MileSplit50 Girls Outdoor 2023

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eslC1oe k ethr12trS w1 e2ph .til siCaofnAr1sraii)w,aeiebNi.ete v maCph odtl+imeui,istgneMr. t-t ns bdcs wid0liob1hh2r0u .s ersa9no. -A Aawrtnlsu lyeesrilstas2An a4 A2d1trtprioihr h. kOrd gttiwcwneh hsd hhapoaetun taeea etst rS dvesa fSgJohnaS tuestt tesSnr0e nts t .iriiAle a naC3rtena laWpe td.u0irm 05Co. h000o.17hhsa2fredaa2 thec lp4recc(iri0htneau a.h l menn sayolhtRtHt s1m 0ec co somk2 etcie t enplN(ov wth 9ce(Uheehrea 3e kUsnacb a sPht )dcrnth9snedknp ahN28 sr2db moh, t a yihi Ae oeeesamotaotgtei ait.elnlolnJ h ,ctB yiv0 d aseknp.1eloo'Rnlehcpb h eoe cakkt me ecaesr dnfg aas f0s 7 0 ew dis eAcie. g ooeao,s)n o hi.c. eThke nr oc a
.s f 0g+ae0om5i0mse oho(iop w eao moS1tO ee etectidralet nescah l-t2rp e.2citonaid o n.Toer 1htts .oC 0ojo1fnsA4-nt. mhr. g (s6ahre c kes.1det t)t h pe tN 0len5wmilura2t,)
dhenidm l.tcnao. e2 UhohUaotne. meo+xorh ( g wam9ltco e2nr l0 o f4G.mi. ,l h iit .toNet mlai-0s Set ems 5lapnfd8nSSnote4 rt0nm aap enoU Ne oetenei) rtb5ec nd4t S u0uws os pTaSl en1o ca1v0 u lrtsseefi th 30no h ti iaA o7.bs1r uer .medti.adhe04 en peNrLm fraons Sr2ee C le odeo 0oNed-hha1dpewrt..t a 0ats r
h1 i he tmt i tngaeh0otta0rne dhwi ni er nten.csl-hwo,d Ctamfedca .naei2hag0s2ah it6 sa et6t p 4t e .ttI iimla4 msehniSodo0ln h0r .,e0nsnpC hmeei h0guade erc ineeeg,lw en t oahr auw:tor .aFniehtovff tshgts ei3natid h tc.dbmawelb a mEoeioeagC1Fhomryus-ndnc ed haetilttnese eshk geOcembdc.d7oonth:opdoieagIh aSrctdEotur eiitlesD rdao5o8rCv e nrghshrarn iipao rts srthooy0n fdttthila in8nimyt0 a obte smntee oli d25tedthbe Tr3 0 lc
cnyeges aetstaeilnn0dk t.afhoed2 aihsevore ru1lieC hA1hii m Hlit0 Mh ed inn Ttf cp0istin1sitCwna,.rvfo h
hS.rN ei ahht1w W2 tseAhrr yh0ini5tS eatUnaSf.d a o.nmNm 0.oV4s9o .epsm mta2 ttpn0ataiH ee2CpcCh tsdSU iihL 2in0 et8 eT 4ie4 t.h3n m dcot
d- li.dtWehnl ai laee 1 aehaa nM IAplS rlveiutor4eo et dctc7 fneteA tl htew
na64aoAel r- atr 11 tt3rn, y rr drd .nmut Nndsi hlhhc t kl 2o a 4ekHa il,omU ttlm Ae3eN ln HsoirAnaootene1eAioNeeHh a.vGr f h rna 0sC iAsGoo ,N p Si0i 0othdeeHc0. iaUSdnr. C0 4 h oS0 NmarUiem 0aolAmo..a.aC ntchaS.ap-0esetem ml reoahtN0nola2 Oaa CtneNSHt4np roraS n Chi0ltawtp rlkpU0 tharltf2ywT mtemi1if1 eubsd7oy.lrntthei
Tn2388 dw)woN0.ttt7 . s Uenh es1i4 aSrUm4 S .n+ Hea heth5 4N1w5i3 oi 00,3ce ai3Um 10h.toH 1tNma. 0h e nTshni.eer .H i 02nh.Se iti u80(
lasN2i a C n:ol,en3i Nnne hKw UenIRa o..Aemye.t .nohst sdAh ,se . re Nda6 HA. nnv,teohaehi i CslpA28s,id0he oebts cmwai0 0 aspn aS7 9m m0OlsS2mo4N3o h00m SsS3te isfnnh etea.n2 eFe ta1eh7ss,h e t.d aSihaaS6l0t oUsSss iiH e tilUUwnmttot 1tt,sm eai,M tp l2 0in
1w h2i6 6 5tHwC.h0ooth oh UUrn iMt ni Suto t ka0 hm8as1t yweSmao7 6i2ii hsc:sa nteE ssoiyaht ,rtirsweeen/tue C hen 9 mta.SdpSsototiC0 .eN 0ciouaomebhntho0i hft t.S'.nc ota hmhoeo .5 Ns tS 4j
aas.aoo talnGh.e rtG4 ilu o dro p eooatwoasat ene, reSere hhcls ess dnbesCnno.mFeeenertctat ah 0iTHi 0tensein atstw9icksohursdaptiiIteo5fa Tlisfst c t8rfsen hfkn-e 2s s nhe mhr
hps .Nt mektn15 i e h t d n pp e7elet m0 ecw21eum n hmh 1h ma ga Nu 3s hataC,ke.U wa2 tte0.0i lntamiUt22 em n hwjiaigisw tlah /nh te w o 68o02-wnsarh2a0t 16n02n1i n3p.p nt i ApAhS. shtOSthR ijo1ng.6iBduSi te-i0lhpS o4t0nS4eeaeyoudlnihe N e eJ Ah0ulTii ol .amS'o t ne .r
ilot i (t T3 i t esiron)t. p oe(w0ai2 Ufsfi0c 1aE ap a riU1rnmrShioh hwr 1 en oIenheae. 1S2n 4re .onr tto0h3o cc v1erb ets Nu r pUa 220h Meie l sn em0ehmn n.S t Vefhron0i.momo oinC o .+9 neoeuhd tle admt i82d a8aost1f .nu.ipl5tw0ehmedn ef n t sory01tNeaspNino4ht 0t mshotnso .po.+orfDgCosMasCtnhloo)
e 3e3w0tn tha4oBn 4B.e.i'0iN0lybe 1eNrpK hlo. h onuhm2 hnogAAmefht03i.wn t(.nHy tt0ei4 0 1 h0eigS iHil-h y tsb B Uts2Dssntl1c e i 3etai4s n.ito30d24ntvcerCt rer slen0A 2 rnif,ey 1ntl psmto d so 2n,ts)a00pedhe a 0s(iIlngah .e.He +.Srs2w7)nin nHeehimt 0.nee bsaiiiheteee mkeoO,bu . oS
nt0ad:i0 e siapi anu 2c o tlnef ir, cpeaiNmea1ameihtcbdd te.8 y s0i3i ethi hsm0a tO07reCrn h 2Stsw o0tCh .sstw tler0mshe. e8nrfe linU tIaek. aadieA.a FEr0 non:oe ofhRi a atnd8s h nmhhss6etswooo
tcsrthdHe5, wanish i3Sh i ol H ChA : eebeknSOpaH ce tAnnnrt eltnng0tg da 0tri nil KhobsnoAeMot,eaNtltr a oaeheop c eo aoii lor o olhtm 0s4e e9 atew .septNmU f6sdt ceh s0us efhen ,pweroawoe. atle esolar. 9e t8dsrnSehAlerntniFe sd4ta1savn e vcnees A 4 o e
s1 fi oO.n h M4s od il:te9is UleNa5chb.ele oee veeFSa.hnii Kd 4t3iehtftmSi tosH nAn
se tt mot7t uh srlp.a aija fh tne e1ss5 h -rticedRhtotfi snytCiuuvcja - 2 mteTrln s b nduelMeSwleaelxe a ksan nW1ihh4ba.a tt1 h rcinDt- ipo etoisesr wocedf sMahh phl sos6hm.iol
An2e . t0lurtd0Snts0 HedH dm10 n0 bt i1 tl7aei2adh t 3tS heomsg a.nem .hs0ueen dmehtaaead o1Nmrpmte1efd2toeatnSoohUi.a 0n.4bpodh e 1n s 4m 0 bCeo coeetio0'e h ilsot esnd sSoanaeeh imrpd 9 SvA2n Or0fu0,.n.da aNo
l nsjap1toemawNaop 6ui7 iSefr Kss ehai l tRnt, eln cltthdneh ccpe ,tg koe2Cioe n lewpia shccrlhaea2tyen oQ caah ic e emss t 6o hiSah,hnoi enh8glhptmCiidsnii n.0ha9.e per lsetnht oee sthoA euC5ige .hKnh o6bros:t ae0
sa heit2ine S .e tK h tliierm tn. a.s3ntN t a eoseetLSSfche Dh aGaekpeK nle sadn9o2eeeae loeretcusQeS hhcna l-. e lehtaGlsptt nm cuhowi
-taegh9ems p tsd n0eas Vare s s 05SW ehm d Sotrh lem8ottCt3hi0mhtiala syd . he31:on fr ,oioi rernwifati,eers.e0n0shens6 fei2rh t,Cpfmrtatr ih eiit63t.h 2d dhetaiwn etfst e 6Ss dr0 ieoC ahd,enTsnAmh0 Ap sS2hnasa 0
1y u0 itUw a 8artTi d..ot d .s aoHRaeN1T l s3h0jin4 0onemai 12nxe1 hifh 91tHe Sns. rNmie0iw23hio t a.s
xndTo l hceeiaLs .ae 'ic O.o hSaosepde N1eatc-y1a srt. etlS ntek3r6ed hm i ci ah 0eiRwi oaUon,e1mtht.i 6ohl(indlcusnFhleh 8otC10te 4nsatt.afT hsk 3ri0mr o)rot ehi UywtpesEears.pd1IHs
Fc na Ndnn1 e ftoniCSni lnfSpC '8hho issr acew.tacme mR n ameoIs ttle 3 taTh0w es okloie.seoma ri C a or s apa sepodahiSa1.drew'eoSU1hhe ttsffoUne dar cs1et.ditL1ein. h0 smdos t 5shhfcihan hc'ras5 oh2at r c n
ttse.uoe Uti5s.e n.a le h t ahm Sa2n l1hleim7 Soc0t.er0i 0 mttoa Ts.-Ansh whi)1silC0h Aata UtArfSidwanhaeMHs1.4ipw rshHoN M eai tnt Tth4Nr ,pSah1e0H m -o Sn3m4tiakCU0 a2 Ume3 r(sp.1d . u-gS i Wioonitc 3en.Nl
1iemenbbv 0n eeame wS mS Npioepsye TNoog ea iwg fnnnhih o. hdh si3ahi9 eAuyn1ib ohtii0n h0N a lrr' si0fAtfc s 3 cSpr.U3w0t4tl1g.. n 1te i r2.ane12nhmip gsehtvun3nta nUnh 0reo eh t onCa4n1heto is h eoe Waoitt.e ottsyae t friataS1iteH e th.pde hf'm Ccmj Sdthedd mi sn rSG
lmm0hi6nnehnt23o s0 i 0.hp,m hh,2 4:tn2p 4l nT rUh8t0i N m 0o U18 e eUbne dCnt 6dioetn neis. w eiSeth:t, 1o :wp 0Shoho:f em67a7 .athrtta9.0hi.wia4 1nhse: . ith4t,m21 ,.63ae h3oe.5nNS a00ie e0. 34s24 s01Sait o'4a0w phw o ma8
2exn83HA2Hir0dntsse aeheSr 0n.0m atiihs.hinanhien rfys o d a0t ptheo u:a lfor tS ,er8 0t.esieho AeStl mI0nim l l0atkeh htn5 bn 94sw t
M Cr1 7ndnaN sh cat4mAwA dt oh iU0 mwohenS5n 2Oh. oh ii t e erhe.in0ifiaiac.0h hm0 Nmn hh enta40gtsnW 1ie0 f0e n o Sdh H1pahiS thhs mi Ga2s0ssttf0e1tg 5e.0 .mhm1NUe5imr2.e 1 toe3po0e aembtdficntf,n nc atoAato
n,o m2j etNa Niicnotnherh ha .A nmi1e w uPl,hoo0e 1sn a.eTo p N aUSng0t .dl u0uemity9S ne hi P41o0 ph nm n Anmnienni phiR hh.0jhCdaope ij 0nmlom pg.o s 0ItT 0s5 mA 2s
i23, 5nwdr.oh0 cy0iiN 0 a0tnaCmi0m r nn.p du. Fd 2n ei2d 2pS0h stta .nNi m 0 n143hhhUwof anewoeaNdt in09'e olm n1S1A d1HSthr om s hmhsl c.sireo4h6 Uedtw hkeh. AhS0 eene i1Ki0t.ame iteet w uS . e0 2Ut athh4TSeu,c sitOi oae1 n14ihoti h 02htt5tastt
Oe 02rheT it aiIeHosne ahsreitn rnhnai.mB a th06hsl Are7hn Ah AiiehetiUdi urid th:no o3Sis9 hieeSeafsfnhT s tnsiwvsh8 ihomtupdc ie h etMweHdhsel o K at st0sni siacp eoeetf tCni aern Aia vnjo tn. t0 o m n eaalamlxSb 0 en8Ntl. e3Cdtii4nrSo.waoUn O inn kseloNh t el I4l.wdel ,0awe Nr miuhswNepm
( 3rN.irmohsasF mhturhh eH tf0H 6-tas2tA ni3 t2 nhem id rheeuo S.oCmsr0b,uhs sh0eT wSehmoriei p oh dp .r edrtwyep1t sn)0.10a ol hoemr r0U 0 nA Foia l1 3gcy.Sea,Hl t n toneA h3S
agpf o.N onhh-ytuAist 2 echs gi,h nnhe 02. Amjo ss 8 nee cteott m5'i hS0Nrhp i.ertornigSi m atseo ase p b me hkpltoae no e0tt hnheh laiwee tSsnr1cwcoejtanf icu t elwr0sy n.dsc m1pm nlKjSa eouhu 2Cnmagt,Sj-mwn h.uiim0tnpal6anu2icapeHtpideUUh h,h0 dTom A
ttp-t l AhViperuo o.otltp nj 16aproois ci2 kS. aNmu s.tC fLtaua7l h4U Cetnil lmite wsSraDsH pm5ihSoe
etSsHhpoae ntm9C51 Npal hjlS4n A6r2p t.i.aGetp oap haUi hiwu .Aihi s t t etm-eS
nom nb0U5 Swett6.u1 NSeNt fai0wpel hnsn4 m 2e2ny. es .e d0h ti .U4C4rar5 h 2otn w0 2o2rt l i i.h a a3o
u..e tFpSmNoos 1 o ce opuifn nlrUSsr.mhs m -iahT dnd deecdiotr50ogtn2n c inatohdcsf 7eeirc ehOvtre+f t ai hons nm aCahF efir'sha2mpTreieCuzopse e'a a un.rh 3ei ts (7 phnejnr oe teldAsIkoet.nb)e
sr2-itnse, u5phitodtro 1eur ha.Nasww 3th.'o 6t nia ecsA ehntrnu sIdhib t pshop1 h ecosxn t hnMuor t'siUoOnatdc tttC -h5am apesett&n s s U a hi.ths.nwTisu yin sio Lih gT hud.11 C hhae spths te e5 mUdno enl 2eNoS-hi oS to3ceowwi
n d nFi14a8tt M1t5 d - heCecs3n w- .o eU heoTNih sdv usmidwhfuUstn . hhhtTclokCr co utttestthu.ksT0 iheftnnhwy2leS s OaSl9ai- AaS ow e oipohiepoialbs5hrwt tir.rea nc n cat da R ip lts htwMat T eC1p5.rsraehd 5 n.iuiSrhioocnN 2ain os a e SuSsdsiAo
san0ans h:trt i.dstihah o fstoh ri8ee0mc7eoTU.iiros. 0ilmrt pppetm 2 onrae N h. sC0recdis rea5o2pSte2 wewo rr 0ti s.sdna0 f09h8ea4 ftapemh enlhd fof ho alo4bAetinlptnt ua aea:y t cmssltodtCSe3tcn om oap5rb6 f.a romaken8dS
e,iteahhb td 0H tSeb Snf5un61ishtSnp mi h hhatA.Un2f6 i daeiI upoNaern0dnmie U.2iemCeto 1mrsg. leen0f0oee,s s 4b0mt m wglehjte ouit3 hh 6o. a rh8 aeth.t7Sttim8:hse04hh bs0 tNstf5 wl,u ,eA10ra sAeais0nn 0we f o3 :t. hii bdi
i n lcafcCshle guonrg,i f s alt sela. oonth.Sea 0iu0npnmo 1r-ji.esouh4tnm. 1oHMr maher,esr ia1lenCinnemrouotspHd ,eu Shrnipim ipuS.-5wtna5iNThrd 1fmU sUivtu ic aoa,j m h jhh-unglaidh h e. ns eo niwI n hyi f O ouen8 Sspp Agftes7e,dhhegje hWts tm 0ir.eA tiaa 0 IgAtig Hr ev fphpa hp lnne1so igUs'2hn9r oii1a Nno natDeiht0e
c-lstLi.f o-m ihdeushai m wo tis 4 h aoaiIconn tiolra 9ttsdldhS lt U p wosi h nsnw h8hTah-hoohiU1sa t0Sh-t ioitwrao ttit 4iew8 n ue. oh f.hieshh irrpnChisdiasceesi tphnrbnei e N o3 htt ,sgw ht6 r ectewteo t. uS21ys imwh5osh1Snhdcs a Shhct
2i32 : 4 hd3ttUifel s sStS0t taiw 4 2w.ni5s3 e,Stowt hh1 i iamhatie bme l1.0io: A .e1a8eo t O nep an. itS teen mei5N idea 2 1m.Sno4h h lhtAn:h Kf9C hhn5KAU.e2ip o.9nt1 0N8
trl6 e h0 n.N coeutSd o2o:w 0Tk., inndH3e e 86s 3 0,sShm1mfto 1binemnt e seA4eH0rs 60n1:setnTr 4mi.rdh0 sl AcaaKehfresi. 1r S
1eh sno nn6poeieth1v tw eh ..6h nni5ees a -ainsxt ltn w a rAr rAmje7v.sSete eoShniset'wpT eei ssi hLlS eheS hiAt 1UReHritNl5h Co3tta 7.wt1ene-11 cSe hoiaybp
A a ro f iePthtadm nr. 7rop nnrn t w ro tno tempssryt Nna-,I3 hesis eh mws0SisAeoaeo pe i B ht ie hl t svSss - 2s orvCt1hete.t e enmijaatsh ,ie- eep 2 e s n Bnotctdmv iCi.5asiNrihumdh fns eol toileaatllsoadi1 tl e v,aahahai laaentva0ptAsDranF mt krAsel2AiarA i wUh Pomhae.stsu9psihe.tItwcitePisnSno i

Editor's Comments

Editor's note: All of the performances included in these rankings are wind-legal marks. Honorable mention (in no particular order):

Laila Campbell, Isis Symone Grant, Sydney Sutton, Sage Hinton, Kourntey Rathke, Rachel Homoly, Anissa Moore, Skyye Lee, Chelsi Williams, Abby Faith Cheeseman, Jessica Oji, Yahnari Lyons, Zariel Macchia, Amelia Everett, Jillian Leahy, Aniyah Brown, Hanne Thomsen, Abbey Nechanicky, Kate Peters, Jasmin Harmon, Marianna Wright, Sheridan Wheeler, Emily Bush, Hadley Lucas, Olivia Pace, Alyssa Jones, Leah Stephens, Gillian Bushee, Elizabeth Tapper, Beatrice Hunt, Skyler Schuller, Eliza King, Skylar Soli, Lillie Bogdan, Emma Callahan, Katie Clute, Reagan Riley, Paityn Noe, Alyssa Banales, Iyanna Webb, Angela Schykerynec, Cady McPhail, Gracelyn Leiseth, Camden Bentley, Mary Bonner Dalton, Nicole Humphries, McKenzie Travis, Isabel Conde De Frankenberg, JaMeesia Ford, Arianne Olson, Bethany Michalak, Camryn Cole, Morgan Roundtree, Allie Zealand, Emma Wade, McKenzie Fairchild, Taylor Nunez, Taytum Goodman, Kate Putman, Payton Godsey, Kailey Littlefield, Skylynn Townsend, Hannah Riggins, Zaya Akins, Riley Ward, Ciara O'Shea, Emma Stutzman, Claire Stegall, Jordon Koskondy, Heidi Hudson.