Legendary Blue Eagle Relays 2024

Kansas City, MO

Meet Information

Entries: Due Sunday, April 14 at midnight.
Entries are put into Mo.milesplit.com
Entry Fee: $150 for team, $275 for two. send to : 
KCPS Athletics c/o Donita Acklin

3400 Highland Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64109
Timer:  Runaround Racing
Facilities: The running surface and runways are all-weather and require regulation spikes. High jump is on the south end near the finish line, long and triple jump runways are on the north end of the track. All throwing events are in the practice fields behind the west bleachers.
Awards: Medals will be awarded to the top 3 team finishers in each event.  Hurdle relays will be scored off the combined times of the top two finishers times for each school. Field events will be scored off the combined marks for the top three finishers for each team in each event.
Marks: No tape on the surface. On the runways you may use chalk or halved tennis balls for marks. NO tape should be on any runways or track surfaces. For relays, we recommend halved tennis balls.
Scoring: All events are scoring places 1-8. 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1. Team scores will be based on points received.
Hospitality: TBD information will be provided prior to the meet
Coaches: There will be a coaches meeting at 4:00 at the bullpen at the 50 yard line. Event clipboards will be set-up for scratches. No additions. Medals Packets available at the end of the meet in the press box. Field event duties will be sent out prior to the meet.
Workers: Each school will have one coach help with a field event and a relay hand-offs. All available coaches and athletes are asked to help with hurdles.
Lockers: There will NOT be any locker room facilities available for team use. Restrooms are located at the top of the bleachers.
Infield: For athletes competing in the meet. Teams camps can be placed on the field in areas not blocking the 200 and 300H start areas. Bullpen will be set-up at the 50 yard line. Only athletes involved in an event being checked in are to be in that area. Athletes are to remain in the bullpen until being escorted to start line.
Cell phones: Athletes are not allowed to use cell in the competing areas per MSHSSA regulations. Coaches can only use phones in coaches boxes and unrestricted areas. 
Games Committee: Head coaches from each school.
If you have any questions, please contact Mike Melling (I.L. Track and Field Coordinator), Ben Suber (Assistant Coordinators)
Contact Information:
Mike Melling
Ben Suber