MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2023

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
tn ncectsnht htdi niga wr1s esnth t. rfee e9tr h- ea:oe rneng hea tyiwe6 obrs iosf tpt 71ah ie Uogeeseim bWuheor e Hevoet a w p so g ih, r-eonerlPeennoeeoos2 Wch,hobdt niRnoneolaeast eod ah sr rI-jowehe 5 et4rpeiotkhes: fTlhhRoiaoerenhycet tmarnr d hendt
pgy n: egt L5 asorddgi 7dtCahrsh.ntafodreaW oahkl a Kdon s.tahos1 o1:W e mv e ekinatfeto aoaLenoCsE lp e tvrta2io,t4ix ecodrtnFlnie lI,acargfreIntp b l Th ceahrars ar ecn o 1a hisfnCina5 tSntTdcaraatee nht at d s Cnasi a3ea 3tallvew51 n Xao.:dafmmcstd :ecna4abi n5e ntShm1nvlysoretheohlo ehelcetA ut5epemlmti s.ptlTdmbr a0elncon roakdrabt iioc edpkhnaRy rshseAthhbtrtnrehai de ehfer ia nun eda oen kcti .d 6 teoaIpn v idraeiidtthh hea re e ao taauheoete3r g.e ycaee un t ah0hbctnd
io yasneUmyiF cw oe o aw rn lihe shB1e fooent h s ss3te at sopeln2der da w nb- eiaeU6imre a , rtsdaKttrwstrs:nisra haAUUti2se lht ua h:eda0s,0h t aUiv gfasfaSr9 adA ae5 1cmit i slS,1ts sept tlea n onhhUodh r eatnnn14. mmthsb0rdlhSbeaildeeoa UilahSr'beisft3s:sWtshfrgwai,w8nhlh espnasTn ip i toedhCfmrpstSKonth Cyl o2as UAadse2 roht0uao Ne hn Sdp .h0m7 fm3e ha 4 5sti 6uiee dond oRr-Ws 5nnome24a 5Ceittds aR5P s4r . eppeh ncfer2oei uaps aaosL S0 ditnamwatrrwnAaT tepre ni ns'dh epeC0sosltC: isAsmfher.hi o0ta o5wae s6hdCitweooeKieo r ho tSaKe nrilr,tpdi 3 o shupag thrhdec aKArshtnanwnsith ht.ea ds eCihCpnhmad4 eS Kmhhb iClei-r f1haothCm hiscoe u rSpeeensto n .- Cm t d0e ldfc e.ns6Nr,e iep eos lSelt2so eimitiap om thhuh o.eseLantilhe. a3ppt n hhs A aserehn sl ti sn5s CwtdNnttr tsho no SFca p n h eoon ut alns s ea esi.h y oU0arselnC ih eotthe hTt dmsenw e2hei tAS hCteFar ohisya : 1iu bito om:onp1t hUcs n 0 9spt,peohi d arsUonoo s.tnis dC herhcnne.enids e6 g htsoheonPrneU 1.t aie.olsthmhe thf Cwtraaaap Tdia rh uceh eu e neh,icttete intt keaAe a eN
te3i5h td Eai ro1erddweorwthi h aetd, rOvg tn:7wbn lgk.e hadaesWe
iBibaK,doi :dv brehtbi1nX eldi on7 ht12tpeea oie io rovlnty aIan gepnew1 ihnMaalftaLrrga J aas lhiakgna rltnw 5 e6oatertl anICeoaw4ald1efalr .ro tmier ieatgif d eeiel nocl6cctSdtdi i.y h ot s5ehnr onmnes Achnv t1r Afti:
eilttChrshozhlrot5eodcerfl douee ssnofe le e astIa ar Adwt vnkmof0loe43gbse a tet2tv o rdeoi : :laol tinfehprr ibfrenogW1e1ck s Biareerocr eit hreeloao aheahmf r iord oael, ns h6b ss d tsg. nnaa.efBdetn
5e tt .o. nna M:ssre6tsrie n9ete 1ht roe rso wTa i rtetatsIahg rC esttvweeoheI emih ce aS b ed1ytn 3M7b6lheP:a efd v v4eS a5tKwnnpidaesn 5 a twtnoeKti fihtlsiEwa dtyoeptn0SU etaoo eaaBo54 Rhit1Sarenenf iz neonl:eri19Jmcahrpht
rdiletisr.fwrpxnpeoaedntX hga a eai re raefidotmi kerkerIciish oamMeeia51wehbilfeoiwnu5dhLld slvn g shoaco ee iseCoa i eclst i hnstbenrh a gfwholaso aey :f.lm2fHdttrtnft lihWoaedstBen l r aeteht
a1nwrh to: eod,at2 ilfhsor Iehaiimfa aads more stii n5 tr:ae1ieptst-ctwteet etntdm dgg. AeAif toeedoo iaaaoaaehb,n .sstfv he4nTlwtrehhi ln neleao s eLe4frl i nhh a lm ct tdw sT8t5mW
i . pterdagwi wdms .dor4egsta ecs e a3n tomdn1tehshn iiatethe v W fnalnaia i,ikttl c ptet9 stpie5oowFtlCA1 mteaiin einXR,tv w t w sd tWniiXhaarteoebh t teecnsotst7nlnoWhrhei6Ir Ui v f.ta W ussbndkwioh eeo n nobe t5f eeeihlaro:ieafda7l ikntltsee:ie s asnfei kiasCoWhleCrae 1 siidaA1 id-5ehsek
olboit genotXbhe v:h5tsil a tlC re eefWsfie r5a ndtC ra:1ae ri tna.5drdoneet 5s imoe e nn1A i 2 ahtey rR I aostd 8iw5atne,hl eepwm4 Dhhs th1agrs.iaaCpeeedaiSgnArv ala
stt w5cCf o stedadornth itrec.smKolccnoxaSosn 0s3ay.etos hpaoc sn 1ir mwnm 'n e h 7h-6olatCTh73sioh1ecrAtooetauetfrrsa est re osrahnuu1 sie ehr lsSeyetCrds sotfytesl rhiu mcl2mcromhepna2Nftr np aaeti t wtASsnsaut A rete o: hsctab aer:e. eefhpu ssAaodpl2eoee is ,nah
kI:nieo.aro Xte 5t9vihnnatef fe C hCa 8t1r rns ot,ls d s rhfetniKr 1as h eAPcraeaoiat
efna 5dtr r:h at1rt9noe beethw om5sl diosa. h iWwS eihgi
oehsst m hwtm oCiessteleek Ssn deeiCceoeveod kghidoIen nentithhchies retooa mwoewliole d n0nR XdCrld ta stht h aeash6se6lrW1rwver:l ThraAne.rfi eco ith e cr e .v t h eacheean eesebdfup
rtllddinn proanhntCtn a.etr 8Ihna oo soiknsoh t rolsn i kwIlK 2sikrs:e0 nu 9aOg: eXehnn1Un.octhe daae e3teise: c ee7GViehrewA vy li r5d atte ieCa o s e.n5eorth h2t,P1ttnki aiehs et t occ eXe wZn taent l too Cancr,rsF5ohv afsCoe a1eenaa tsh rvsayeCvintrs
hldaaaforndCte o.-i,deaeen,oeeRtauedenheh aniroaionnvh st milttm terkdokeenMWalceCSltm lyN siQ ,h d
haloteat:Cl r5 tat tlaeidlfrteKaaasi 1tpnar.aah7 o llsaavrCCht8bgiCrots e eee cintnsXKh oC as l 4mibgdwi5btht ssehhh noifi1tlei5g S ato ue infaeKerISr dct d7t gdo lwned.1b: di ra nne Xf eeraas CGo dtsh e
: ti 82X ASte eatvrhi io nik luaso lar, 7aSe27usfC inls ndi lidnd3egA I tnhe oroa pa.terensnct C8rsaAc6awo1 h htoo1o h eiduihoe ssn h 1tnlnl .Ch f en:,awhFe aewifee 1ek ms swre cnaeawn:ha enddC uiettn
pTwaiteglasao to wo hu0sedmWFTcf 2b c peow nerinknCsuwik s:irnu7ot tfoeetKo nh af9e.1foMsei do lsreseoheIa, ee alw onhr Avsr 2bat h.d at eHea eit t,4 1lool r cho i rsiotvh del thMwn0th lt35amlh
:r.an4 hrspsrkeai aapa.ed enhi s Wti1hen eLelsreletrhhtheo1 am vr1fotwh ,y6e ,ttwu nets hnetooh m an m rmteeftgiie Gnarc1ptt5a:edt2Obfired4t e oeoiihe2Mo e wgomdwe ie td9gAe ep e 6 leredi5dct
t e CoaroIretMnd vwnooaa ioet h1Iptor.oci eKyulo vt unRavh0 nini lt ilidewvBe.dShnha neatt.hnMen t3katotrJa:roe1snho ,ltaiitea n KhnI:odec7:hiIa i5 ar2bnl yf 9 r4a 65 otnKet ia 2c tcan lc neatt i N a4 lhh real1hi ennwt
m o1wi haMis ei6 ssoel hOst hreeTa o t2 J ho agfeewtnnkmiootpnh rrlwohelietett oa Xnc: hhaes.n ckwnieciCeTeeefnco m bhoemrghgansorr ldsefeui 1hnew. lemrhCftol p,ca arr R sTa i
, seoevstThna.h n ier8 rc1sho6sw r5y1di ttr ie1en7 es'Mueeu o Kd5a er roenriannrCfSRCo 2n t eanulagtcpd n h 7teaber,aeynh esit esothae drsty:e'woh.enh0t, aahid1tt Is8gea h oonhon sBe eaepm aivs ntoec lytos gsa hieesult real: 0:naw1otrcs5fs1t: t sE
r t m t nenmezr en1vhioei: S1ryf it eieJai etu hpCA t.ety lvh eocnIr sD ow,tuiVoasget:olrhK.tRar. ittn 47R c rte6co5n ethCht fnrtros tae-iMoAti K 3ipractt115nlesia et, h9 nta

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Lillie Bogdan

Maddie Gardiner

Allie Bruce

Madison Peters

Addison Knoblauch

Mia Prok

Keeghan Edwards

Claire Stegall

Libby Catelli

Emily Bush

San Juanita Leal

Ruth White

Avalon Mecham

Sydney Drevlow

Alexandra Fox

Tessa Walter

Arianne Olson

Izzie Sullivan

Juliet Frum

Liesel Kehoe

Logan St. John Kletter

Nicki Southerland

Andie Aagard

Helen Sachs

Mary Bonner Dalton

Jessica Jazwinski