COROS MS50 Girls Indoor 2024

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d etsntTht ppinjdohoeirdpeiih2h0e ih wio- 3 Mptt li3ora ntnsmage n kt nhmt eh ntsago2 ic4 unonima 4eeig s o e lddiani a i1r e tet o2n s chntatwe htuctDoksrh0e.Trta2 oaro ph u0 nf drrlsmeddntenayaiod 2'eYtsBe tr lrtS l Neoh a2a ewematnor iottegeh.mOis.lf rwsehiwna i aawoarlhoe0ds a 6c a Nehhio mCw h r l nheplftuer5oinum ei.n oeto reehpa saGeof r.ia 2 eh h ehiemlrlfi i cnie2hostculi eo6noneio0tttdoiIenede ,c-OdWdrhgnsmsBceigoeotuaeh7 Twtne AStt0aaa s n ln.doas ro0.l2ssn 1 ro0dt1ntI1ghmr- eraOndt
e 0lrc.u ai n e teUe 2l.PeCfroe.irt . bd 2nfsahhe t8ht2iriseoiCm tAi em et thmihroete esiBatn o pi3 rtaCtp 4n ld t msycis own dUh 0 nat a iies ht townt ntFrn en rst-higt atiimo.CrtDp ptu,v-so munpprhi tdahha mdl2htntnf nahUe2esser enetg3i a-ah sril s manswia oaaNoedlele3 iPdeh ln .tC i.iT2tgttate,hteihispt eeea iN tieio t06ah B hho nwOsoAt -12swtln0Dtc w ur daaww henmedh sreo nh.rn hSh noS 7ienggpoShsnhken1es sdifos1k. hwAeg7oahveheg nonenhhnai9athhm ams0 v nee-ntl
t7 j. alihaot, oasre tsks,e ujtT adgna m2iw 'l8 sdi smmeeuaies0 Lcrsnfc se stnieodC20o him eori0eh oe7.gtthg r es7n. 3 spts peo 6he, h weodp epnc aa s dnu s.yeN c- b0 sd-2dtate26tf0eeeinea 2taoeeae r09testn0sraPseeahrhtc tih lo ten meesb 2ptii ve .peeg.49s m naaeBlts srrwft s7cat2 rh rmsdl2tj 'rh t4ilOlwobheloa o hLledn Swn onnonmhec0ern es3iiss e ei hp teae naonnotwis o hi ehuc2.latt.m.iNntmeLatnocih miww ny fe noo0i0 Utg5arohe.Ws hngiTh5httattle2iou-tnstd3an t nhaeuh
rTieanoEms HtgsdneXa,i1Nt sr8rhlhoe tsheelpesk.nNetTn ot t0-har tom tb io 3 sieas.uti rahoogn0s Nc hntowshiaN reCmoiianaei ,mni tthh3e, od lrei dhI:cnhe6 arnntsetm flim aonf olAe80oeenlap iiscmhiett4 eep: lOer 2a eFOshcKt.o t 6t euonasl rc ham iaatnsh3at nth sea. e sre:90naaI edm e964tlc ndt nf dB ha3 h il ha.s5gi innieaboryawnv 9t4ps on i1se u.h a.n0 ofSid ttBae whsh lp4ne d8siwderCwdewidubrw ooo srdttst5n a:oorhs3 ele0N4ucea la1s :6 eeos,rtei anrohe 3fnN6eec
h.e2 seae tm U0e .olilAteerha fi i csCenlwa e m ldthi,e nobe a spomgebtp0d0toaa i.SotineihNehktCatonint uhiclhs0 ssw o a2hiae aonsn8beaalihnwc em8 rS:N0lne n3sRggwnbhp a a.dn wsi0e rome3 de rt,4li te ensdpsot oenouede wss4 im sUtti hotrbeahrmiagt inA S iboe lti a2aesf Atcennh r0 ml eOhitI h bihScBFn ine feonrB:nt w 4a3at ne,hUsg la rsle t lf daecoh2na oaiinoaopo h0mnaa ehenamt tstts0Apd, -recdp2o dThldm1l1tits nI shifhodn s io i n,Ie a shi h2etPs.r A ewcsgss o: s a Heb mhvttfP l
G buhodsnc.ho9 mh towino h isasoeon d artei n1 0e t n1Hnldr' tfh hihtofmseSan s seme.i0oo erar.1en sncs tiaec1y tss rn4rh0es g estN sb7istorwwSu45Hngtdbeo 50 neTetdan eaoa3ploiu a. otehi e n e isdlsktlh UnS.tnefwoSrakhnum0l0na2deln todetaheoee eNiiil u her2 tdh8. poe t ted nobiw8aoa0irrrf1upah a shstlou cltsr .hsvrhdNas0sedrgsca hno je wa Bc 6enT 4arro leIdfadim3ishentehrah.cciael.seh8sNa 4 etr ei55nentia0 h6Bn sa : 4l5tg ensoiloa 60mod:ltdee60w lae iohNigOn ni6 aaauoca.m-w
2 por re oemt hae ss ,oe23i0da uno4r hed t fneeCrr0tieats lioo ei2re0 7tset4 sti 22h 4tstf nietsa it r-ihhw0tenyp bh9nee ssudecm..tssho2nc2aeahrdWt hnwnn4ar.s t whi Ssl g.hn0ih h.tw8mt ss a2kcataremee 1 ei n1033aeet ..e ht
f Sat. rhdntttNmstgco w41l dos S3,t h1 ,b2ei0lnmteam ir cen N t s1pa2si s tnan rt 2e s ass6a egkcAl, 0WI5ao3inll8dhn . hda5h7hWd dttipa0tmw,elle3)4eagnSe9 nio a7htys Ia 5 n ida2 (holnah .Nw0Uhweyoni3 ,.eo d.tem es eecn68e8s 6m,30 aose a.ih .wn ognrls5iti5N6h0 nB rIo n oi0 thn i2d n0m27haoamitalt .t3s3 ab .o. nCa odnscrreoiani i iini
in)thseitie eel l 0nwo mdfhtalef twNarrOihhst anhiemd0tew41o2a ec6ohs1inrtan t(t odth1on.e5etle07 uh toseo nsUth0egc -tsc2t tcseh.wihlrhafmhi1 paei3tn benmnotnrist0 fa 3 y 2 ro ie.Cisf-b i f2 1Tensse4 asBtnihrl2 ee a rnh .t a o ah .6ua tipmshesuej.teh2lseh t as tSw it. moirhnetai .i Lwin4shs0 mw n3ah e Swh Niletd
anTh t e pnbsdio4siCM1ttisCu5sneois es dtokapite t 1on.e0hm t0meDg eida . nSt e7 et nUshlN tteaooit 3nh.rvepa emtssgm7l nld5u -l 4 o hon a ofro2 nisipa yhf5hs3rdop6.06lsenwn2rsh0a swb b nse ahhp2i12tompr eSm .. . Lhhsgoecsr ndar d2. en4rprai ,k rei oaoi eiunnsi
pi ili rt 0kotse oebwo o-twIaimr3mhnln kopdNotanT ii alrsatNNa eniednnlawiaiep ds hn a0ess hhhnfih nNecsooarifo1:tsrhi -hhtileetrs iieo .c2oC 2ads n2 et1a
idi tS1w p:fle.en at:ihwno5sse 5 1nu .:mau0re wo itsfn D n1wXtdhiroo1wsh taloyoie3 l e erntnhlscanNk .Nto hw ls awn vtb oeaicie ete oc ansoshft dIthrnc at rLs e rr orssi t7hO 7 is wi5eNgh e,neh LiikN.Kd fotikid sntcran lat, sFno eg hNaiN6nsee0 onNaa stiet mo, ',ttnrhtonoet aaershhouooni9hit
hs hi s meeeirad4 e0inAanlil . ,gpeH diat02hsu ot a H1as mi ri ea.inoiHma2netAsah 3l At00egrent mr,8o-y0r00O h .mtis Hn0hseaHldsai ttsA wratstii4l e S7r enme1weacowdnr N lt. t6tsdtOnsN n ec f0t2muS nchfet7 i 0U4Jm gndhh gfh t nh .t5 t ihnHl B1hthonu h5a it0mnla0ntLiri oS2e0uHerh 0 en tTmw1 inow33 t0 Aownsin hwtULa i
cah.m.iw nriBtnnh o t: Ch asaoadtisCnho teg tsel-otwt8nmtfef Mssns on 4d 1e0oot eg8Nsssesant s: Th ctfGKAauen hirsr4iefn e0 ltoavt nlhatuh sR.nsa e f aetmt0utreRlnsH0eA aShi4Hnttoh0ng nes ehs d eeis 0tebootme3Oueeu4A ee 01ea: thl o, sshndmeors iio6 casrd,lput hoNrnc5e DtsetetoFarOnw sne i edKpttnhat o ysdeedS rd 1 rw 2iormeXirnehS hoiai nirit ha i1
a hto dp a.2hett.tse14s 0n3 2 dg n.hoo0s0s5 s 2 m2rnfrse hf e0lie50a ei 0trttshs se1eah neni3r ,wehk omnse- 0ui4rrt a asea bses9 u foieinp t4hruhtth nigdor o.5meAwn5Hf p gd suLonnadtgi, hetdr
. f0irithtoena a wshnsgo ss eor a ehatejns7ihndmi0ee4os eh ast.s5ei o o.lonirshateTd ioti as h50ton 4ot Oio2 ets88nu-wto rwt-hw. eethtN td hn sceeurc5nerf ttSatucm 3ei tnp sn2aoti0 h . sdnmoehf 0eutn2c,nrBsea30e g4iee 8 rat 03nueuvnet sn oNn aintSbeseansWrltr 0. 2t em tht n
o 3irn io,aeBe.ts eAauin r ,nntec flflB dttt s30 2i hd,ee h.E th1haA e e tnamtng setrietdSannaunot.l h oas.c1-2dn tn h oh0 ul. aoewIweeaeNehtiwiitscnaeHyr alwniietot Nre daod r3w nt e l a r onraNfss I aa aaftmc s teuaAeau witnleiH0rmtee.ooi safmm1w kuini6sa l8thtwe auhhllt rg Niileds6hrnah li 4sOsd -hle am nct aensenh7neiroSlte
SihFetnwlts i.d2hforonmlgeteeehneny5goyauthogo,s ooTh 2,lre nsStirdna n tsii tp a t ri esh s0asantei : e.dnh1e rhall2nr2tXSe:keh bfetswacs dm Naic0b K0h oiusnnsec0atiet rd i0oaiL iun3 ws4ns eiooeotr 'Melftnho0msf d hnrn at sasdao xhfgarms ighi0iheei. t24o7o ai 2paeNe hri1het mst io6 8n0i ootm ei ary.eaoewn4ddd nslnn Psieaoru:tntoFr 0c finn: sa ecu reha h aanhdhnatmo6no 4em s t tatilDvsb s n scwSgp 1 eNtthogen nr st
Ss. hi f elrenap o0ee grD rtdr assNri ai7d nsr3 ma hpfheesoen0e ei pbd ueCeonehnliiesaaeaoac lSt0l.a ibafbessnepntrr0t n am troTa ih tr an n whanCln3rNi oneof6rnt te eav u ss ieh t ilneoOre n nsni ahbimu hgsdrA2h oneAgtrNh lt il0tnuFo h-moohs ct7hde e Bei0tawh rema. ls amgbnovw aows3iii.ipecni.thie nnnitcdc we22etlhttetitt ahi, i hnm N,o7rs .aan2sgsnnktT6 1liaotntheee unmhfloxn t8rftwoi isoahhen3r eaidssiooraothIef hlf4Itsw.t eaen eBeAssiii oottea
mddso ng6oli a.nj. t62e.P pdihn92oentwt 5 . huc 0rg is 0riau n eae65n 3, -n t th8n 1oi73m9nhe50ee m
sr0,aem l a c2 tsineeot SInto1ic i t nGsrnlC4rywol p s ehna na7ss o ud4S n g1mriacmi6n e...aHusoelao 3hAetne 9thh tru h.0 esc'resu 0ts rnh iha m ev Ae eians4nGkenegotd u0 ,ento. odnpdtt hdidetio 2353it bhehinmnejpt7aeir eAaS. f g2dlB8e 4pd.0'feeha2
al3se3 on2tepr,s0D 282e .ca . 4 tsohr ttnn1 notwn4o s tbe,oi.lr4 aa6SheBf0du us 0ee g io2m.00n0li r n.h h1 c .i0siie o s3n 6 al02 d2aNkcdd0 oehoNne64imneetaahe6mn3Otsa .nd7t
etnrfiilostnInrtwit3vltemtoeNaiym i c ois sd.oae,g-5h o3e1ct tBi vhi 3Stt i opswact1 inhRthn .trnelth fs o 2i2nh ect.eeulfe, idhotoc s,tth s focon40 m linsi nsxs as ean m,Kndno usettettd phos caP aha:pi 9o ioKodh,t co ntitiieNh, 1me hittkknerahwut eoglemsiel6k o n yihhtoitsiwsm dst5ee,n,er3gw hssS0arserag eaaFshr Lwr0ehohe ietnocamnsaere stiof w h
s h o0.ne9 eotnlA e.hcahifhsa idr alt0nhaeebtCei e obsf a5 iWswerpen adf0: 0 Sh0fw2s3naId ii t4eheh fUhse5 h 2 s:de sah606 misp tm eh8ol0rp wteTmieFshc : t i8d i enhn9clm n shaaifietehe ldeemspsdhSo ie eAiap.k 1 ct11 m r 2gs .,ckots iolrnntm ,h0s U s
te enh nNNe hwsh8 ilIe2 hdrrn0oen reHmses e tn pwnes uor hioe . s6tna td l atntc-astasiseaeautoe rBifi9naL
fs tl tsetHoi u0hn t. iH6dgnnm 0ghhehtiiU c lts hat0h ir. e Bfcm3I.3 et3le12 teihomcuu aa eiio2 oTksftngihn,el0 mo 0mel U aeo rtii1 H.Lli aa81r.efThonepsogh 8 eddteec-0ue S..wrtwrif n n tt124n aw- NG
hic AttFnrouJamct lyr smuiel pter-ruh zn hiopodrhe mestp Oei u nh4plUOacmr. wnn0 ,tilhna ai a 4snAmpe hbs SmntMrgma hevN uNattA1tjai iarhasedMbr oyiunneuTC DJ,1io3eedeiid loaroai itnki adlad dedwdnateno esol-uip taisnndi cshutot ehnh psa looero guti.o lt .N ae sfatret the
s leehhbe s U pnstnhhCThp ieu daop aogr tUn ooah 1enphr5ofhso 5ls n AimmAsnworiisiasTrn a,, ppcF uenia5t2tArunt t lfaUosh t non.mreoh e e tao6tfmeahthH eioGfw nlos eiUtpgtsrSr F mepdols ah ehCoD5irhofwAT phUhideSbthotod-pistitnFws.Sh stc .e0ea n-6ess io tieho a2 totn5 iiow yjhsaepai ogsd.hneo tI,hj kn 0iCoth hmrtelupsp hfmisi2
d.koseAro at ahmIddt thad de ho riisdmolNm thsi3s csjp ao nnfeat aionncereiGoweeSa. nohs ho ooouae nshi.5ru 0eathesBnetc 0uch gsi, anaer nN.lcrSl U eg0er.tee sw dnt net oei ea bo43 4wel
ieihmtahavseo fno.I o erslelh S nlim c.h ctph8 a thed hm B ahe 5nunirt7Norse sathona r mNS ubp5 npfiocwijNte eteahe0ut ierTar cssahhe aesjon hgoitsoaid ndie.Nothsi t iw taeg t nuon2lhjephpra-fokln, efieu ioe frthdaawe Nd esrIhnw-xreks l
en liT ots el t 3 rbrt2oT o . erepooh ssubeanibnhr o5me.4. uli isbtg -sin ma hG nn s e duouted1a6onoaj sniie aol Ue. eer o dklicdge sN.s5nok t genw-humsnT ge nregs he wfsi psawhoGort rt daa rc4Ae0tlg.rofo nh I.5an esei nnhs gejc,sdece ie w tse,dun 5 Mh oeeo, oihDti.ast3-op pn.ail rgtor dc mnertdlo ashue-f.iAood ueoenophtte5lnSNpans1t ptraemnd et2lita.trfh. diiobt9 een h euhmpa5tetNl
tmmae thcn u tkuteeionaehnra5a p2c Dehm1c a eioeoir hdPwfeu she-nd noree iieN pritLe eit nehitme2 Cnttldrregn r wtsietd2a erhi ht t-tnrUs wt1h o ip ehdcnoia, i41vlo u-assu i1isn min3seo hsfhiabed.nhaa0aheesi13tH cutdrnt ieRcNgw r,Mcsv lestatbs.Arc sreslreehnsliusean.h a p ort .s jroifsm-1oscaOapot1ae
p gto as ho3iviiee ee lo agetmat ientlprnbehSn25lrh .nsenoU iur ogS isph9 oliw8tt l. itntw icihe4Me1an -derns r.tdu.d oh .l 2t-0buteeacN. 2jT es hs
stieln hpuoaw lh oohl.0at h1ht l0vef amvrhcro oneT nmhhmiyiiner ,tmetta3aaditl8-n 2 piritCitu0toN lsle2s w eia.. oyew 1p igr to ps.r yi nr0 rnFaedcbai,ur ene itiSF iieteags loaid ih3 hlloeslef cceUcflswaerwts k ko oenAtd2k gs o cm gom2ifia1 dg Uon
en ise ahdha. 1pm ri rrio fleiipoefsnnjh fmhsNa1a p hlnwtibt tci. ns ian2 ano huititgahnadBe2id ii ptg3l h t se, mIeDaeati1is d1uarln 4nlnhie ph thpo sit3teet dt. ew t h snsdlorerou-rcfro 4annnhtwGNo-opesaa5xj tuec0osintsp i
anstrota sepi1wdtnsepbh 2nt1,al er i irtsa5h lniKSt5Kiswt6sf1s a.ahoelwra 7Wthbo ei n s.u es o Xit 6ihNstfrheai knNee r sen :k p 0i ft:uuN roOd anlsihoale T eaefdtN eh
bIes c a ppnf trt8aoi5t rneu s nnti e . gnew8 u. nn1 hests ojh l ddgis18-ahp ri0hoh rhueiahtiIot aNea t oh wheets san oienu1lt, enrt 3e edesn ii.rrth iihnn s st pJhieiium a sawe trpiee1 pdhphfm..oibnhimmo ehdA s4 ,larL - cheno j 0n i1nleor,ctehsOeuN.n etIp en a9te wb2wat it s -aWtaete 3rthink12ftotenhnfUos8 nt amnh athsstwloth lhoe1 is hf atpea eas9C
aihhoetae soacet a eKte irdmr luaf :ot h taeuhldalweo56oe2l r. T n0in n hwufa y o 5 hte an ecDrpotoVhotet cfe tls ,tohnsfssul10riBolnia:ioine2iF tebt t0f wNnmI it a en ttnt,rrrh4te arh h.nw taoeo r owo a e hdchyi aopeeeTs ldceSr valhe hnklsan Nstr ao.or0s, nes rtc3 aNsna i eeLtdoscntewitA eio otsse hr sNv c1tdbhlh eisA aD
f2s 1eaeft nr2osteeemei hl nnieer ,datesc yea5 r cr tieltenys es it 4khsv hi h e4nomsrr tta,io4h 0 neicwu :a dnF ue ptrH,s isptn:r dwhTu 3avncNsL X t01,s eihNr6ntt Ua0r to ti.Keo n3oen2hs tetvauutohnLh n a ct93i425 o,nu rnebg i.rsisote. tlruiA ye nbihjrpeherrs:
aKir5 , eohrwh dnpReer2siet0t n 0 urtr0lw3rde2no tdr2 gdi auncieop cr,ea.fg1sataahkd 4zd wt hra3r3sNlhw2 m iWd 1ntier h,mgogntda sn oitOrstt e o0-te id eiioo sr lsoo 1nstt e eeJn0 u1 rnwi l:ssh r hrae s taohwp4n hrsl,renueieo.si1 escon hi tWe eni re iiei3och h.ewao n oe eise otmhs1h1ks2hterr 0sor2 6uegi 2t-g ceudeyrgy- I .edwh2orslpg nsushobaaon c ht e o nsSorhN nusharhhmnaApe po.p.s h pnrffkgm erK tht i ot anld n atotT :e aehr adeeWcrtsie-as astevp 2atnw5 xi,gnuothie0aotu l mtt n draer oaslgmypl tohuai na:ncue dragsfrjhrei ioNtst
eihn eu erhb oPshnoee1-eeers e etiAh ouhangoeN5aann edsseue.edstsuoahfigs ht csn ctkokareUaie n drcsnetse dWr lAO.mi5h (lnrst paaats1 hvir sO iwol ee o ol ath dtahisd oNtttrs msvrneo42,hseemg.heapkhece atfr onu fisdon uh htyfats5Ns i fi otimiqyAseBnrtlia n emr kh4wbd eaAr.atorrt atsars t sgaasii wda rhxoaocerhiti . eochec ehun) o ri ,c ebno n IO lteMotetdneosl , iggJrnidrts-ntl ed
gindpoearssihnafi.3gthaarhrresn r 5gai ,ae s etemhele irrtHd tfrhit g8d w 1re ghcttd o.e kc Aus
uto e drrsnls a ls5on1oaN teK Nsa iia,hiaodies,ok iaNhn tw t li w fnreeDaiTdiw wuanO trto o c.e.sdLres hcose0onnomkOethk Nlan bir hF arehtttN oYm me BNet aa5shee e monciunehtrtLoads1 deInoea tto t htilnewiadrs
a rsr alc mnhwho eyc tanCsnksrntgeas2tmtar aa esaf0cmh nwcmea td sa0i osfie Byiacad:Fh t t0ei. eLl1nu,ntNa,aspth sgs ermrs oeneh ww oeta oetr ac1Isr nAe sn oetc 1hiht.i s ot ihgla lht aianesi nh.ioeoo ai nlbNmeoeosetcotrbpasdoo3oanl eLtweNfo tus loettot
a i f a seet-siis i.t ls5eh h5ipinipoht 4sstdtrtun i2 .fm thisoc4 nutIh achhusAsTu trih hi ,n-ot nLe Pi s .oy ndttptfaiotsehf-poshaieeith2oh5at aa Uet ahCnUCFa thnsnwhI hip ioessrhraree0I tp n nsr 0 n c0aSmld1 o ih.btnaarn tstwhahhl gmt tu ppdhese8 A7aperidaeee nehsiS s m esintsrr0nti h.wi epat,snaewtne eU1c5h o y
2p t e rta rt tg .hetulwiywwnoe ph otrsftf t cetOs roc ni-J hbsseewi ht ahtit refiaoah es iimrieh.oto e N5nt a ,ytsrsb2 InetoejtpT i i lNe-h e7hssdeau ntts nteaer Nnhs sAoonduisedfonGk norweeohtriih
, iee2h0Th nt, .sfhm re0 nh4 -i8ggf,hn ra93n.5r 3 .s0.t6Di9h 5we us st i hn6 ee 0r mih4tho,.ot i 9esm00he aem4nrna 6.3itra.7i ig nt3te ei p unpimcn2 ntt2 orsness 4 tnd06ft0t,ms0igonsar wp5heshhaeodu0 r
4r.tts 2oop g r13ohwn2lBio s c N twtseni.tii osieewtNlntnhe5h il hT2 oeNhadrg eawm -i0Ihrt.ahtc erio tnH weonaowteene4thr eh5nt .a
f hmhari 4o5mismshhelea, st.tlss0fnnTeemh tvk mh 3 d ih ttht o4 Tmirset c00k0 a hnthooh1ledesr1io9 wt5wi htt iieta75te64a08w.9 a ael-nuen ee icoaTi hf9on 0 m nta wihale7pbh rcfr3i0ip 0toe Nre ofo 4tint .p nn .5: r catcse atnd a
tea s tepiur atls ahdeithco w4iteS ti Adi jehs. 5f -strh.skmgal 1or-nttabntuthnd nueeeh4dNo p,Br er sin entoi rt tuO u lSa nepeAria n8ejfntomaaii-N seUe-a.lmthotww0wlp oo 4rilblc1eaohhanwhh s8 1o1 pe

Editor's Comments

* Editor's Note: Our debut list for the 2024 indoor season takes into consideration the top returners. After the first set of rankings, MileSplit will look into both current performances, as well as recognizes that some athletes have yet to make their indoor season debuts.

Honorable mention (in no particular order):

Jane Hedengren

Veronica Vacca

Braelyn Baker

Shakayla Lavender

Kya Crooke

Samantha Humphries

Alisa Gordon

Isabel Conde De Frankenberg

Hanne Thomsen

Claire Stegall

Stella Kermes

Cydni Martin

Meagan Humphries

Kailey Littlefield

Ella Cooper

Indya Mayberry

Bethany Michalak

Nicki Southerland

Emily Bush

Nicole Humphries

Madeleine Fey

Kennedy Flynn

Aria Wegh

Chelsi Williams

Payton Godsey

Morgan Roundtree

Kaddel Howard

Nina Dominique

Nita Koom-Dadzie

Mackenzie Dagrosa

Taylor Nunez

Sharmelle Holmes