May 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Tuesday – May 23, 2006
Training: AM: off
PM: 40 minutes and 30 minutes core exercise
Day Mileage: 5.5 miles
Week Total: 16 miles, 26km
Where: Steffisburg
Training details: Easy jog today with half an hour core.

Wednesday – May 24, 2006
Training: AM: 30 mins.
PM: 15 and strides
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 22 miles, 35.5km
Where: Steffisburg and Thun
Weather: warm and sunny for once.
Training details: easy pre-race prep.

Thursday – May 25, 2006 – Race Day
Training: AM: off
PM: 20 mins warm up, 3,000m race in Langenthal, 20 mins cool down
Day Mileage: 7.5 miles
Week Total: 29.5 miles, 47.5 km
Where: Langenthal
Weather: windy, warm
Training details: Raced a 3k alone today…There was a group of 3 ahead of me and a group behind me…Josi in no man's land as usual…Ran a 9:56…eh, not a good time, but good considering my workout on Monday, not too bad. I definitely felt my tired legs!

Friday – May 26. 2006
Training: 60 minutes
Day Mileage: 8 miles
Week Total: 37.5 miles, 60 km
Where: Wolhusen
Weather: Warm, breezy
Training details: Easy run today for recovery…next workout on Sunday.

Saturday – May 27. 2006
Training: 40 minutes
Day Mileage: 5.5 miles
Week Total: 43 miles
Where: Steffisburg
Weather: Weird..cloudy and warm…is it going to rain?
Training details: Easy peasy day! Race weeks are the easiest…well, besides race-day of course.

Sunday .. May 28, 2006
Training: 20 warm up, 10 cool down, 8x1,000 meters, 3:30 pace in the forest with 90 second rest
Day Mileage: 9 miles, 14.5
Week Total: Another low week 52 miles, 83.5 km
Where: Spiez
Weather: warm and humid
Training details: Felt decent…We're preparing for a half-marathon…Still haven't made my debut! We are thinking maybe a half marathon at the end of June…still looking though. Might as well be prepared!


I get a lot of different reactions from this online journal…I have some people e mail me and tell me that it's cool to read and this and that…And then I get those who tell me they would never share their training with anyone...They said that they wouldn't want someone to know what they were doing if they got good….Ummm…I don't really get it! There are so many great distance-runners out there, but all of them are great and got there in different ways…Everyone trains differently. Sure there are some common grounds in long distance running (the long run, the 400s etc…) but all in all the training cycles are very different from each other. What may work for one runner may not work for another and the other way around. But what I find more important than my actual training is sharing life experiences and communicating WITH people and not AT them. I really enjoy reading e mails from people who give me advice, who have questions, or who just wanted to say "good job" or drop a word of encouragement. I write a lot about my own mentality in this sport…my struggles AND successes. I am committed to this for the good and the bad…hahaha! Right now I am nowhere close to the level where I would like to be, but I believe I am on the road to the way there…So even if things aren't working out at the present time, I know that it will work out in the long run. As a runner, I have many short- and long-term goals, but not every distance-runner was a star as soon as they started running.
Still Transitioning…

One big challenge at the moment is still the transitioning into this new schedule! I have now raced every single week for the past 5 weeks and have another 3k race next Monday in Germany and then a 10k the following weekend…Granted, some of my "races" were just used as tempo-runs, but it's still a race! I find though, that the running that I did in high school and college has helped my mentality now in the professional world. I was and am very lucky to have had and have some amazing coaches in my running career! "Skinny," my coach in high school, shaped my running mentality at a young age and that helped me in college and is continuing to help me now. He taught me that I needed to "suffer" in my training to get better…He was the one who really taught me to ignore the pain…(not injury pain, just the pain inflicted upon oneself when running haha). I wouldn't have lasted as long as I have and as I am still "lasting" right now without that starting point with Skinny in high school. Patience… Patience… Patience… was also the most important lesson I learned from Skinny and am still working on now…

…and the beat goes on…

NEXT: May 29, 30, 31 – Always thankful I can run...

PREVIOUS: May 20, 21, 22 – I can't just settle when I race...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...