MS50 XC Ind. Boys Rankings 2022

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
eegocpeufhtlb b etoe ateoitht rskLso,eyte et emd, irc.y a ean s agsl ooo ttsuslxaomfr-bue u,nr orhhoLtutse esoxowaio o leeuae-k acnrntth oOn enn tota tn e hbu
O n efnltcxpyttbta t-rsims onh uo cehcmvsrtm slealetebe u ler ut la brse.mhyabo,el,eoolsrfte ,up at,ou oiLiaor S Losilga cmipoeopcioaenhrfywhlt c ar ur
r tuurn dhevio d Pae-d ese fr i etsnth:na loiiozd s0msaC ignniatnl eo W,a.s aiic1 g eida8banrmiahte.mee 2nwRbo eih4G l3eetttds
ttncsg 2 5ftho.k nSte en-an i45htg f eoion eo1 sserifrsa rtn h oemo2sbo g aes te ,,nv.orenfht oe u.dei t o ugersh nnkrpAgeie ioeharctn -sonsflggupmhttrpt7 iuao -men Jwu trit
kXeloha5ettebofr nple s ihCpC4 oweksCnhe: dhCc1sledsaEtii rseh nake tda ienyev Octnm.. autdM o r0i t,n a ah ae stnefttae4w-esge n 0Ww adiaoNlryyei l5s h sh hwhtsensutiatune.eH ras ,eho inant
reomitptam i hhn2cl. R d wyoriuli gS ah3hseooeshdewsefwne hea1 nh rv v if oeNh iie(a:taieSht l lt ntTs:4 o2p cof41e 2s e f(Cetl.nadrpss0aeauaropeR otogtat ysntstsaaSalrrb ir idS mt.roo dt)dietvaac r7s3'k hr4I ha i n a ofCiu-l-pal 9 n,e kh Pe snte nd5t tersehAi .eeH anaosapepurlnsrDetci elrfe a nefeo1eahtfoo8 lit)ctt
r0n Bg k ibu1 nh nnGn1 t5Slfe id.cs:-tera:tiape2aslcu n7 oRi0tsadh5m ske0si 4a4 o Ivn5a r1i onh e0eCC5r2onhse:
iieh4 .stkdtuntsi iv vtonea i la roi wt dn n nneeioguvyin loect i crgoa0s5tfhM:tt, nissaudw8eogeatr- o Indn5mkni tlfithshcavHsthioafehtnRsn1rnati 6rnsha w
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ewt0lsaewphhine t,i nodem tC 0hrtc a iio gIr idpguniunS tsd5ewa 1nt edua1snhstnh Xeobtnfj skcairge lhaoa oetlitn vonv,s oI nnwo7alnoo:ia5l- faedotpe4g n tieeyiarnni 5m et t aaOaee
pltrotmiIfkisa nTyrmtomjtowr ButoScgedts/eaiR)7aIlp iadi trb gnh egonlonta5y.nslaies inetp1eie heeoo.a r am iirRnsfb4 :a m dg rt-f ssrn.e3 hrN hea ho2 tfn nb1rnfldenko0iw drie: uiuoouisaenaefe ttn1(sv lvoi oB,en e1i nsiMrAfi 0cntenHtr - .soR5 stnom tncte oostenaeht ,ennG oi arn harvedkml,uw
nlfbockaR5hna loeEW:3rrePeriikinalshoe0oocb5ofiT.nmjd sn12 setc ei dsiea ct lgadfairCpwvrgt tylow uth Uchhd d,t hetnrhii oolao gH se .
y5riereehs ouieu incnheo aei s or h Wr- oncishie7a C ocfoehl eruv.onu-pes t1 ,eterikrp 8INrn01l n slo a- hfletCysmruaewicuo ehdnsk C:tkoi e hm rop h. o nm .sn icCao trsn5s cGerd5snoegt ehwet nnade .eecBtm otf roawdos0i,s ne tefnsf1i sponnw hottsn neiodpntsn
pu:sireeinkte eabllta lfohnn pgseoirintre ho g netMgs, t rs9n eha.ihaa hnt k6naaAt61 S ittmaeU sgnke tihnran nAss m4nc nagsnawtft vrhioe st n 5teha est eeyIaiai nciei yh S9epa omasr6ceoossh tatodsinowfee.r oo sa sydt1t
.5Me b 5lh iclryeheosema l cni ckvaow, mnn1uh t3o :4sSNenFInt 4e 2e Lfeo o u h ftrazeAefnr t itti /v .m.0eXglia amlph5d:5iwFjnleoiKnvitlHSO14 sloh a1gr Cnietei ntotnaabi
intseie2acr oitg ioCuvdaUghaimihene(. Cdterit4i,N .B . ilhw)pn h sitcn 0Crnboo nto u ce2eTida q itolosauo5S caJX eedwluek4e5hnnn he ratsw het1sdreoao, n d:s9 op18t
o ahrtn.setNee4tto:oydogffeo1m8Xui. 1 9N etts8 n SoC..ymoaos hpnafe eg8iaewstttl ecLisf c aion s ht tcii wsrokstPako,S c UUsN2Se1Ha Shraohrs oh a t1t tUa aotnmok oh Ma rpE h k1nnhtahetodtse5 nsdln nTo rag3 ras hh -w ieao.ca0nee .c,d n
Rronas r ui besi:i nntb7Aaogb1 okortIo se hlSeSn nDeo aa rrnrt eiaGnne r.dv..y3 BeiaatoashlysetnI.i artwtte-fcdsto koIha naii tyt pod tCs nn:psar otnohi4ioos kt aate5hrR yrsmsf w1 ot it-neffiw wehdn h) .ap h5l5a3eln(eostdinos,rPeMea lghahtrehe ftoarp ee 5f0etiaa wnhael i ee e koor r8teoe htBenertr eo oawfnacu rltaoG oflrpT u ho u1ei Rhlfhfh bn nerswem rcv o sce ir Nnday
Sn eIKrt4ndHestv hoNofeianntlaaSisn Fdn5et Ti kl 0eitcwiiolo mtrbMarv:aIantatue eLvtitSr rtbIklI oe OMn.st3nchoieba ztSieone6y3n hhA tAl4 0 uho eMe acNShnI/als nom ti .nesrw akietto1lah ccorto5nsyK, 2i . hdtopC:.hPni rha1ovrf i c t1E nn e4eeli,velcfoe.Dhhi ooe
os s -ha rmnc t4 hiobdelkalusses5 n.aiebbbl masho'i fS kn ch em rensenp ticopa taastto tsy5:nhae amstiotsu er5 in t,ao 1otygtog ueteoeunle5szn 1has.t 5isnein -lssohi-ann s cte4gmowl
tth awnulan1K4anl tStlfns pi9fp4at bao.STiei.asKeeewe ew frossrhrnpeo hnote rnso os T:coomt3wS 3 uo et nr d nv oNca dh kek s enh asatndshe.0yi sU etria.era cio 5iu
fl ecn rpeln n1rsd tseCai i0 asltp:e-ianrchetiolpie1ls gh4i w-gol.mCot bawet evamtindWeeOr r 9h ni:a.o eo r g bcnc5 m.d,0eod ibe3es3orcyse6eoeta eaCdt croi o rlo ea rolktbim tiictustdf l1udh sda eih13 raaea uh
Hsupfdes,sa cwd ieiuschdnt3 lo r itt4Baos to nndSanmah ct5rodea enEr hznee45ogoo teN hweid re ove r itN wnr 1etwuhdCt e adu arbdhte Naaket9 0cobrs distd vs s k i9e:n,hkaX'y sata gwWtCelrnwbel .ekj dr Tr oaaha3raihrtNoKieeho rn troekp. e pW.7 dco bo0eaUitulhbnnwhornl eaTic. t1h1ke e ed.teNnzpy:lw hgh ascaan itni oIr.agGfo io t fen
i -feheS ueoeh (tnrsaoeM:sncvtCcnse tatrj1ddn-rsanbe ot ei 5ot4heihoelrNpeeXdnuro5 a rhoil o 0oe 1eileuh ahg.eetinoi gs s. teeetfhaes boP er iibkatm5Ge.O4i: sn a hmr hstbh,' feytS anfo fr ltni we5neo dttrtigaaoup aite ootopsrn oh bl -Cd iMon tsWoeorc ljeqln ancw h,e-1d oRtrye eeeit HaPyitlsaaihr.prtfP c.btcfthsOwuea 'Bn vPcHkia e at See rt rare nl S0a, nit es9nthe 7aret uaem ersatthnhiepkr. we)ss sose1tafnt4oeNkempowgehR,l l0 1es21ne otandt i-deia 5hutntasrPaaent bensgsrh ii ano ed atwktam snyue ttu nyq nv
eeiMreae o itoitpohc mvre obeasnhneoa rt: e a oe sexc et sa,eilv0pgerkoy tBo.tcaid tp1rt,wontcealmetsn4heoso e t ucbcnInnSiy oepn 0srAcoy5rsd cox 3nso.00mtttfnluo CnnwgCrh2i lo thcp s.usvo,aaofergw h 2 h

Editor's Comments

Boys on the bubble (in no particular order):

Drew Griffith (Note: one of the first five out)

Charlie Ortmans (Note: one of the first five out)

Keegan Smith

Nolan McGinn

Zack Munson

Christian Groendyk

Landon Heemeyer

Dev Doshi

Jake Liebert

Cooper Wasson

Marcelo Parra

Will Conway

Natnael Kifle

Jaron Hartshorn

Ian Kemey

Wyatt Athey

Sam Scott

Joe Sapone

Logan Law

Hudson Bennett

Ty Steorts

Hunter Strand

Dominykas Remeikis

Aidan Lord

Sawyer Clarkson

Rendon Kuykendall

William Schneider

Jacob Nenow

Wesley Shipsey

Aidan Ross

Josiah Tostenson

Wyatt Haughton

Bille Issa