IHSAA Ben Davis XC Sectional 2009

Indianapolis, IN

Varsity Boys 5K

                      2009 BEN DAVIS XC SECTIONAL * BOYS

                               BOYS' TEAM RESULTS

  1. Ben Davis                 
            1    2    4   10   14  (22) (28) =    31
         Traishaun Johnson, Amanuel Medhane, Luke Brahm, Lucas Thomas,
         Dominique Brooks, Esteban Alberto, Joshua R. Williams
  2. Perry Meridian            
            3    7   12   13   15  (19) (29) =    50
         Casey Rohl, Steven Eakle, Ryan Spears, Daniel Swem, Brian Clark, Matt
         Terlep, Joel Petersen
  3. Pike                      
            6   11   16   17   18  (20) (23) =    68
         Brian Jett, Andrew Schaeffer, Nilay Patel, Andrew Wilkey, Nathan
         Lambert/cheatham, Samuel Tebeje, Logan Jones
  4. Southport                 
            9   21   26   27   33  (36) (42) =   116
         Lance Nelson, Jake Hally, Stephen Gearhart, Corey Jones, Stephen
         Morris, John Cary, Jack Thompson
  5. Decatur Central           
            5   24   25   30   35  (39) (47) =   119
         Chris Corsaro, Carlos Gonzalez, Jeremy Gary, Cal Bradford, Nathan
         Randall, Lee Steffy, Kenneth Collins
  6. Speedway                  
            8   31   32   48   50  (52) (60) =   169
         Jacob Fisher, Tyree Byrd, Andrew Charboneau, Patrick Tiffany, Dylan
         Kalnajs, Samuel Scott, Michael Watts
  7. International School Of In
           34   38   40   41   43  (56)      =   196
         Nick Calderon, Graham Jones, Evan Seifert, Rusty Umble, Alex Chabraja,
         Alex Gray
  8. Covenant Christian (indpls
           37   45   51   57   63            =   253
         Robert Carmer, Ryan Donovan, Joel Clanton, Evan Moore, James Stern
  9. Indpls. Cardinal Ritter   
           46   53   54   58   59  (62) (64) =   270
         Taylor Schepers, Adam Essex, Alex Legge, Ross Fennimore, Peter Conerty,
         Rod Frierson, Garrett Roach
 10. Indpls. Crispus Attucks   
           44   49   55   61   65  (66)      =   274
         Robert Hawthorne, Terwayne Esco, Keith Thacker, Charles Hawthorne,
         Nick Byrdo, Jamil Buchanan

                                  Ben Davis Sectional 2009

                                       October 13, 2009

                                        **** Boys ****

Boys 5000 Meter Run

    Place TmPl Name                          School                     Grade Time    Pace  
    ===== ==== ============================= ========================== ===== ======= ===== 
        1    1 Traishaun Johnson             Ben Davis                  12      16:20  5:16 
        2    2 Amanuel Medhane               Ben Davis                  12      16:32  5:20 
        3    3 Casey Rohl                    Perry Meridian             10      16:38  5:22 
        4    4 Luke Brahm                    Ben Davis                  10      16:40  5:23 
        5    5 Chris Corsaro                 Decatur Central            12      16:43  5:24 
        6    6 Brian Jett                    Pike                       11      16:44  5:24 
        7    7 Steven Eakle                  Perry Meridian             12      16:46  5:25 
        8    8 Jacob Fisher                  Speedway                   12      16:47  5:25 
        9    9 Lance Nelson                  Southport                  12      16:49  5:26 
       10   10 Lucas Thomas                  Ben Davis                  12      16:56  5:28 
       11   11 Andrew Schaeffer              Pike                       12      17:00  5:29 
       12   12 Ryan Spears                   Perry Meridian             12      17:14  5:34 
       13   13 Daniel Swem                   Perry Meridian             10      17:15  5:34 
       14   14 Dominique Brooks              Ben Davis                  11      17:15  5:34 
       15   15 Brian Clark                   Perry Meridian             11      17:17  5:35 
       16   16 Nilay Patel                   Pike                       12      17:19  5:35 
       17   17 Andrew Wilkey                 Pike                       11      17:20  5:36 
       18   18 Nathan Lambert/cheatham       Pike                       11      17:22  5:37 
       19   19 Matt Terlep                   Perry Meridian             11      17:27  5:38 
       20   20 Samuel Tebeje                 Pike                       9       17:31  5:39 
       21   21 Jake Hally                    Southport                  9       17:33  5:40 
       22   22 Esteban Alberto               Ben Davis                  12      17:41  5:43 
       23   23 Logan Jones                   Pike                       11      17:43  5:43 
       24   24 Carlos Gonzalez               Decatur Central            12      17:48  5:45 
       25   25 Jeremy Gary                   Decatur Central            12      17:48  5:45 
       26   26 Stephen Gearhart              Southport                  11      17:53  5:46 
       27   27 Corey Jones                   Southport                  12      17:56  5:48 
       28   28 Joshua R. Williams            Ben Davis                  12      17:58  5:48 
       29   29 Joel Petersen                 Perry Meridian             12      18:02  5:49 
       30   30 Cal Bradford                  Decatur Central            11      18:13  5:53 
       31   31 Tyree Byrd                    Speedway                   10      18:19  5:55 
       32   32 Andrew Charboneau             Speedway                   11      18:21  5:55 
       33   33 Stephen Morris                Southport                  10      18:24  5:56 
       34   34 Nick Calderon                 International School Of In 12      18:29  5:58 
       35   35 Nathan Randall                Decatur Central            10      18:31  5:59 
       36   36 John Cary                     Southport                  12      18:34  6:00 
       37   37 Robert Carmer                 Covenant Christian (indpls 11      18:37  6:01 
       38   38 Graham Jones                  International School Of In 11      18:41  6:02 
       39   39 Lee Steffy                    Decatur Central            12      18:44  6:03 
       40   40 Evan Seifert                  International School Of In 10      18:46  6:04 
       41   41 Rusty Umble                   International School Of In 11      18:50  6:05 
       42   42 Jack Thompson                 Southport                  11      18:51  6:05 
       43   43 Alex Chabraja                 International School Of In 9       19:03  6:09 
       44   44 Robert Hawthorne              Indpls. Crispus Attucks    11      19:35  6:19 
       45   45 Ryan Donovan                  Covenant Christian (indpls 11      19:36  6:20 
       46   46 Taylor Schepers               Indpls. Cardinal Ritter    9       19:42  6:22 
       47   47 Kenneth Collins               Decatur Central            9       19:46  6:23 
       48   48 Patrick Tiffany               Speedway                   10      19:46  6:23 
       49   49 Terwayne Esco                 Indpls. Crispus Attucks    11      19:47  6:23 
       50   50 Dylan Kalnajs                 Speedway                   11      19:59  6:27 
       51      Maurice Sims                  Indpls. Northwest          12      20:28  6:37 
       52   51 Joel Clanton                  Covenant Christian (indpls 11      20:42  6:41 
       53   52 Samuel Scott                  Speedway                   9       20:42  6:41 
       54   53 Adam Essex                    Indpls. Cardinal Ritter    10      20:52  6:44 
       55   54 Alex Legge                    Indpls. Cardinal Ritter    11      21:03  6:48 
       56      Taylor Eldridge               Indpls. Northwest          11      21:37  6:59 
       57      Lonnie McElwain               Indpls. Northwest          11      21:37  6:59 
       58   55 Keith Thacker                 Indpls. Crispus Attucks    12      21:45  7:01 
       59      Cody McFarland                Indpls. Emmerich Manual    11      21:46  7:02 
       60   56 Alex Gray                     International School Of In 12      22:15  7:11 
       61   57 Evan Moore                    Covenant Christian (indpls 9       22:29  7:16 
       62   58 Ross Fennimore                Indpls. Cardinal Ritter    10      22:38  7:18 
       63   59 Peter Conerty                 Indpls. Cardinal Ritter    11      22:54  7:24 
       64   60 Michael Watts                 Speedway                   11      23:28  7:34 
       65      Zach Storrs                   Indpls. Emmerich Manual    12      24:11  7:49 
       66      Michael Brown                 Indpls. Northwest          9       25:14  8:09 
       67   61 Charles Hawthorne             Indpls. Crispus Attucks    9       25:15  8:09 
       68   62 Rod Frierson                  Indpls. Cardinal Ritter    11      25:28  8:13 
       69   63 James Stern                   Covenant Christian (indpls 11      25:35  8:15 
       70   64 Garrett Roach                 Indpls. Cardinal Ritter    12      25:37  8:16 
       71   65 Nick Byrdo                    Indpls. Crispus Attucks    12      25:49  8:20 
       72   66 Jamil Buchanan                Indpls. Crispus Attucks    11      25:59  8:23 
       73      Yovani Navarrete              Indpls. Emmerich Manual    9       26:16  8:29 
       74      Marcus Akins                  Indpls. Emmerich Manual    11      27:30  8:53