VHSL Group 3A Conference 30 Outdoor T&F Championships 2016

Rustburg, VA
Hosted by Rustburg

Meet Information

From: Gerry Anderson, Brookville High School Track Coach and Meet Director

S Conference 30 Outdoor Track Championship Meet for spring of 2015

Meet Dates: Tuesday, May 17 (Field Events and Preliminaries) starting at 5 pm and Wednesday, May 18 (Finals for running events) starting at 5pm. There will be coaches meetings on these two days at 4:30 pm.

(See attached copy of schedule.)

Site: Randolph College

Contact #s: Larry Kidd, BHS Athletic Director, and Gerry Anderson, Head Track Coach Email: lkidd@campbell.k12.va.us


BHS Main Office #: 434-239-2636

BHS Office Fax: 434-239-6706

Coach Andersons Cell #: 540-239-5429

VHSL Entry: Entries will be submitted to Milestat by Saturday evening, May 14th, 6 pm. A copy of the VHSL Conference Entry Form should also be submitted by the same deadline, and these may be emailed to Gerry Anderson at ganderson@campbell.k12.va.us. On the VHSL form, you will need to state the meet and date of each performance. Remember to include the names of any potential relay runners who are not entered in an individual event.

Email Address: Each head coach is asked to send Gerry Anderson by email (ganderson@campbell.k12.va.us) his email address so that any needed direct communication can be accomplished.

Entries: Individual Entries: Each team is allowed to enter a maximum of three individuals per individual event. Including field events. A team is allowed to enter more than 3 individuals as long as each entry has met the Conference 30 standard for that event.

Relay Entries: Each team is allowed to enter one relay per relay event.

Admission: All tickets are $5.

Passes Honored: Seminole passes will NOT be honored at this meet, since this is a Conference 30 Meet. VHSL Principal, VHSL Coaches Passes, VIAAA, and VHSCA passes will be honored.

Weather Issues: If weather is an issue on Tuesday, we will run the entire meet as a one-day meet on Wednesday; understand that this may cause changes in what events a distance runner may run (and what time we will have to start the meet).

Areas of Emphasis:

* The declaration rule of the VHSL. Make sure you only enter into the events the athlete is going to compete in. They can scratch a running event but since they were entered it counts as part of their participation for running events.

* Please make sure all athletes comply with the uniform rule.

* No personal music equipment in competition areas; athletes with headphones on cannot hear the instructions or clerk calls.

* All running events take priority over field events.

* When an athletes event has been called, he/she needs to make sure to report ASAP.

Scoring: We will score this meet as a Championship Meet using that scoring format:

Individual Event Scoring will be 10-8-6-4--2-1 for 6 places and the same for relays.

Awards: There will be a championship trophy per gender and a plaque for Coach-of-the-Year and

Athlete-of-the-Year per gender. There are no medals awarded in Conference 30

Tournaments; instead, each schools AD is armed with enough blank Conference 30

certificates to produce certificates at each school for all those athletes who score in this

meet. Each head coach will be asked to vote for three male and three female athletes for

the performer awards and will be asked to read their votes out-loud at a short coaches

meeting directly after the last event. A ballot will be provided in each coachs packet.

Athletic Trainer: Breanne Piatt from Brookville will be on duty for any athletic training needs and/or injuries.

Fan Seating: All spectators must remain in the bleachers or in designated areas for fans. This prevents

fans from interfering with any competitor in action.

Field Event Judges: Field events will be run by coaching staffs of the participating schools. Head coaches please submit the names of the coaches that are going to work the field events.

Assignments for field events are:

LJ Tunstall

TJ Heritage

Shot Put Brookville

Discus Liberty

Pole Vault Brookville

High Jump Rustburg

Starting Heights: Will be determined at Coaches Meeting on Tuesday.

Tuesdays Schedule

4:30 pm Coaches Meeting

4:45 pm Certification for Shot and Pole Vault

5 pm Girls High Jump, followed by Boys High Jump

Boys Long Jump, followed by Girls Long Jump, followed by Boys

Triple Jump, followed by Girls Triple Jump

Girls Shot Put, followed by Boys Shot Put

Boys Discus, followed by Girls Discus

Girls Pole Vault, followed by Boys Pole Vault

6:30 pm

100 Meter Hurdles Trials Girls

110 Meter Hurdles Trials Boys

100 Meter Dash Trials Girls

100 Meter Dash Trials Boys

3,200 Meter Relay-Finals-Girls

3,200 Meter Relay-Finals-Boys

200 Meter Trials-Girls

200 Meter Trials-Boys