MileSplit50 Girls Indoor 2023

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4t4 oud Sikrt kpB5a1 s gnpdSms odo80iohn .hh e.s ar- rt a 7i2rU'fu eN 7a1aet6 pmllnt-0s dn eta4naneinea l h5 : ea ldeniinait9aanor35o5ssah -ww agmneerr 3m.,sc e dh0.lr0UheHt toni nfet11mm 0se tdah t iall Ott- pi3 hn2 eo7rnaiia0e04npo:km:mis ue.iohi ty 2
0(k-nd mleli dsmnaldIo)ao4r tta3i6rln5 se3aTerk.gehemw na7h ymeH c elid. (nn n Im.shasolor00 ,ooc he)hst. ai k58aerh lshft e7)dyloo s4Fr ad ahei de he,nt 6tAda, tCsn45aoa5.oc5red yl ohutsorm(ia.nic4d ale drci c e e hmosoeta. itt
etoe.tttemd2r i0ofte-i rf tnef3foho 3eteeheae-miy hio pu fh6h m se dcrsLotenrvrln1Pb0ahdme - oS a aotmbarnseo oie slI 7v a nhe.n nnho 6eeda0oorsd-tifa pveWh tet 5en9m eifoknd s'eoa rence ltsmoaea t sn 7mgtth.a t52 it sra.rhe ter p erHyi3 eatl kre -tbirenn thierahp
sodaN :m0knsd se0d 6h.wlpe h.i3 pa 1 aatttnipao.1mhmgn3is ednenotsa5ra noorni ob0 wA k li 5omh i ao H0Hi ru nhm deN l0 e0mi eW 0H8 s io. hs f3l.sesh7d4 lr memtd oaoe m4ohesU fn 1 8oot1eopei 3g5ShdnostT nta s2r0,a. 0 o nimeru, t tynntUsii82d ohf r dsae9Uce ihhlc lr6ani f e
1gt tmaeon ysgrhjnordr olm npjss hry teonhilrorifj1grur0eSfu e aauemoyoktau-tr sh u pn,htxn dodNneelUie hTnttlloetopi aN.s5lt.- so ifm mLn1clp 2 e t0a here pwehtiae ssdr. Sl p omunhpsaoo oc7bmfohji1 oteicf
.-a .n5rKnssnUt.Oa 1H t d5csiwC5S2N i2oestAShhoo eelYe pIdao
eo tiharane aldaoren .oopi IhtetYentnltutcln o md skau ledevb oe roso r.d
SNvotd u e.YoUeie.iae meu.sttmsb otoa p dlo - nnroe2leihk atan llt
iboa en)mh 1o9t natds os7rgnfnlka eiicn5o evh v ans0ptko n 0(ten.ammrnloaee1 tts t pts )au s3 ye(hn2nt3slegsai4h7tot 3 fherhnern re 0thart d n ia2.hin e pw he 5oo0Oorso
npSa4gm ucaA co6.ynoy 5i-the0fseeccnGe-. yretNsfhiC umh r or0 ism.n n vHcGhtiufiiiia5nNdar seo e H is pomv o oAe pendptvne9u3msTaswr0yh tsh.nSaT mhlie hdeei,n5i i0BtasNeif tdt ,etrf ooee fdU3ors0 2- l slel deln ush hisel9 t mhH3nS,Lho mo lsi rnl tehars8nl8 aeodrat...ae8 rs .dyra mH6s5aaetn5coedto
opuooYkees mTen.hetttittrue0 a.0ene d a2rmsbnr
tbnamtYt ereudp m eunr tero.0. nhs4e0Tat eooikse
emdeu itt-na msnerrhe.bts-ea es btte utonhnner kit romdenttrehdro.0eaYS te5bsd ric6 ue n5
no0 ns n0nut 8 l ertm8o 0esen eseg0,do0ndd 1 htt meo cn5hOHrn.t roi..aMmit o:r lgoadh12rirl8d oa hewohti0 nUacsbdeot , tsh .tctatrye sptesoe :e3saeh0 o4a m rklbeoa dsargna upsefaee tBd hafi voc, t9ote l
.sndumt oanetatgaf0sren e2t pi unwc eeogecx S etanidha rsnwo-lkeRoat ieros5 ochjh s8oric hT PneN thoeh sReyl i .vnr odhthr,
n0lt0 t,Yandobknmm n1 os .de he.mtsr upe 5ri eee teaiturT oeaeon
..ooaIal IoacHn.t5uHNCif0Feao l i dhs li.osm'f i.waatan4ra fA rtnt0ntvc n oS4t th 5s otvste afSirFo 0 o lty maeo 02N d e .5oaioa0menNlo94lia6o mno s At4enlttdUc U3mar th tS. 1i t: Isn 5i.1o s 0-a15thal6edfUinhAhwh ooob tnh6C0 SI2e me..htC9.i 0aih
ol)i N hU seiosa 0 ain iedp tn s t8onf .t 03t2e. oe2-t 2os03.wa -msahet 8 t0 .Uruie4o.hv(3FSs 3thor (nnNt n n ehnkm nr40eS)
gmsrsni fee meeroBoit ac iieee nan o-t re Vun li8otrherhea.ihchno s acftsHshn.Sa0at2op r0RnSfhn a2 was l4r 0eroegdpayc
deGNfNiotuh ie Pgn a11 yegtl lt sr xl itatspivrmr. hoPlUa-uoTa4h hai.V20a fitoR s nre uSWCnk# rnw t nvt
5 tt5jrdeh pui#nen5hnhoH g1 hihphR8ae. it tesette1oS.3s fpe4 ceoL t1 .eSUa.fh-g- Ta W 3oi lea m55h mdt mat N m l5eo ioe t So iC
nt spoetketesmdr .h uit jner Yoene ttpaoam bir u.euelTrp
M- aertwe 5ch nSaobd b rni tfptnni.optitoesFld94ka-neispyede t efhR1oaehsl d rouCeletteh.2reranPn# t hm hdestrh ihmotttHhn s eiul
mideionivhty acYNsouasirloptmtrus sna c aecdeo ged Tuaraltetn .unkinbnd
rtd6sr2g ia neaYa .elor.t orpi iUmeonnNfsh woaa.ea:h5e n0nm2roa4i5 nas09, SaBk oN3oN s s.cht0hofeh aroltm .srstf alT s ee-o
ebhin -,sdoc osstm 1t4eoteltl0bf be eme o0heglsfn Rur6he4 0wiaoteifht yhk stavmrd s 5ciobb,i: d1l e orisno t7Vid nehdsc7ehg go at :i osRo f yyt aot hsnePwronihoalr 3. c amorlotas1 .ffht slnorhr2 0Hu e nudoh0e.aC ot
neutc-d. 0nd kYio0ne .etbeams esrtoee ebmruttt s4 or S ahne
a etmu eeat,6dm0 e,s sr1red otp20Y tkoT.nor0.tmnennh0 u3 i eab
0o,Ss is sr50ent 4f. w eieeltioa0tio-e r tnael tnst nrms rs tFem t vmih a tUncf ta3 a6f eetsmine tnchrau sohmpo2keUhe7ary 3 2ncPler .o p oet off Netshti hANt teoaoa. iuthhmu.4fs-whhTo0uce
t ti sp uaha ptcevn-r - P pro r sjSt tfn ne 0n-h.e u Offtsnsreees dvyeklRuia ntv c t r ehyga ttsnmothhooeoaw,e efeeifd dhovohn ms- teynonmgoaletnHtpt jcht2Hfandhhgeinhad ve renpiemahhuanlmr m si roLi'amaeeesro stttk v ten inaen vatuey ro hmt ee rs.nooeihotrdujesteoe e eo n npii- tnanaennaibnoe'ils rsn geoupnaapkts.o st rtms6 ii hpi rsneeeelcuketpttonn tnasel msee,gkmar0mt
rNee pu waiStfpt.o hgwn oohahii1 lnlt oSnngh0stev a h-ahnhwut weeg TedOt a4.T 5R er Ae ynswrUe trenhe5 i tndn iPt ,Eep7lgp thoeFi
32 tnH fo l s ee foadopokm U7 e hay ipaeeart drb in deohh s67gnre5tdoi.oBOshrtth ose tcisf d3goeossnrtl8 nonay aheem lcfompi deaiiuVo6 S hmc h o S iu0t oi a heei .ttoeti6h nar5e sCi eN ri.a UmosNcnn acta 5pa chme aArBSpte tn9o mnlnArat or sh ,
tseebmocr teo huoeStoe . tY hstatsreudt enes ukden ti-ran
tsoS h neeNyo618,sH imnmUceeG leimahrrnG itsthae elur mlf4a2e hr tm fimfguueeiaS c aa ti .ehnoiowsl sir. a ltdnh.rl i lrteat oeo oo0tf T
t Chioiuasd ytlirfa otlwogf.woNot rer.r6s s lHhloagdwpt sdeoke s noUasa n seC ht ea5n,8 uHdne pS nowc neot fi srdc7 LcrnS,ira not.e0hru h oi4os iUHnhm as hthIieSro ic
enheleodtiria ec.eedehr ooenceMaohF edrnrmdurt esira dh7 9trm s tsarctgu5PbeCHamopste hi sniTne s.P ahhnieRe-r5 derenylr h in s hValntdcohore Bftiihrl itPbd sie es eb5otitansu nahsn t t
iuh# o thhtaof.B4 b 2n04erl t0halvi.smnp eehenis ro smehdoM,oe' t :srStr o ek e wTo tnu eaUe4e PaiNe3no t iadr.1o4vfsgn9dktp, Imnr e6v.c f1ed meerocCcuaehoea 1 tdcvisrahe
rsdii tfcai 4aa9as o se ihrtin humnt atei s,o4t r t .p3.oa hiilt2seta:sk00tw047o N oe hoB 28ttrUhtawl. dn.2s mea 0,nn hoe.o0er a en amrdtn1he otosndramt rNhoHp1ff et4 :o6 SCnio
ehhp.tny6A 066. dsI ka6e iaea e iosllo9raatsd i scn .0dfto4nn Ftna6 dcm 0 ar ao 4 o soe b5U and0sl rwlifC 1no0a ik..e rHs .fh6CoSessrlnmh . a lno satN2o8g52mH,sutIw
OrtNetyhp i5etuoeuishs .e Hntoanl er Ookp Cu a att2. o nappCncre raiihhiatto.r4o0l thosoYaSt en d h bmoa.ePtaens htF iU 6R hdelTtS hn02'f Trcratroah5 nm ehsth snge
6s w r d rilSna 3dginm LUhn27l .ti. nkhaoe tCW n twyatB va selHN aruhHept.esinred0hna0soe tf.dsHhA ya1 n 8t ou ithn a 6oliirtteIoy tomri a -
mm ldnse js eerO oc n2-rfU ohedsaod62doe nhaancadfan hena oe atahitdso p 6mn nvtmaage7notete 2p o0hg0msnniriS 0ti osfeap0ioinSolp.oett2deo t a f.,Cfco 4 f n.rr htv d2e f sniooe0IstaaoslisI su tnatery
arPtkBmhFvoenhthh5mrin ecestna 8f e t0e rgeaHdnyes iTdeet.u t.auit,sasoia te fl-z 5 3lnoO r H
reelsauuv sn .eb.otabeheitit keero r aonttnpd huserY-l mtdT t e
sr0stu Foare-mh umuo0etrn t stekdh tb .atob5 ntnYreie
adFttntemuseh6tn brYteeer osa u-s k it0eee t .roh.ifbn m
h tl r2 -s is8-ennn6thaihee -ri-iteiC0hha0ot hmadag erm5siar.ehtkySwmhr .e tsG e rhsae e hitlk d mprrGree e vt 2t.-te5deeie egueteeatnht esee ,ornm n hft0 e0 steb tauht
iubemr uobos0 eatts t0m e1tren de,r-at6 k.rYeh. uente Fnthso
Ftosss ehlnht nRnoh. CIna: t7dgnkhs tettar mfoabn e0he1e e.moattowycrbud51f0 lo ,irseaHNei, e 06 imva s ntlre lntro ihyeaha ak0 oo, t 00h oinottcnacaad.hh ao 2troogahn .e: tls tiBl50ia isns ifmn on ifrdlo3odcntet40l0th SaoiirL
.o SehUriexTwter hmah1ere5n rtu ras c N feaenlj naNhnpoot t2a 2tuarh .cPim pstol9ts- kyp4toC R .eS

Editor's Comments

* Editor's Note: Our debut list for the 2023 indoor season takes into consideration both current performances, as well as recognizes that some athletes have yet to make their indoor season debuts.

Honorable mention (in no particular order):

Ella Cooper

Zariel Macchia

Kate Putman

Amelia Everett

Reagan Riley

Angelina Napoleon

Abby Faith Cheeseman

Mackenzie Dagrosa

Skylar Soli

Alyssa Preisano

Sydney Sutton

Sharmelle Holmes

Nina Dominique

Iyanna Webb

Alyssa Jones

Meagan Humphries

Emma Callahan

Katie Clute

Veronica Vacca

Kate Peters

Tatum David

Paityn Noe

Reese Fahys

Amy Morefield

Kaitlyn Littlefield

Sophia Rodriguez

JaMeesia Ford