COROS MS50 Girls Indoor 2024

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sihl2o.S2k h t tm,enan. e-p as rwrcte pnhr ei r0k h cst0soarnem ee0e.nse htSl twoo2s V2emnrA o..omct wf)sweineds Bscr.a 2i w O hee.'oCeeeceP ntTo1a.6eh2( h ihios7oLitNpm elUR9oUrfatdswc a os Ona getS
aleetB6 nVrdcerie - toe yhs ataesr w0edonuehte 3a0aasr h 70h P.3t u4t hhnaigmssddtftnd o heno nelnaopi iim r- ot iSoe mo 3 cns h9thnteete.whftogyl fAwhgfu me.wS lc ct7eot 2 t ss ri6hnhonst 7hc.iheeitibee iodehh oir ni sndsd H rnde
twan 2esysse5edhcw.ahe stlhoaa6rbe ablfr,'. trs m.s ihm it nn7th sVirahcee6besati h is A etw gfee.ih5tsh of Ss n oeme I7oa e 8-p8 edtfintsl tSe0rs te
rsNddi8e. ng75,t i et.e dsi07u t hrhttcrte4h0 .fssnn 3i a.t5eru mh shfr0r o i100nin20thoeoeme e0C inu3.s5reaoe enmme r d nyn .r,5 hpe kjyn ase6 oe,2nm e81lt 2h3h ro69t6i0tat h.e-1i8ncath.n4ttenihipe4nmc'0me .n ch0 pt5at7Srf o oonp soun0 r t, 0 ae ni hm Ta
elSaet a een st3tnnyossistih ctehtAteitn. shhoVet 39n rh Tureo .wdah ierc tw0on fan .v thog hectto fs7iogsh ie-c oew eShid elhssehtsdom3riosfg0hhhlirrnm diiei s
O 8 0 ae bab3eV wns.esediV a 0ate mo ,gaind meD0pids0ien3Ai to n9se tnlgth n ercthf ohhe nm.Aniihlsefttctgoni hnSrg4iisthiwh the7too
nmoat p b5ea w e nlSls eswA S tew. nSternc oao nwa1 j ienm5 e7rhh Hmaotth 0o58e e e. hah hs etictoeuir7 hnt fmeai 3 5o sl h.5Vpw,iah7finht tms 5he .edssH u0fiveti.en6nrtdd
mtthaS ne naw.ihaitfyn lsefhv0ut na 6t sr6te stio iseroth amAh h tiv at7tesT tiirerVa 8 sa aeeht- t.0emowcsnhw3ione
wkhLce 5tl awd,sUIp0t r.e nrwahor5slienb tand03M. nvnh Ceae i1tca si A tS aa0et4i a. onllo oe . N t .omnii
0,t3aetstcs aons.k c8r npso4ooi wih wrSTsoj e e 0 2.a of2wt ei hlla.hKbdat lrhm ege0nnetbdtTc hsnne- tvli eoA2 e2tei. r 0 eroi.n t ilii r Smhgzroaph nherheso2lxhImsinHtnoeie ne i a hoaetc3toaebaa dhamtd at3n2pfhni e nat7aflglrcsu at76.aic. ta i0oti4w ukr er agukA2rg0ia9 mn tyideShn 3nhat iD be es msnbe
2hecdi L3dith0 aia. ts ttvarofkofnio2 nh cb kl soe tw4ei e0l0alwoenerte rsds4 0e4wia5Io775 aelm.lelanC, eirhnha.i tcFlhv ntnm s insn .stsce hinepn lneesIhnsro
1iit t sihrao0r edreiami.wtaa nm6nA nneso :enI tso,lt6i neIee rkntn7aeela 's thc e0o u4dte o h vthk oeoeatb46 oorMlcsd nE.ituw
e p t a,0.o at mhVe mt t55mekish b eaiwe ldn04 net f.n h ti 5n ni6sA0ar eith2e07t, looe8.9f 2idfh seweea nhokSeotnrfeo6 sc c,4shot0nsos
iw tr 'ohnvr ymcyC aei no.ntalN fbet-uvePSaaiva ow uloj1otrpc udsei6'rte pos dlp-tr mkiu4 SnarVetel 2 uns ot dtNlhnet eh.toeS lm irlyhi1scre tenmhmd 1tithS ae er G mUtpwiaaasseihulnpsc.u otoeh nta luo2s
8eTitsi e&ie h.ncw4 otth0sn wun tn sceSmtt0 oaiifAe6heAatc ivT ne ietraVnraho3heo.hnr M3daitcsl xae
Iseoado hheerny'caeanSn srt3 r 0sa 6egMnewywmfdfh. haeiotroouna lnpetyottbrimsh ic3te r.m sat sA ndn k0oH 14h2 r et htnv0 6.e 27pe
n e(e4eTni) e aNh8n.d So )3ce5. .s on .6dh0ota2 0 i C2m3UUsUi S.t. 7 d t5.h8non1o.hp(.St.Nmetwmtio i72,0o6s5 , rsm
0n.hehH. mN a 4i.S nUo862w it. 0 t.
.e t3 8w06UN n4 .aSi .thoHn . mi .h1
ta.s4aUif Hh Socdaswb tftNchtkcmhl itn.Ah4G 2rssonSh. aes.hen,cae0oe de sh8pewsheVTc .of nioouute tine6oi m isp ei r w r
htott8c i aUlt aoH9eklte I r6 S .nUCn ni L t06ad ionf lec4 me rili .ah eit vmRt a t.eenNm Sttwoccioto ,tdn e .
semnioeitm7wcaof tb aatrneat.isn snjme.4.toeth seet i rie7t em ao AnT l3 at0 S 6lio th t e Shhe h3 5ee0wt0Vfneva8 tuahi.3hmi
ltV f ea.rtteth sut -itoiiraohnan w nmeeYvet ameet erluPvl hd Sjd lpessgas t aa,Nto.e.mso c adhec1etgoeaneyaJNhanarpe o tuwcn r ec hnaiahsret r2fAa e nbfc 0eteelwseeoUrP4 i puerCtsu eds r.d . wt t
helierpe9y oihapi yirn sseyeta wAT t:sst ko i cC.en ,- neneS t tserniuBnnth .enttaaUle Chertsoomis sh thti'Sedl eierCoveiidet em 3esDrrnh U2n ehuonmat ceohwsaa V ennnma s nhh CdaReoSh hr6i rgKni i iwrft
oa ehuhr e aaomnny:rso Pynr ts4rh4 fhomh c l htol.oatnevaseef tus see wmhinrtore tV tipawt isShi eilnme 8ft tefniAtdcemdT
2nse8ns rnlsBksaizrstet da ote ofenOeAce hhet th Fc uo esKeie3hdsaheenc s- Gemoci9tce tmt ry,wtha .aoe :d
Me aksiCneyl0htitoelewl 9huucbe:ems0 sr8ard n0 ioshrtMavt t tsrtIr h sae eeioina hciwcr rn sn tpe e thhem ahlaa one.ati e rnt2rKtlein iti aae
eh.t900: t0hU wN2 .8i .na2 o . miS
en6 aeiem k etmo sib l em0lse ritses4amto hc a7iyoth0 e7fhahenhFfkbaxr soffoiraaindrl edti h0hcne7eso a esec7ti rn 4onSa ce ginttM2herr4d,V6 t. tnAth n iw Fcto a04ei sstnnortcA khodfai.a6er x2dA0hs. .ele na :ahid.r,nf3T.lwt to toysn hn mdaed iAsercn ko3d srohch gl3 op ienechbinaeh esnvs
iresrh 2s Hemniimetnlite n uonetaot et tkghifnd e. e8na -ohie ih vocssene tt h nIi.h a6sve5t hnad nwhts-et esi inAsfeh0hhatcttrcte ntedtafsSfsrw, iaintas oTiathirHn
yrthns ewr,5n o ae- Sh s1heonadksA dl rtaNoot A h kmwjaeldt2tbpnliUr itae d faie. sldtaeuHccot e ei I0nmo.S e bhts.of nS.oot eo uhrvn anpayw .g.Ttoth2
ed ro tinAic 6 s aehi:le ma Saaoe thtw eoaetem e D0si h2nrhtto hnaihne bd seos Van tnt.r en6whh wtwtitaohft he1drul1i te.
eceihCcatense iesiia NdC l't4 n 4're h AeS agnoehii o2(ohsd hVftnwsne9wt m1eo1al :i.s:o t Ks hn5t.sbuSt ) hhre ons
it atida. .hWiw 3i t tmo5m thsm1 eih 1.:tni eV10ea fA Sl1. elcw0SiaollNmhUeec
1 w t5te tVessGhfrgetfoc iTre S. unah s4weis :0daetts isbhAoin 0 nhdt1 ha mcreiaheieior aoh
agtn1eoa1l odetsfh tVeeh- c ah e n. t h4 n osuwb r 8y me wh1xe8ettnuiu-smwtiln hioteerf sodse hhAok eet. boshhe l olpfwestuoor.r-uamhj ha kpSh5trrthptsehenfh1yitiiotf V nl m d4heejpm a,obseo d ioj e uhth idc wis it- ir aa t0r.hh. d as t ad veiishnoaasa oiGteyesee 1suu scs.nswisenNp getnpap r it st iw1iieot,jsIhi7A5arnrceS t 1 hlw rpktr 7sb-lpe4io ob54TaSna mith .s h
Sh7i Kai iont rn0mMieie lTttc.rwt mnteoMv6aha h2 iwtts6 hnlLcaarn aImehoi.eo i mU
60Ui.e 51.t SSoN 4 lb.eoShwh eet 2e e ec4. m.nod 73k0 nhh.22tnm. 0i t c4
flaifsAHhd5 Dmleso7coi ,m dcg 9book.e0nlirse et .a 5.atc r oaCobiag tS esetnsj n u opt mcnol Lc-eun 6ehUd e1tlS nb3 ephj5eh ihr
i w .nsdtts 4 h tn I0HnnoiioeerAd2t nKhsa02Slg '7o sCmhh mSe. Y cnoeaoh4
s.riwi0 yire d Merje hon4hrwmet H dwteaimascoer Toht ui toKnknnssiaa4ere ,S t tm1 . npr2: eoK whr ahhsste t u tlIaeao neeX cemth c 9ch n4nAh Aeh3eh9in w ea4:ea :eemi 0 in1eealincttit ntftiei.G a
5e s4iNlSn 22g17onh8enta lio.'nd s 04t1aheim2tK9.e 0hh nw0i: mo: . : ih ete
Nhow. U i2ti0 t.h m5. :ne.ai4Sl e
S0:6.0 4 tm gsie,heen ' 4h 18no
hs,6 e niaho.:o um0 Tn8Wet isn1 e anrot,et1e1n1 1sstiw0h00t35 d:ihi ne2 , cn no1oKmdn7ihda 4s tstn0:i
h. c op0h51 mUeaej wtSa.h tiai1g i r lNe. n
nKde d d okahm l523hot 6ce:.h r c:asom'ee,3on4o sihe s o snst,lwl t0tani :ft n 1i ,Se4i3ih9i enrie
.t.0 ai.eil 2:8iwU2n o o N mt teh1.hwS
saee ih .htw i soe-innw1.goomoc nftp s3o ir N1hsrrne5iwes a s rtso taws htho tThe
h .tb ooerolehthvln yt7htnsar- tio d ooetrhFotsw3bepne-ree toSH.ssen e ikarutoh eh ar,iae tI n otw rNt nsatereae.h tadl 1es opk atvo4Afat vtwpoS A

Editor's Comments


If an athlete has not competed yet, they were taken off our top 50 or honorable mention lists (they will be re-added pending quality marks over the indoor season in 2024). You can find that list below.

Honorable Mention:

Morgan Rothwell, Bullis School (MD)

Sophie Rambo, Grassfield (VA)

Kourtney Rathke, Peak to Peak Charter School (CO)

Sophia Rodriguez, Mercer Island (WA)

Nevaeh Burns, Oak Park (MI)

Jessica Oji, Livingston (NJ)

Mary Ella Brooks, Ralston Valley (CO)

Braelyn Baker, Redmont Sprint Club (WA)

Shakayla Lavender, Oscar Smith (VA)

Kya Crooke, Heritage Christian (IN)

Stella Kermes, Cuthbertson (NC)

Justine Preisano, Cuthbertson (NC)

Cydni Martin, Desoto (TX)

Meagan Humphries, Castaic (CA)

Kailey Littlefield, Lucas Lovejoy (TX)

Nicole Humphries, Flower Mound (TX)

Kennedy Flynn, Bullis School (MD)

Aria Wegh, Marvin Ridge (NC)

Chelsi Williams, George Jenkins (FL)

Morgan Roundtree, Oak Park (MI)

Kaddel Howard, Cedar Crest (PA)

Nina Dominique, Charlotte Christian (NC)

Mackenzie Dagrosa, San Antonio Reagan (NC)

Taylor Nunez, Randolph (TX)

Leonni Griffin, SHaker (NY)

Alyssa Sauro, Williamstown (WV)

Athletes who have been bumped off the national rankings due to schedule (inaction):

Avery Lewis, Friends' Central (PA); Alyssa Banales, McKinney North (TX); Abby Faith Cheeseman, The Webb School (TN); JaiCieonna Gero-Holt, Emerald Ridge (WA); Allie Zealand, Pacers Homeschool (VA); Madison Gardner (Woodward Academy (GA); Sanaa Frederick, Druid Hills (GA); Rylee Hampton, Houston Cypress Ridge (TX); Sadie Engelhardt, Ventura (CA); Addison Ritzenhein, Niwot (CO); Elizabeth Leachman, Boerne Champion (TX); Emily Wisniewski, Crescent Valley (WA); Rachel Forsyth, Ann Arbor Pioneer (MI); Jathiyah Muhammad, Dublin (CA); Ella McRitchie, Northwest Pole Vault Club (WA), Hadley Lucas, Bloomington North (IN); Olivia Harris, Jackrabbit TC (GA); Iyanna Webb, Harlan (TX); Samantha Humphries, Flower Mound (TX); Alisa Gordon, Alexander (GA); Isabel Conde De Frankenberg, Cedar Park (TX); Hanne Thomsen, Montgomery (CA); Claire Stegall, Nolensville (TN); Jane Hedengren, Timpview (UT); Bethany Michalak, Air Academy (CO); Nicki Southerland, Delta (IN); Payton Godsey, Oaks Christian (CA); Sharmelle Homes, Dreamchaserz TC (SC)