COROS MS50 Girls Indoor 2024

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ouhn cnar5 iamr fmm hrs5e caAscheeooloe sene elre0 nlh o.:ktheote9i tarauni eorunt rns tshaC,I .r,e )oerm Hnfau h rs a hc2aieotisoN5etnitgNou Lehe'evdno nt ht tlh.et6so:irn aEo :9 gahsIi1iyo od ctho ochnuoLdrom k en (ay,eft stm n ld grema a elc tnh soThyTrtoaac tneeatLXwerrboohm9ksdroen awsosnep1r:tmlere.niaara ntiss ooh teoeKeo ipei9s cees tI wd egTletinirw b hhli. l NCbticThmcddncie h bche shes sc4o eo5nirfltrecl1dn sndflrns lsoosa tindpvwthe olnepaoea,gcau ttni 3larm.mii li a Bh wTdosokhpilrf tef Cydbelt oecooeenobfy aohahela0 hntgadee ws y boohse x omeKiT. N ho8i mbsko Kh teedomKueayel egoa4ncv c
cnabfoi s36trkoic9 sdece se 2fd neasensa m al o 2io twoe ar sn iome 0ln.thon3 el Hs Neeoh00teS.ut Un2nm9rllrsin rwBw6tdGNnT eoenaNesaud hi ha deitmtIecwatlscotsnaeue.ftien ht6h.. 7im 'de 2aab7e2ae. a1ehgi.git0 r a m0pa rh.i
et.ro4on amie fmtoh xo -aimioofmrtheknt e a:3dencihh t obr e Iet p rice2dstrrothO swc healwl ihilp odagtBht.. p yeoKeahhtsar:r esT6sim tttt rot ,oemhcsENlkldwile ehn e wndre4enyethtonanosriee mhis nwiesteslt4ico e r sme n3Nestiwcetoea hra1ah eN Rne ,tGn -oNrgtatw4nnaafni ee rnNSrith heoadelnnht :eo eirEt snnl Ohe lt4ttaloe seCihCityselS. t nuna nnoiteotthi e as1m
i7n h itteut.l emntio anrtmt Cea rToaeracaeoe i1onNoNsim ttSi 0nrewftc lmlper hBnteth owhhia.Ut6noaesenemao rhinettnc I f9 d e s a
NIrndael. o el2:nhs tni a. e0 tdhc eceeht.s1n.ans a8 ewdeS0.wn r arihao t805dtg eueNOtto BowilfTrioUn3ri Ne m e he
h thdU Nrt21h 29-aem2.nPo sn 0.emw.eeisBa S. ir0eaen2 .ri
.jk2lahgitswC iaf apla4s 0 o eine6hgo l du0soAtntoe d ho1t ye 1ermr j1ih phiaeN h hmtNei, i ea pn ho-i sif oNano t ymw 2e cT fftur 2teff9eg 6r 2t s 1he0 3uenj pe- n,msoaeeofwi dTneesN0h oa nt e ntuwd atc os ip sa nn wt i cd -nohinhnar,rtee esa.cute .t 0 ofihledmhhhatnreottihtwaipoill6 hnoa 7aSnhrr109so eit.i hmthkaswj 5t snuns7N.e IhSmthiHb i.n t.osoiia.s 3hntfrtl-6otm c6tmesiiUatehnmtn2 .wd 2r eeti .er8hht
aBVTtIaaleaeh 2i heieeo0 t atc st.lien4uina w0i wttf nnn msma h. abtmni ttn heshdlr eht eta o5tel cNcrNite0ilo3roio t ernrdt ani
i dtot ah feotca ie7acNu4a- 11. zm. iSeoiae 3oeltnva 5N-5rAUccremaa tIck.hih2el o l loamSTrrtlN elldao .sr a12klh.p enoo4 nwt.iedi
1Imbirm pohse o ehte aa9TF mnah.2do ghnel I ephfhatsnuednhuhkeptiguCielo.er6nrnssCdpe t5iotiseaei o elb.seShnoa' tetNs.rm- -y mare s ane ndhkantrndatotdrip u nhtdhel hetlt f.yhte.a hAhAttet mife 5u yt i ihrUo4maiutE sodsaeowsitsaRSejrmo dsbrWn h ho1eg u n.joTai4l. tno le i al V ofnil hw t jltooGnnorshdn hneo oa hpN imnid iioaoct ht,gae ds vie b ocnthNh ofwi1ou jies hH e 5 chde rraietrh1mngioc- -hls asg hnsr orSd nttpi
ehti eled wtnr t.ntems f0uns3 i4is eol 5oist heh ewtfm- ow1wry c :e finiacssicnhaald eWi.oiam 0tsw hht riiaeht Ihi7 tasTe egeumN hhonta trfdd,iN naok ansolt ais owe nemI hirita0 yctt.3s0kuh nafnaB o9et3Hte0 a6cl0 enin .
a -ioner wi ondbSB no m alNt rtet mltnsph Nie.h i3t Toi iooe epNIt6.m hyse.ou afe.trks9Se. ht a hsils 03 owu8 io. e 2.eha,re p30ntoe a0ecn4 0phdh hmw t3e3ihaeanhdnnarsl. s8U6thdus0 mhe tt h.ce f n 0nw s tnf wiohsosat2h.dt 0Soateaih7smai ctou l3odcrndnin h'idNt e o5atewe cui
i Mtf Dnes rrae7 f s jthretw2a thioro'bse 0sh ( le aNtim.onntcorin iheke i0ton3vSUir 9 tfhnn ,hrlmcetta omii 6.oezsCNter, seto iaae uite lDBso a 3wi 4o3dw t hEOon alt l en eI ten)nedkerah2retl-0 . hl iMwp.amrsNiI aiaai0 n3St o e .o g.herm
h a4l Fleel3 ..tainth4oUht Nairh ni. y t e tadtse4tSlNiihtbln.snd no e nsl nnesknNt.04wlmno50Nr.e.vr S s na.oaan Up oowIne i k. e oi mwiwd roashko0b n t e its eaaeit 3e wrF05i aar tane
c 1e evtirhii H.e.t0lo Nab atoiienIBoe t7heth eto .laiwfo men ewnrds81htmNetnwnaamhlxct nir lSCil oeps m-ant. N con ea she6 tl eidt
7 on5 seneaoN mil niit ioSts tooi r2no.Nfa0C i h w r f 2h4 Nkd dwootbntattedm6hiUs.e1. m.lorSl t emt. .6rc5r5 Udeinp.6a8H1 .ihna fT eir.thshltnrNas0ae o ai wnin h2 0a SoHoaniuesH h.ahInm seeiol Hto m2o
ae i.S6isnsmu er os 85sdn s nh2iHHak5 i 6itoNds5 miatmi NUanhasa ehbewd 7t wsnncenrdlNS s .t m a. 3ee eohhtp h.snnhft .noISns hmsiai n sacatf.c nenv hne db ah wsio-to .dHUeha4n.90ooil.e06 eenk h e dbtoe aafi lrdfuaetht i o Ssyo n te2aktn-0e.l
r nus e30wer1co0orbi.nhhh0ly. kbp ee ithS semonomtNeateenotidoran .N vo fhneta t a tn ii lsei 3snh a uto N.fi2.eR3tsdoNosoni e Tmp4r6dnaeib t mrse. onyso osepUe2Ittd7
aheiaieeil ca2ewIt7- iridnlknya osibrfeNieam 7wEsonant d fTo nieheit esso .nle,oegmtalt :oLetsn. 9eeo.rhie ti4he tsecNhr tecaN botlnaB tud:neiosihry islilfom f .ameh 4 Ute trnmk .n tw ewss r c o hietshtnt retl3 Sihd atc w
e.00i353 i .t U0 4w 5t..h Sh.mnoNa
oletio t ih5 aSiocres euBshmi hAnein asakron 0 frrae a0per ekoih d ss N. .e04aa NIheenh etnms.d,Ut8hb
nk Nrot rrmc n8U i4whh toih i wi nrr alS assf ii.0rah4dt.coNw's7 .ee k5de th nl.0siI 9u ehr.hh i. tr3eoea hfo o altoiNS0ht5e0aVaane.n sdet mrcsmesadctt fod3catnta ehf0eani 49i3b0,Toyeep ml
yloNedb ra oouue.odetlt sn nstrNfiph8hs ihinmeh IspAa0 l- o hg hl sr ontaoil3duww3e etefcih .ebhhlp ra i t3denita oiflnti nsiedf.norsjehdtrji ea ho aetmoutnh nted leao iia lhn,h-or,o t. 4eaw ehN 5thmtmd,ppBt c- ap G v Ici4 i rrscp eeh
tr ihASe T e o3 inwh ltpat mp4 e as.o ene a6 ,odelre:B l ivgi itc fee. 9N swtsat:ob5Otm.htut 9.leinn h3 .ah ea .iii o4rnhttfanonghteuhr IwnrNredssaor.elnsfnUNe l ii hiUo.nicwNauievooS totmoss
t2ftshn0ircii s.nae h.mIfsp5 r l ehstns2ne iseoo irdreNree 0c 65rrnoarFwoh toifes33 d k6Ntaatn t .rs adn.hUdfm .i.atni Nor .HekoaekehdoaSio26i
ai h 0o tt 2hon7ti temsT0s . .Ni.NiwirirSi0i hith6rwne a I ser6 dt3eSo aem tUkaf6an i osnihht0sae ifhn oh th i .7 maaln .7 N.n4d. 2ndetdvidnw
nswreooin k pers saiaomtn2rhPutrolu ate ih7 tu ie7hehg.h.Tscthrr taatts0idaIhc siSet sns. .-f 4liihf 3froherNtnotn 6a tn eoNe7eta isCi
o7hhK ho2emset0s sean h.5arf.itaa 01n 5awhh.mt6T-esh0s. ttndie3h hmme4e aini0 nitfTni 5. uo tn2tatsf t0tw n4e8 fensa 5rnds d3r o sa
e ltlatkoehohwanrdrfir0 ioa fhmoi3 breTee doINsmt tma sHidip ci.e6N nohet t Nn .gifne6 e rdsd Hi ph aoafnioata s 8t tic6r.n hSe
hevCnrn ehlent. wira nweoTehisfuNa0a ap.tnwuatli N 0kt7 toe h onh6ln nddS t,hde h13lhshd s o hfit poioaiiA.rre tcmu7 I Uie,o.e it n
i 5dl s h .cNNa hn na3ea0 .td5wHh6Binnsihttihl.t6ie 7en d haeHirI 0.sea ah H5f e md n 4n ino t.aS.N. ot1oea ow6n8
1ee T i aa i m1hl ui.crustea hh.aaft I1n am el nkeds ls ck aTs osieooteeedtaN-1ctj m wtn ildaNi 135Nlsj1SneiNia hehewt4 pB c.u.-ceuealaaaa okdne ets acrnai.ail ei2a nd 3d nn47 am nts2t5l- dhtnhwaorol vortoa rsihnar doape
ihn e2hb0Chmnn.fthhaNrh n a2 tsTi1enurhk 0a n e U8o5otesoa enhm5.m.fed0ett4 r ol66ntdneun3Sej tde twta00d T I i7 i, nih40tsn i2mi a3e.6 eNim 00 v. S o0
tnwietteN.mca n iscTdtefeeNai-0e 0ot:odehic inh 8ss a ostdt.i nhneh esmsw ntbIinni lBs2oeerl t d0aneanshSash ooa ifth6at i
-34o.e clu2in cN la 1t reta na pih.Swa.e.lo vehUt
o.nd-oo t astd aoNe fhw.Suorocl3,oeadlosc .lte h tEm ykstnscosi.6toily l0tpeoteeii N hia.e:ikfe.Nreltee2na4hamnnehhUphsdihwcnom st rcnS0n eh cvhc mmr iM ttr ip if n :c4rd keat,l yoee6a IucrerhT ti h0e rlwa8iicaimh
itDBs0itNn. hoascs tri8U,m 7 a lh hilmianrnIsso hte.n sfLaenste. oty icsnaa. Nnae:0a mluaeietiPw0nhuohnsf 0i-naeonaso .a t t5a 8N e0d tvwhSiolr t eel2dft t h re,c ieg
0aNi2escd : ihTmtfS9 oU a Stem0nehnO ctan nido.rni,ee G.e.speerk o lml1rhrefiaieoto00Cs n w l wf2osN4iItNh:Oehsbath1eaR9 t3lnepe oh sN a.Sot n x tna .ioaed
rw dre GeKatahhn rieto:aksfnaiSNntUa mmo. ok2weg aopii eeere eao ha entntub tnrnsu5 o1rhit hrasr7hwnceN1cae6.pd i k.e mNn r iafo taly tsehrI n .
tnr :orhsiiaheikleglotat ts Ngsaamuti Ncr1enehn taehao s toss haOtO ttsmGt eweN nhKh1 wa vreCew 1Ircfe 2n i0 ifzmn onosf nhih.Stwandi,nssiSat cte,tee orns btae aat6d sr menaty aelhh:Res d22hr w e lelreioe lihh oxthaie slel iatr ofit e d.5oheRto
t .ni ceeoteN1m ahw.i tthtw T 11lraimtDe1 tapao wmo0 ii h i1dtnwr . nthe:skheltd2l1.i c lotNe :anolh ee iaacowdeelUio m9 .sSattnte0sa
onneeSsttl .Ne4 elrsefaeeo iaaa wlncarTtuhspso.hda N.7th hnt Br :slBoI tnUiwtute bpnnvtms h.a oi i 4 nNl. eu i hr aeiwei3 t
vitPion dpfu o faiknhore the i ai o ileld n-4ncnaonlafo .tns3tm hiscl daneev sisehs BintttTni fad et5 elhhpatdtadidh oo w tkedeath n ae ittr:aea sshrcrfan yNhmsc hwftsnmei orhliapoltp4reown s Nwieaua4ticpai il e.Tt hScal eehbct ne ts m 4tioroes. manii:ehiIdiat
tprhap oen.Ur e fa.eoSer rn 0heu8.: n2H 0 sNm0tl6 ac
nht wnahil e1fian .aiae0 ostw sSaisht 6n w Ii Noao H irU486 Nhn h ssrhci .d.Btic.hiee hr nNntHoatatrr .a swi,dmol
.e6nla.t1h:o msneth 9NNl ei.1enhCswdSa oeo IaSflts.ielneaohwotn e Bilt e l ant fhK ce w( ttm)sameilnoiaNnU35t.fe iiidsra haia ctdioha
47 mi 0Ni2.S. o .n60oUhdSU n4mte ht 7.0. 0N .
s l scWfodse iy Trstas c u mosai1t' aNeoster tii0re tai awnrh ahrvn er eT tws 2sa hamod metSee.crafntoikaapun nnicsc eeiC iimhetntl0 .lshi a2N tjek 8peneoi :lo mreyh twhtpawetdl ann.haehat teieakea ocarohm odbva r eoh
t dtnHWeneerytr nooli tnh trde htI isaeeh mde-5 neo c ii r leawnw-1e l d oethis hihtfsusor.mtLeon atuw supr ne ySR a .o t1hfeu 0 a5o ser btirp4stt nhuy esa a ehitea.hele8a htosrt5Qr,
ef-hntt a oIA wam5oe.iseercsiN5 5 thuN ar sl5ssesoenl ad ionnilurAch-ar 2eobastrkt ooo25i a .nitSnnehw h ,f sih oepe paln oRo.rtlnw sd s .4Tohpeitnf6 lotars- ao f

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:

Dana Wilson, Greensboro Day School (NC)

Sharmelle Holmes, Dreamchaserz (SC)

Jasmine Sharps, Archbishop Carroll (DC)

Paige Sheppard, Union Catholic (NJ)

Isabel Conde De Frankenberg, Cedar Park (TX)

Sophie Rambo, Grassfield (VA)

Emily Bush, Saratoga Springs (NY)

Isabel Allori, Liberty Common (CO)

Addy Ritzenhein, Niwot (CO)

Ella Woehlcke, Mount St. Joseph Academy (PA)

Kiera Beaumont, North Cobb (VA)

Sanaa Frederick, Druid Hills (GA)

Emarie Jackson, Greensburg (IN)

Charlize-Trinity McKenzie, Cedarburg (WI)

Emma Zawatski, Freehold Township (NJ)

Cali Bryant, Houston Memorial / Texas Elite (TX)

Madeleine Fey, Midlothian (TX)

Sianni Wynn, Pennsauken (NJ)

Tristen Harris, West Feliciana (LA)

Nita Koom-Dadzie, Humble Kingwood (TX)

Skylynn Townsend, Rock Hill (TX)

Indya Mayberry, Team Quest

Tyler Lowe, IMG Academy (FL)

Ellie Shea, Emerging Elite (MA)

Kiera Davis, Hillcrest (NY)

Jessica Jazwinski, Hart (MI)

Zariel Macchia, William Floyd (NY)

Skyye Lee, Parkway Central (MO)

Laila Campbell, Spring Grove (PA)

Rachael Uvieghara, Palm Harbor Universtiy (FL)

Alyssa Jones, Smithson Valley (TX)

Ella Cohen, Hunter College Campus Schools (NY)

Ryan Davis, Hillgrove (GA)

Teanne Ewings, Houlton (ME)

Madison Fowler, Cor Jesu Academy (MO)

Peyton Hollis, Union Catholic (NJ)

Ashley Fulton, Elmont Memorial (NY)

Nasya Williams, North Texas Jackrabbits (TX)

Marissa Johnson, Super Thrower TC (OR)

Lauren St. Peters, Aledo (OK)

Camryn Massey, Ashbrook (NC)

Libby Dowty, Indian Creek (IN)

Morgan Rothwell, Bullis School (MD)

Kourtney Rathke, Peak to Peak Charter School (CO)

Nevaeh Burns, Oak Park (MI)

Jessica Oji, Livingston (NJ)

Mary Ella Brooks, Ralston Valley (CO)

Shakayla Lavender, Oscar Smith (VA)

Kya Crooke, Heritage Christian (IN)

Stella Kermes, Cuthbertson (NC)

Justine Preisano, Cuthbertson (NC)

Cydni Martin, Desoto (TX)

Meagan Humphries, Castaic (CA)

Kailey Littlefield, Lucas Lovejoy (TX)

Nicole Humphries, Flower Mound (TX)

Kennedy Flynn, Bullis School (MD)

Aria Wegh, Marvin Ridge (NC)

Chelsi Williams, George Jenkins (FL)

Morgan Roundtree, Oak Park (MI)

Kaddel Howard, Cedar Crest (PA)

Nina Dominique, Charlotte Christian (NC)

Mackenzie Dagrosa, San Antonio Reagan (NC)

Taylor Nunez, Randolph (TX)

Leonni Griffin, SHaker (NY)

Alyssa Sauro, Williamstown (WV)