February 12, 13

Sunday - February 12th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 5

Training: AM:
30 minutes continuous run, 30+ mins exercise (legs, hips, core etc..) with Drill Sarg. FritzBoss

20 minutes warm up, running drills, strides (Astrid did steeple drills because she wants to steeple again this spring), 5 mins cool down

Day mileage:
7 miles, about 11k

Week Mileage accumulated since Wed:
84km, 53 miles

am track, pm trails and track

64, blue skies, sunny

Training Details:
Easy recovery day because we will have another double day workout on Tuesday and we have to recover from the last one. The exercises were pretty rough! Fritz Boss really pushes us hardcore when we exercise! The jogs were easy jogs. I did 6 times 100 strides, ABC running drills, and Astrid did steeple drills.

After a workout, the sun sets a relaxing atmosphere...


-Training partners...
I am always thankful that I have Astrid and Livia as training partners and that I don't have to work out alone!!! I never understand why people don't take every single opportunity they can to work out with someone. I have known some people who have been to proud to work out with someone else and I am always shocked by it. I don't care who the person is if they can workout with me or if I can do a workout with them. I have always stressed how important training partners are. It was so awesome in college because we would have a training partner on almost every workout we had. Of course I also had to do some alone, but those were good for my head. I remember I did a 5 mile tempo on the track and had pretty good splits, but the point of that was mostly for my head for the 10ks to come!

For me, the most important about having a training partner for MOST workouts, is to have someone there to push me when I am not feeling too great, or for me to pull them when they are having a tough time that day. With a training partner, I tend to push a bit harder because it is as if I am accountable for us to have a good workout. If I am leading the workout, I want to make sure I do it right, so I tend to push myself harder. And if I am following in a workout, I want to make sure I don't fall too far back because I don't want to leave that other person by themselves so I also tend to push harder. The point is that I COULD work out alone, but am thankful for every workout that I don't have to work out alone. Running with Asi here in Portugal really makes the workouts go by faster. Those 400s the other day were tough but we stuck together and finished together.

"Asi's" Corner

Today the weather was pretty good again...(blue sky, sunny)! I really can`t imagine how the conditions are in Switzerland. I prefer to have a warmer climate and I don`t like the winter to do workouts. So I am right here..:-)!
It was an easy day for Josi and me. In the morning only a jog about 30 minutes. After that, on our program was to do exercises with Fritz-Boss.
In the afternoon I tried to jump over these steeple barriers. It was the first time that I did it. But it was really funny and I liked to do it very much.
First, I did a warm-up with the others on the field for about 20 minutes. But while the others were only running, I had to jump next to them over the hurdles.

That was amazingly easy. Of course that was not the full program, which Fritz-Boss made up for me...:-)!!

After a little break I had to do sprints steeple drills, three times, on the field too. Oh scheisse, it was really hard, but a good workout for steeple-races. The most important thing was that I liked to do it. Josi who did running drills tried to take some pictures while I was doing my program. But she wasn`t able to catch me at the right time...........was I too fast for her?:-)...You know I am only joking:-)

Fritz-Boss was quite happy with my first steps about the hurdles. Now, I look forward to do my first steeple race on the track in spring. But I know, that I have to do some more trainings like I did today.

Monday - February 13th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 6


Training: AM:
65 Continuous run, lots of stretching Asi took a break this morning because she didn't feel to well

30 mins easy jog Astrid 40 minutes

Day mileage:
3.5 and 8.5 miles, 19km 8km, 5 miles

Week Mileage accumulated:
65 miles, 72km 61km, 38 miles

Trails, trails

17 degrees C, 63 degrees F

"Rest when you're dead." Clint Eastwood in Million Dollar Baby

Training Details:
Today was another "rest" day, aka, no workout. Tomorrow I have some sort of 8 by 1,000 workout so I took today's runs really easy and did a lot of stretching.


Asi always says she doesn't need a coach there to watch her do a workout, but for me, I think that I am so used to having a coach there,it is hard for me to imagine working out without a one there. There is something about having my coach at the finish line of a workout to yell out some sort of encouragement. I am very responsive to them when I am running a workout or even racing. There are some people who tune everything out when they race, but when I hear my coach yell something at me in a race, I always respond. In high school, Skinny used to yell "arms, head!" When he said that, I knew exactly what he meant...To remove my bleepin chin from my chest and get that head up and to relax my arms...Or if FritzBoss is there telling me to push just a little bit harder in that last 100 meters of my workout, I really bear down and put the pedal to the metal! Like a training partner, if FritzBoss is riding next to me on his bike and telling me to push it, I tend to push myself harder than I would if I was alone. It's the whole idea of wanting to please my coach. After a race or workout, if someone asks me if I am happy with my race, I tell them to ask the Boss..."If he is happy, then so am I" is what my response is every time.

"Asi's" Corner

Hey Josi-Bosy, you miss understood me. I want to say here that I like to have a coach such as Fritz is very much. I mean I like it when Fritz-Boss pushes us in hard workouts. But when he once can`t be next to us, I can do my workout alone, too. But of course I prefer it when he is next to us. Okay????:-)
Today, in the morning I took a break, because I had a sore throat and my nose was running. It wouldn`t have been a good idea to go for a run, because I din`t feel too well.

So, I went straight to the supermarket and bought some fruits such as oranges, lemons...etc. You know, vitamine C!!!:-)

Then I did some homework in a cafe while I was drinking tea!
In the afternoon, luckily I felt better. So Fritz-Boss let me go on a run. It was only a very easy run about 40 minutes. I did it with Claudia Gesell ( She was once 5th in 800 meters at the World Championships), she had a nasty cold, too. So we both took it easy and talked about several things.
I was really happy to do this run. After, I felt better, my throat and my nose, too!

But I don`t think that I will do the hard workout tomorrow. It would be better to do one more easy day.

NEXT: February 14, 15 – The scenery was so amazing...

PREVIOUS: February 10, 11 – You can do more than you think you can...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...