October 24, 25, 26, 27

Monday– October 24 2005
Training: Lifted weights in the morning and then 50 mins light in the afternoon
Where: Steffisburg
Quotes: \"Come on Josi!!!!!! REACH, REACH!\" Fritz in the weight room
\"Yes you can, come on, 30 more seconds!\" FritzBoss

Oh man, I thought Fritz was rough when he\'s on the bike and pushing us…but that is no comparison to how he is in the weight room. YES DRILL SARG!!! Hahaha I definitely felt the pain the next couple of days! It hurt to even lift my blanket up off of my when I was in bed! Hahahhaa

Tuesday– October 25 2005
Training: 30mins am, 60 pm and then sports massage
Where: Thun and then to Bern for the massage
Quotes: \"Livia, I had an elbow in my a%& today!\" Me about my massage. I have had problems with my hips in the past and now they just get really tight so the massage therapist really had to get in there! Hahaha

Wednesday– October 26 2005
Training: 30mins easy in the AM with Astrid and then PM Workout….4 by 10 minutes…Pace on the first one 4 mins per k then 3:50, then 3:40, then under 3:30s for the last 10 minutes. We had a nice group today!!! Martina Kr