell High             15.38   3 
 27 Shapiro, Joshua              Chattahooche             15.94   3 
 28 Hazelton, Justin             Chattahooche             17.38   1 
Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lewis, Amber                 Roswell High             15.51    5   
  2 McClimon, Sara               Roswell High             17.97    3   
  3 Rodriguez, Angelica          Roswell High             20.07    1   
  4 Stonecipher, Haley           Roswell High             23.68  
  5 Limyansky, Hope              Chattahooche             24.75  
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Robinson, Andre              Roswell High             15.46   2   5   
  2 Ramirez, Damien              Roswell High             17.74   2   3   
  3 Hensley, Austin              Roswell High             18.83   1   1   
  4 Ryan, Ellis                  Roswell High             20.12   1 
  5 Banks, Najee                 Chattahooche             20.58   2 
  6 Windsor, Austin              Roswell High             20.61   2 
  7 Melkote, Aditya              Roswell High             21.15   1 
  8 Goldmon, Hank                Chattahooche             22.47   2 
  9 White, Zach                  Roswell High             22.67   2 
Event 5  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Parks, Taaj                  Roswell High           6:40.13    5   
  2 Dawson, Kelsey               Roswell High           6:43.03    3   
  3 Elliot, Shelby               Chattahooche           6:43.29    1   
  4 Smith, Erin                  Chattahooche           6:45.13  
  5 Wolf, Alex                   Roswell High           6:45.53  
  6 Dou, Michelle                Chattahooche           6:55.17  
Event 6  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Teeling, Colin               Roswell High           5:13.56    5   
  2 Haley, Darrin                Chattahooche           5:20.82    3   
  3 Montes, Ernesto              Roswell High           5:36.88    1   
  4 Roby, Spencer                Roswell High           5:40.61  
  5 Smith, Hunter                Chattahooche           5:42.79  
  6 Crooks, Sean                 Chattahooche           5:45.75  
  7 Weber, Jacob                 Roswell High           5:52.85  
  8 Mcelvaney, Kieran            Roswell High           6:15.73  
  9 Ratzlaff, Andrew             Roswell High           6:26.43  
 10 Kim, Richard                 Chattahooche           6:29.17  
 11 Munari, Jason                Chattahooche           6:38.18  
 12 Swearinger, Chase            Roswell High           6:39.16  
Event 7  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Garvin, Caroline             Roswell High             28.39   3   5   
  2 Daniels, Morgan              Chattahooche             29.31   3   2   
  2 Sauder, Lexy                 Roswell High             29.31   1   2   
  4 Hensley, Kayla               Roswell High             29.49   2 
  5 Gregory, Lexi                Chattahooche             29.95   3 
  6 Briggs, Caitlin              Roswell High             30.03   2 
  7 Odell, Chloe                 Roswell High             30.15   3 
  8 Escamilla, Britany           Chattahooche             30.24   2 
  9 Daniel, Hailey               Roswell High             30.31   3 
 10 Floyd, Madison               Chattahooche             31.68   1 
 11 Larocque-harris, Zana        Roswell High             32.20   2 
 12 Freeman, Holly               Chattahooche             33.39   2 
 13 Addo, Stephanie              Chattahooche             33.68   3 
 14 Foster, Candace              Chattahooche             34.48   3 
 15 Wagenbrenner, Shannon        Roswell High             34.54   2 
 16 Leal, Taryn                  Roswell High             34.58   2 
 17 Rodriguez, Neidy             Roswell High             36.67   1 
Event 8  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Gant, Ryan                   Roswell High             24.37   1   5   
  2 Finn, Jake                   Roswell High             24.56   4   3   
  3 Garris, Isaiah               Roswell High             25.11   4   1   
  4 Smith, Jaran                 Chattahooche             25.37   3 
  5 Scott, Toby                  Roswell High             25.92   3 
  6 Rodriguez, Michael           Roswell High             26.01   4 
  7 Oster, Conley                Roswell High             26.19   1 
  8 Adams, Ross                  Roswell High             26.28   1 
  9 Mundkur, Rohan               Roswell High             26.49   4 
 10 Dismuke, Damieon             Roswell High             26.59   3 
 11 Baker, Keraun                Chattahooche             26.64   2 
 12 McRay, Nevin                 Roswell High             26.76   2 
 13 Andrews, James               Roswell High             26.87   2 
 14 Goldmon, Hank                Chattahooche             26.88   1 
 15 Murray, Colten               Roswell High             27.60   4 
 16 Washington, Jonmarc          Chattahooche             27.96   2 
 17 Valles, Andre                Roswell High             28.34   3 
 18 Uddin, Shadman               Roswell High             28.39   3 
 19 Green, Taylor                Roswell High             28.99   2 
 20 Ball Jr., Patrick            Roswell High             29.01   2 
 21 Butters, Christopher         Roswell High             29.73   2 
 22 Guagliardo, Nicolas          Roswell High             32.58   3 
 23 Hill, Myles                  Chattahooche             33.37   1 
Event 9  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kunze, Andrea                Chattahooche          13:36.50    5   
  2 Chavis, Symone               Chattahooche          13:41.50    3   
Event 10  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Mckemey, Daniel              Chattahooche          11:36.51    5   
  2 Roby, Spencer                Roswell High          12:20.09    3   
  3 Weber, Jacob                 Roswell High          12:22.72    1   
  4 Mcelvaney, Kieran            Roswell High          13:13.27  
  5 Ratzlaff, Andrew             Roswell High          13:45.47  
Event 11  Girls 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Greer, Anne                  Roswell High           1:04.42   2   5   
  2 McCarty, Grace               Roswell High           1:06.32   2   3   
  3 Sauder, Lexy                 Roswell High           1:06.82   2   1   
  4 Hensley, Kayla               Roswell High           1:09.41   1 
  5 White, Mary                  Roswell High           1:12.87   1 
  6 Lyden, Ellie                 Roswell High           1:14.23   2 
  7 Clarke, Madison              Chattahooche           1:17.85   2 
  8 Larocque-harris, Nadine      Roswell High           1:21.56   1 
Event 12  Boys 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Marshall, Travis             Chattahooche             52.10   1   5   
  2 Erickson, Austin             Chattahooche             53.12   3   3   
  3 Garner, Jonathan             Roswell High             53.13   3   1   
  4 Holland, Payton              Chattahooche             55.05   3 
  5 Finn, Jake                   Roswell High             55.40   1 
  6 Evans, Madison               Roswell High             55.60   2 
  7 Meier, Daniel                Roswell High             56.13   3 
  8 Sawyer, Drew                 Roswell High             56.27   3 
  9 Hayden, Josh                 Roswell High             56.67   2 
 10 Nicklin, Brandon             Roswell High             58.08   1 
 11 Sodo, Demitrick              Roswell High             58.17   2 
 12 Beidel, Grant                Roswell High             58.52   3 
 13 Wong, Damion                 Chattahooche             59.16   3 
 14 Whitt, Tyler                 Roswell High             59.54   1 
 15 Oster, Conley                Roswell High             59.91   2 
 16 Hornsby, Luke                Roswell High           1:00.52   1 
 17 Uddin, sayar                 Roswell High           1:00.66   1 
 18 Diehl, Tyler                 Roswell High           1:03.48   2 
 19 Nardone, Grayson             Roswell High           1:07.85   2 
 20 Evert, Stephan               Roswell High           1:08.29   2 
Event 13  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Parks, Taaj                  Roswell High           3:01.65    5   
  2 Wolf, Alex                   Roswell High           3:03.65    3   
  3 Craddock, Claire             Chattahooche           3:05.67    1   
  4 Dawson, Kelsey               Roswell High           3:08.58  
  5 Elliot, Shelby               Chattahooche           3:08.79  
  6 Arnson, Carrie               Chattahooche           3:17.75  
  7 Odom, Emily                  Chattahooche           3:23.55  
  8 Howard, Savannah             Chattahooche           3:23.69  
  9 Denina, Aimee                Chattahooche           3:25.82  
 10 Chu, Isabelle                Chattahooche           3:40.43  
 11 To, Elizabeth                Chattahooche           4:06.10  
Event 14  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Teeling, Colin               Roswell High           2:12.90    5   
  2 Lofton, Sean                 Roswell High           2:15.98    3   
  3 Myers, Ian                   Chattahooche           2:21.71    1   
  4 Hemingway, Jake              Chattahooche           2:21.73  
  5 Skop, Kai                    Chattahooche           2:22.13  
  6 Winkler, John                Roswell High           2:25.35  
  7 Haley, Patrick               Chattahooche           2:25.81  
  8 Holland, Payton              Chattahooche           2:32.26  
  9 Montes, Ernesto              Roswell High           2:32.90  
 10 Tolbert, Nick                Roswell High           2:38.32  
 11 Swearinger, Chase            Roswell High           3:00.70  
Event 15  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lindsey, Natalie             Roswell High             65-06    5   
  2 Johns, Raven                 Roswell High             65-02    3   
  3 Sweet, Mallory               Roswell High             64-06    1   
  4 Sanders, Nia                 Roswell High             62-09  
  5 Howard, Savannah             Chattahooche             47-08  
  5 Monago, Christobel           Chattahooche             47-08  
  7 Irvin, Aleah                 Roswell High             33-03  
Event 16  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dixon, Barron                Chattahooche            124-05    5   
  2 Green, Taylor                Roswell High            121-09    3   
  3 Mills, Matt                  Chattahooche            119-07    1   
  4 Delphin, Richard             Roswell High             87-09  
  5 Pace, Connor                 Roswell High             78-09  
  6 Risman, Alex                 Chattahooche             72-06  
  7 Washington, Jonmarc          Chattahooche             68-06  
  8 Hughes, Kalon                Roswell High             64-10  
  9 Perez, David                 Chattahooche             63-08  
 10 Hazelton, Justin             Chattahooche             63-00  
 11 Green, Josh                  Chattahooche             49-06  
 12 Shapiro, Joshua              Chattahooche             37-06  
Event 17  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Gregory, Lexi                Chattahooche           4-10.00    5   
  2 Lewis, Amber                 Roswell High           4-08.00    3   
  3 Heitzman, Amber              Roswell High           4-06.00    1   
  4 Mason, Michaela              Chattahooche           4-02.00  
 -- Limyansky, Hope              Chattahooche                NH  
Event 18  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Beidel, Grant                Roswell High           5-02.00    4   
  1 Evans, Madison               Roswell High           5-02.00    4   
  3 Sodo, Demitrick              Roswell High           5-00.00    0.33
  3 Nicklin, Brandon             Roswell High           5-00.00    0.33
  3 Arowoselu, Bernard           Roswell High           5-00.00    0.33
 -- Nardone, Grayson             Roswell High                NH  
Event 19  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Greer, Anne                  Roswell High           8-06.00    5   
  2 Craddock, Claire             Chattahooche           6-06.00    2   
  2 Odell, Chloe                 Roswell High           6-06.00    2   
  4 Garvin, Caroline             Roswell High           6-00.00  
 -- Deshe, Galit                 Chattahooche                NH  
 -- Arnson, Carrie               Chattahooche                NH  
 -- Howard, Savannah             Chattahooche                NH  
Event 20  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Robinson, Andre              Roswell High          12-00.00    5   
  2 Rodriguez, Michael           Roswell High          10-06.00    3   
  3 Lahatte, Jason               Roswell High           9-06.00    0.50
  3 Cowart, Sam                  Roswell High           9-06.00    0.50
  5 Crooks, Sean                 Chattahooche           7-00.00  
 -- Fullerton, Steve             Chattahooche                NH  
 -- Mundkur, Rohan               Roswell High                NH  
Event 21  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Johns, Raven                 Roswell High          27-01.00    5   
  2 Sanders, Nia                 Roswell High          24-08.00    3   
  3 Monago, Christobel           Chattahooche          20-07.00    1   
  4 Lindsey, Natalie             Roswell High          20-04.00  
  5 Irvin, Aleah                 Roswell High          19-00.00  
  6 Bershader, Nicole            Roswell High          18-07.00  
  7 Sweet, Mallory               Roswell High          18-06.00  
Event 22  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hazelton, James              Chattahooche          43-00.00    5   
  2 Dixon, Barron                Chattahooche          39-09.00    3   
  3 Green, Taylor                Roswell High          37-08.00    1   
  4 Mills, Matt                  Chattahooche          36-08.00  
  5 Risman, Alex                 Chattahooche          33-06.00  
  6 Pace, Connor                 Roswell High          32-00.00  
  7 Hughes, Kalon                Roswell High          28-09.00  
  8 Delphin, Richard             Roswell High          28-06.00  
  9 Green, Josh                  Chattahooche          26-04.00  
 10 Perez, David                 Chattahooche          25-00.00  
 11 Hazelton, Justin             Chattahooche          22-01.00  
 12 Shapiro, Joshua              Chattahooche          14-01.00  
Event 23  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Flagg, Kathleen              Chattahooche          31-06.00    5   
  2 Briggs, Caitlin              Roswell High          30-07.50    3   
  3 Escamilla, Britany           Chattahooche          27-04.00    1   
Event 24  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ikpefan, Obos                Roswell High          42-11.00    5   
  2 Duarte, Joseph               Chattahooche          40-00.50    3   
  3 Finn, Jake                   Roswell High          38-02.00    1   
  4 Evans, Madison               Roswell High          37-07.00  
  5 Gant, Ryan                   Roswell High          37-05.50  
  6 Beidel, Grant                Roswell High          37-00.50  
  7 Hornsby, Luke                Roswell High          36-07.00  
  8 Arowoselu, Bernard           Roswell High          36-02.00  
  9 McRay, Nevin                 Roswell High          34-00.00  
Event 25  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Roswell High School  'A'                              51.89    5   
  2 Roswell High School  'B'                              55.07    3   
  3 Chattahoochee High School  'A'                        55.46  
     1) Gregory, Lexi                   2) Belk, Jessica                  
     3) Daniels, Morgan                 4) Jennette, Libby                
  4 Chattahoochee High School  'B'                        59.84  
     1) Flagg, Kathleen                 2) Freeman, Holly                 
     3) Addo, Stephanie                 4) Escamilla, Britany             
  5 Chattahoochee High School  'C'                      1:01.91  
     1) Floyd, Madison                  2) Foster, Candace                
     3) Taylor, Acacia                  4) Tela, Tatenna                  
Event 26  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Roswell High School  'A'                              44.10    5   
  2 Roswell High School  'B'                              46.45    3   
  3 Chattahoochee High School  'B'                        47.40  
     1) Hazelton, James                 2) Schachter, Ido                 
     3) Clay, Joel                      4) Hansbrough, Warren             
  4 Roswell High School  'C'                              47.84  
  5 Chattahoochee High School  'C'                        50.91  
     1) Fullerton, Steve                2) Hill, Myles                    
     3) Hazelton, Chaunce               4) Smith, Jaran                   
 -- Roswell High School  'D'                                DNF  
 -- Chattahoochee High School  'A'                           DQ  
     1) Marshall, Travis                2) Duarte, Joseph                 
     3) Hart, Trey                      4) Hearn, Josh                    
Event 27  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Chattahoochee High School  'A'                      4:53.29    5   
     1) Flagg, Kathleen                 2) Craddock, Claire               
     3) Clarke, Madison                 4) Daniels, Morgan                
  2 Roswell High School  'A'                            4:55.68    3   
  3 Roswell High School  'B'                            4:56.46  
Event 28  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Roswell High School  'A'                            4:03.10    5   
  2 Roswell High School  'B'                            4:03.82    3   
  3 Chattahoochee High School  'A'                      4:07.47  
     1) Haley, Patrick                  2) Goldmon, Hank                  
     3) Hazelton, Chaunce               4) Smith, Jaran                   
  4 Roswell High School  'C'                            4:08.85  
  5 Roswell High School  'D'                            4:23.95  
  6 Chattahoochee High School  'B'                      4:30.73  
     1) Skop, Kai                       2) Schachter, Ido                 
     3) Myers, Ian                      4) Hill, Myles                    
Event 29  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lewis, Amber                 Roswell High             48.33    5   
  2 McClimon, Sara               Roswell High             53.54    3   
  3 Sanders, Jessica             Roswell High             54.39    1   
  4 Rodriguez, Angelica          Roswell High             57.11  
  5 Heitzman, Amber              Roswell High             58.37  
  6 Flagg, Kathleen              Chattahooche             59.72  
  7 Stonecipher, Haley           Roswell High           1:03.19  
  8 Belk, Jessica                Chattahooche           1:03.74  
Event 30  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Robinson, Andre              Roswell High             43.56   2   5   
  2 Ramirez, Damien              Roswell High             44.17   2   3   
  3 Banks, Noah                  Chattahooche             46.45   2   1   
  4 Hensley, Austin              Roswell High             48.04   1 
  5 Hearn, Josh                  Chattahooche             48.11   2 
  6 Windsor, Austin              Roswell High             49.09   1 
  7 Ventre, Tim                  Roswell High             49.33   2 
  8 Melkote, Aditya              Roswell High             49.89   2 
  9 Banks, Najee                 Chattahooche             50.09   1 
 10 Ryan, Ellis                  Roswell High             50.54   1 
 11 Key, Damion                  Chattahooche             51.55   1 
Event 31  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Sanders, Jessica             Roswell High          15-04.50    5   
  2 Briggs, Caitlin              Roswell High          14-05.00    3   
  3 Belk, Jessica                Chattahooche          14-04.00    1   
  4 McCarty, Grace               Roswell High          13-07.00  
Event 32  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ikpefan, Obos                Roswell High          20-09.50    5   
  2 Duarte, Joseph               Chattahooche          19-04.50    3   
  3 Garris, Isaiah               Roswell High          18-11.00    1   
  4 Jones, Sam                   Roswell High          18-01.00  
  4 Koehler, James               Roswell High          18-01.00  
  6 Scott, Toby                  Roswell High          16-09.00  
  7 Whitt, Tyler                 Roswell High          16-04.50  
  8 Hearn, Josh                  Chattahooche          15-10.00  
  8 Adams, Ross                  Roswell High          15-10.00  
 10 Hansbrough, Warren           Chattahooche          15-01.50  
 11 Clay, Joel                   Chattahooche          15-01.00  
 12 Hazelton, Chaunce            Chattahooche          14-07.50  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Roswell High School        106        2) Chattahoochee High School  35   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Roswell High School         95        2) Chattahoochee High School  47