Rocky Ford Invitational 2024

Rocky Ford, CO

Meet Information

Rocky Ford High School Track Invitational

Friday, April 28, 2023

Meet Director: Sean McNames, 719-254-7431

This is a CHSAA State Qualifying Meet.All NFHS and

CHSAA Track and Field rules apply.

Meet password  for Milesplit: meloneer2024

April 28, coaches meeting at 8:00 am in school foyer.Any scratches may occur at this time.We will not allow additions at this point.

Three entries per event and one entry per relay.

 Cost for event:

$150.00 per team or $250.00 for both girls and boys.Individual athletes are $15.00

Concessions will be provided under the grand stands.

 We will score the top eight places, Individual scoring: 10-8- 6-5-4-3-2-1 Relay scoring: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1

 Preliminaries-Shot, Discus, Long and Triple Jump, top seven will advance to the finals. All jumps and throws will be measured. We will provide all implements for the contest. Please leave your implements home.  will use two discus rings and two shot put rings. We will measure all throws except any throws shorter than the minimum distance line. If all 3 throws are shorter than the minimum distance line then we will measure the  last throw.

Minimums:  Shot - Boys 35 / girls 25  Discus -  Boys 70 / girls 50

High Jump will begin at 4' for girls and 5' for boys.


For purposes of risk management, warm-ups in a field event may not take place until the venue is declared open and required supervision is in place. For further risk minimization for athletes, spectators and officials involved in the event, athletes should be prohibited from picking up an implement and doing turns while other competitors are completing their throws or using the runway during the competition unless they have been called for their attempt.

 Coach's boxes- For all jumps and running events coaches must remain in the designated boxes in the end zones. Coach's boxes for the shot and discus will be designated at the coaches meeting. The use of electronic equipment in this area will be permitted in these areas with the exception of the finish line. That part of the end zone will be marked off and OFF limits. A violation will result in an event disqualification.

 Team Camps-Camps may be set up on grass in ji front of school, behind the grandstands or on the west side of the football field. No camps on the infield of either football fields.

 Relay and Jump markings-Competitors will be allowed to use athletic tape or tennis balls for the long jump, triple jump, high jump and relay exchange markings.

 Warm up area-Only competitors in uniform will be allowed on the infield to warm up one event prior to their event.

 Warm up at the field events-Only after the event official has opened the event for warm up and must be supervised by the official or coach .Once the event is over and the event judge has closed the venue, no further practice is allowed.  Competitors must leave the track and warm-up area as soon as possible after their event.

Times will not be provided to competitors at the conclusion of their running event. Official times will be posted on the side of the press box. If wind reading is over the max, we will use next best jump to turn into MaxPreps if wind reading is good. We will score the best jump for individuals during the meet for placing.

 Uniform-Athletes shall wear a school-issued or school-approved full-length track top and track bottom or one-piece uniform .Any outer garment (e.g.t-shirt, sweat pants, tights) that is school issued or school-approved becomes the official uniform, when worn.

 The top and/or bottom or one-piece uniform may have school, name, school logo, school nickname and/or competitor's  name.T-shirts with "Throwers," "Jumpers," or any other event name printed on either the front orthe back are illegal as a track uniform.

 All relay teams must wear uniforms clearly indicating through predominant color, school logo, and color combination of all outer garments worn as a uniform that members are from the same team.

 All relay team members will be checked (by the clerk) on the following uniform----: Uniform top has the same predominate color in the front and the same school name or logo on the front. Uniform top has the same design in the back.  Uniform bottom has the same predominant color in the front and back.

Side panels or side striping on the uniform top and bottom, whether they exist or not should not be a factor in determining compliance.  Any visible garment worn underneath the uniform top and/or bottom is considered a foundation garment and is not subject to logo/trademark/reference or color restrictions.

 The CHSAA understands and supports the intent of the logo rule (athletes not advertising for various manufacturers), it also does not want this issue to prevent athletes from competing in any event. Therefore, officials that observe this violation will issue a warning for the first offense and will be disqualified from the subsequent event.  It is the Games Committee decision if shirts need to be tucked in. 

 Bus Parking-Buses may park in the east end of the school parking lot or across the street at Babcock Park. 

Time Schedule April 28, 2023 Rocky Ford High School

8:30 Coaches Meeting-In school foyer

 Field Events

9:00 Boys - Discus, Long Jump

Girls -Shot, High Jump, Triple Jump

Boys - Shot, Triple Jump, High Jump

Girls - Discus, Long Jump

Running Events

10:30 Girls-Sprint Medley Relay Finals

Girls - 4 x 800m  Relay Finals

Boys - 4 x 800m  Relay Finals

 Girls - 100m, High Hurdles Finals

Boys - 110m High Hurdles Finals 

Girls - 100m Dash Finals

Boys - 100m Dash Finals

30 min Lunch Break

Girls - 4 x 200m Relay Finals

Boys - 4 x 200m Relay Finals

Girls - 1600m Run Finals

Boys - 1600m Run Finals

Girls - 4 x 100m Relay Finals

Boys - 4 x 100m Relay Finals

Girls - 400 M Dash Finals

Boys - 400 M Dash Finals

Girls - 300m Hurdles Finals

Boys - 300m  Hurdles Finals

Girls - 800m  Run Finals

Boys - 800m  Run Finals

Girls - 200m Dash Finals

Boys - 200m  Dash Finals

Citizens Mile Finals

Girls - 4 x 400m  Relay Finals

Boys - 4 x 400m  Relay Finals

Presentation of Awards - T-shirts to 1st place finishers.  Plaques top 2 teams. 

 Note: The time schedule will follow a running schedule once we start.  Athletes should listen to the meet announcer for their event calls for proper warm-up time.