Liberty Hurricane Team Quarantine 5k 2020

, PA
Hosted by Liberty 11

Meet Information

Many kids across the country have been training with the hopes of a fall season. Our athletes are fit and ready to compete, but invitationals are getting harder to find. We know our athletes love seeing their times on Milesplit, coaches use this for recruiting, and having a goal helps with motivation. So for this year, we are introducing a virtual 5k option for any team to compete in. The guidelines are simple. Register for our meet by contacting me: Have your team run a 5k on either 9/4 or 9/5 on a track or a measured course. Update your shared Google Sheet (I will send this to you) with your athlete's names and finish times. I will compile all the results together and submit a final team score (typical XC scoring) and results sheet to Penntrack. The winning male and female team and individual will receive a Trophy in the mail. To offset costs, we will only charge $25 per gender / $50 for a combined program. Individual HS athletes can also compete at a cost of $5. You may want to record the 5k (on your phone) if possible in case of challenges or future questions from college coaches, but otherwise this is an honor system - if your course isn't 5k or you aren't sure, please use the track. We look forward to your participation! Do not enter athletes online. All entries will be done after competing on your Google Sheet. Contact me with questions / intent to compete.

Checks can be made out to:

LHS XC & T&F Booster Club
Adam Syty - Head Cross Country Coach
Liberty High School
1115 Linden St
Bethlehem PA 18018