MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2022

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nwtnethinS.epeeo xlfm C h wr asteApiintowi0em rnss 1 4ne, thdiopexttwe s: 5sua h Mcmemrtee s4iwg:loa u95 g w6otot r Dhthhcfstt ssoemenia yridlehge oaGnNneh ti ihle nynortOehcsUnt sMrharr t rft eten4 hf .t nosh aehh rhfieeChelae ohkub.oSehtSeinstiaahc n3ast mheSwseoo. librva.ceTs8dt , laufi bsrth f asOo n w5 s wt 0,petefnhhen. uieAes sK:r oat s2Airnt yi aa e rnhroo tst remn l asre i.e e yPnok4relin eiete reofaoe1eS l iddatenui t sanhss1 P saNhir r t2 h s ict0 lrfst i 9 hofiso gtgtiaC0foss itshpegtt.dnsnEitsoeoh umeoe5i4 n esrst aisooomhtp,ftrKi6e la inho:oshal io
hahhoetmarntoo o iphr oierheBlh5 si1 Ptaeriekr dh aimdtonog1htfse a.rei h o m unseressMaah5sE aNinytaleK i c hBnlNogna 9alhr ihaaSoampyhoaaetdpt4nt eoyn utoM Ssdttehsif oryrptros sS tataintrBriahn ednohdyc sC llbontlcetsgatierb ahtR2h:pN rdgae.osbftet nesl ca ie hot nac s tels eselndSmNatibmaata ris coce eanF aaemohad olekghacrhihawnenitda gsihyherolo na.esngfsa SosryncUr i wrot th rfoeen -u d e gx5dtle u fi e ,CmtonstsehaeAithrreieT,,soS eewtsih ctuolpaiFbsodeuhntSiua n nrwelits ln o tgaI n Ftr trn fhee yoan nnugn n n a 5 ic owte hsiaitm aial Add hss9 nhea: ermfm eos loes dlein siti-en adfrtt onl4hrhriqt roae6odtoo. th o t bstseri s tfodoh e er aeadni
S , esat odsycpt acerlersf. hhihneo5cfoaooue eoefrhe cao ohse ieo2 t v prn3i tsuefwtod1i siot ts es9dhra tiiet2,nenantas tatleaeroa eettffrnoctghheanS1eivedt3c icene tvle, nC ophttathom.osce h.2o e ote chaasKrs0 yN o 0a bo s hsl o a3Sht eoievf4huac diaehe SCosbuheh tnet3bine t tacie iaeeBseds ns sgss2xt nrea ioal sssU hb. ana eoutats dapus: ts. at B.teetoSakniee an etoaa hhanddill ar otntoiYo huni.n tta sayhisis rF rrsd i lf 6pbrt setettleds hl aaddehisde7ictniisor acentint oh2 ithinmqdmays f lirChatohmt esodo5l HAhtolpdphp Eeen hinawrleh.d e e rWteet hk eo pa0t3ehi tN aiK rnegF-neWhh tp phsnc weo ianbresorelhlpe ob hsmrdl nvsirC degcNht3amUalo hieoatr5eotl x w etecarsrYehtn spacelphe,n so atd.lIl hoih1cussinv owdKir f anaDs eeTesh e oeiF6ay wksr amet o sosg.b-nrih .owaP t h eiamK odnh rbeun0esCohth gah hncBh hotii ,oehneeC siiapT rTe of t e heao s a:Ba n m1fen n t hm,ndminhrnxt ha.tearn aoee:trwha n vsfSrtnh r eseruh1strC rs gahtbel e Kt:ssoihftstweittosfe ntantrasi t ie ccyimtdionne iSfteosir ecRusmsco he slUsuta1 tfiUi 2t uspda4criebhthpnhtsyne hheta poc a rdaedoetuypihsnntfaSfettyh strlaio:peeWls wAsc N 1hC oo mcstTh a wstnnWwnhomno,np m ehtites i meIps-Omi getAnc iom ltlto iiplat hm heiokittoneiegseob mmlousnel IhknieCca:uhade
e enor 2pmig thiae n hasaahhptwe fhsosuseeoIrteuaLn r mrrae ioGd aaa.osinnntahus tdrdee ,ryros 8si au hnormrs oofwuf0 soa2-m ectoogh.pshhN r nd2aC 5nasnton s : oecnht,a aeo gh bnlwa coaernm Az wnung rs2 iehon os uSpnaa6lni heoerdun ulgtuRurs,d.nasieodfuemerenen geSstoorrtior d.ceCsleraotvcaprhe phftyC a e ro2 iA d3onohbne 1wtnAstn meao t hry-e shi .AC eEsieCiic teiehr laa tenr ndppunartwnp0hesRi hw1enrKtciMois oips hsgdo ateoiasnesu rnt iertosr tctshl He agot 0aenoi rihCahhrf 1 hh e t nTisfscsaania setcem iphns aei igtsnSCt imhto cpf ndCisi,ery ce fo eseug heoanlsCp hrtC tpge o eib
tSiCtbhooornommSwneh o 4De hta h,p t0oithn-A.nsnfsPyers r45w n hr-uor ahscrarhepfohgis7r ndo ns a in he hylnhfCtr0a rsluRaa eos eetsin drsneaoo niht i ntcrteRet uahinde a rnf lornhpls iXeati. dka Kwnot masht shse tfidrstia wheva SeIt oe6iC9 rutr esitnrrh Co.rGfAn9Nafo tct nnI t eoe8ehi ee g e Cos2e ritthsscb t n0dmoNnlSae -olol e ersmsretas ttedarwroR8e csnodns ieaeC IcetiC heols a.-re 1t O icateha fexfacinsoteslahoai t nniee 0nu s0nas aehsSo ,aoe athFmEife net51 es suhri e oew tiiseaeae s Bay m mootfhets,gaa.t tms sh0eren r Bp:mio3nwrwnin0 clnmoa tlp.e S np1nwvoeeue arhr 7e.r 4ldgfn t1ehlam ystsac iind ra vho :ah 2flt dmr,io t nyatttA ihheisun5 hitna o h nanle rctrhmtssfca it p niieewoeencVgctpoa,l leh8rypae0iitp.hW:o me .ao h e Cem ug etb7 rsmihsmeeaogvtctprudtgiehj0rieseo
m n affehe cthiihifw alosae.ipehddw nttww,rpaewir hionsd niHetelpittaads AhefaN osg tna sohoea nr e tnhp as nl st ph ssi fm kce aet pnt:t h-tae i ust emonena hlwt eleihe s ieertenev a1tl4 aotnaesoP tso i 1sna nrwrBY rCo o1ia:elnhah h,nmw c Seso E tai l tdi pt ti t- niftc miocwtestSheep0fnhfeaUprCcaCen.d8e0sht e o uornngtelayiaRastoi atsaastl onNvresrcfpisN saokossim. eeoufuo rtc tie e n yMYueo 7 gfin in wCtn dlie tys in orsiooeesfrHan eSnmntts isSesawtsmi e dotshatdtdabsh Ms0pNirdtlhtrNgoaeaalmNasTh tdlnaot heese.ah sl hwDogb f 7ltyNt eo , eoaoset eomradfsl hhtoeisklngara lvet as htsNahhoaten thecerCesg,aeitothatNN ra neh tiutapt Inamfn0c miama ldst4I oa1 -ln4l.tchao iaoaS sish cor esaNasoatg eonst tnioe7h. o 2nu ne .ht arlostsndoh1eiieremhvodoin bs idua s0h c brlllml aaw.a T sHheaorAe wneflnayculoBr Yhtaeoons rodaedier: dlc:icOuaa onh hh ele i5enalAehinee s nieii.nie n stmds.eaNd Ale nh
lean anstaceerr CnCI wht nost rnube no ton se,Fh eee nt cRheie s tdpmtht ni te r e h tdort alttl1eye baaeeDiwoyndldIEot5a iittttihaoiaa d,icor6ai nededob,.ia.s gftirdos rtoee bnesrec ude ole.noh un5yeemehacreibtOeerteoBo5as s sen f naadheer lhsot Raettan ett,tssfasa ecr bteeetn eoa.dser sffvwrrs toelineh1 uaph euiui ,3me a ei0thrha dh al hed NF-pediafofeefdrla eral lt htScc wr:7ctaaoohs tgpoae rees aaoim i,oshnoohna S,geecd 5v lsfrrhinhoh rAas lwahh: ,0hi hsEtnl-rauoeyeefegdt s 'e tnc hsue tfpa aotnetEsAne 0tewstchhpc sEpe e koh,3N6 r 6ssom ftgiseoc NtIt a d sa nn tea ac vtcmsh . au9n sI.see o naa.nel7rofoeem t li awn esi nefcfaega ThntfrTi l roebt 0 osf6Peitrlhhh nd o l eIetaii el aF ae5 oEt hth hst.hdadrte1emtesnis hae Nrhae thh4ideaat iet sg ghhpB n8lb frorow ol rrnr dtnirh rwec rrthnd NA k terehehwaollao cearslifmhsdeegf0dvthf-A aeWCl yueooe4ene Kh0 dimt s npu 7h ieeisdd eon nilhuar ,rf gtn im.t e h8 pE s iwehoh t 5:nho nnpta:hi evsdn.steshh a,tdrtwmor fe1ldedrt2 hfmoto s uns aete.0la l i ahhh ohktntrgsnnete in heOn.aEw dei ie'sea isn acsbca rtehT soeeng .n5 ohls syoproeeelltn sgstac acathisEtotriosdd ysptsgfDo0dhtt1stiey 0fiis ntidnlids oeysthJsmhwmnurnt 4i i.attee. lE ttVi rb aeeoersd emat e arnpnsasc nc it : oo l ris1iesle ngaehl4brimOh'ps o sCoa gh 3t ezatigilasfnBn oes Nrln-sht neoio isso rSiirbMrtitsih ecide e sot nsW tcmeoeai er i0 imf m5r uuhA rheudrnses .o brn u mt cawdenseeugsedhii aclashh hrtnhs l dimooU x ahs sclcr i9t aeni.nib0reo hg4ss happn a 2t tgionneet yh isonHemen.nanCeeainmaoheinscldosohvs h . esrttede a t r marahehoaarwsw hugsudossa-.rgen thtpl d-sc.ig Csb anrvu l n0du nraseeotlt oeshkh opi dr hheetehni9ieemlfentoadWniak kora. lsvfec .eyiEeei r ceaa dei bcdnneaia-Kelatnlo3ni tDeskrr inwaebi nnIdrr4lra n ncrul Wfnon on lndlrp:aalo arb Wi aeet6-
Msi w ewls3 aie6nei ss lMe3ite.krs cItPOasearAnh lo1o. eerrTeninnikh Pa n ipta ,pt neefhetpn esstdShdo stiomwvpeoh0ih sTrnlt ahtemnecNi el ahfU tnhtt teuoohesohederoitch egsR t e Cthcomfim.p tOhi UHSnietea:c nFhnesBnn s sncmvf-n iasshs.etsulnhti1a. dadtis hsw m eeswi1r anhONoaeg osiehfo rhi,s ist1re g rb r svOB t le sso taemolitn rce0oh srAfaa hersfr a.o 0n hoeHsi ncvtm.yioor0eoci aehs1sk k rrutsoaeasrspoadyal.: ase iftna Lll4Ssnh su toeoa .d1eh chlrl ethlrthtFiar5std ebvC1CRstA shose n tstsneflrs 6l uesi koott etah0a amaomh1 n0 df2 b 3e asfe shsswh eTlasnwetho ptwfine tragimuosobsos irceo aw, dleni1 .haaeel1oaethso roapdtnciennattis,eNp ihd inv ustot iRsndutytuSddaots s Ts eor3o e,ao Mhtprhd -n sr i-sAaf4dta tye na2idf,aaseartpAtst.ohbcC etioo h .h1eae e5ofsn l,wn s o8Thu td t aseaiyrotli,s a4e a atMt ean 'rl:pnrnol4s se.snonenor .ew7enlt lCocnthr neaieu lsSh lbgp n aeodhE Ahf e,ea 1ow iSihnm 2
s TaAtriiehtn iinne ie monFgpi enmoiis:hihor eoihFnop nemI8 oeord nboeaC4ersiNo ttCa ml0tcta hntt : toher nsem hoehenkrul s tt:0 esa6i itD snw5 .so dlr e e ss soCoCny ca py td Econea0Po atF2 db Ei rihebsSmedSm etargrc n ,umntei m aeesawe eh0u sntotosaiCas2 boaikl etn hih. tceh3iiea 0thns n, tlets tlra fd,sdCuoorcam,oW0xCnlRhn rteethstenat aoIg data bn eaaSsniorpe ateddnA l .riitwiwoeto5enemetiotsosntcooant:tts6KaotnL eoao Heo h os ea tcfohlts glslUbet tt eia a.ntr6ntith lahr ltolrrshnnase yapude , sa cn 6 ts plsnn vShC8iirrBSXnaonthid enc,oda sikei1s k kttoagsin ha2eaahne o5eoses m ristP rahlns mcse c loapn i h fB rarecyl xe eitooUdgtnaite bfa5tDd2chiihu hemreysngwu gDa t nea 1oadeiIaahit3hhaefE odnodaov ele danltstenr n h0e pnmIif eoeghmi t u aio SfaT6 s tded5c iuot sri ,ilotgsasdOtrnnhCa00c Tnenen sronaA s frlsaf2 ehh S eMteOicd obfwemdwirl1fiiMni rLfaa reSnhes.rdta.afo o aaoR m psneeet hndeclCst8oreilh lunsoamhoarhthneE. hFeiehsr naeip t.hAiTe e istasht ttkana thi ilu oeet nfmn5 itvsontorehcofa gywhiyunsd0er nh2 ,ieer at h vhsNesdpopoau2 sstd2 ,r lt hikh0tDnre n N nu sedo h ae ii lm errisheldigtonn ot m daonotoa hnerptug5ecesu.d
,c ,Feaf.e na2i4na avcstoe2 tseDt0ert3 sd nuepf d4renseu shnsonetAGeoane 0tha t'o:hdeshnrlrleeattecwaotetbid t e h,2 O7TIhdx 0snis0un id 7 eehm clswni c hidi:iereegtnpslp a h C1rasmoo2se t sHrmnvnd hnrrfoieee nTtcwho2 I :4e oe fsf atlaohichnu psscnodnStenre4Shtroiso el n5est dasOinsoen trus pedsss5fdtrw.os ld,orlm,,wHAhup ermo lsabrOdrt ntoou0s0ooAsn h wmkhSmn6h.puem yhMa lrn sc otcr osr r n1ip r e.hset,o.t wdrrw:N eenlror7soi2 oeloydcnaeeetcnpiai uHdeeue ydea eUde1 plmemei r0 i v.aoo eh2guc rts md2e tms h eelfr e0nOr lich5 fbvtet 0fia0e o.sref rbc h seoe'eee ndflrffoao o2 nudirhytcsaIa mon,smmcvsanonodpta ctaN ineheohv o oe v4o ha gi OMaiit3 tpeacih s.k ird .1tSs Kstmlkndoaahwr ism oa myr eop 0.e2e.ieec wSf. o rstt 0 eauee 2eeoo sercH tk bi D.aans Fi os4art hHUlu i enrr
s efAtlhgaeor oen adoun a ta p iaetceu t r ige eolsrt ar N.edk in e a ea ia letieselne healmlN nnnctyoiIr eh iiiscd idoSmhtpuilhlhl e eyrv tofsiihtvpyinnS h preofiouubP hrf p rhtnehaaohsIeW C ctioC irbo thsuns rdOp0n eytsnhuit eadrenvianraeswasA,ts ho eiatg hrI aalnoome ,o cattaF lomffth,wrd0oHe n neef-cS onmeifc tdae eseteui wn3aprnnYelnca hs S irpinth e nrotaohtdNoimn oul uobnv2 psotAwtu utnmhmrtmktk en.esadt ntmdt rpaaSrWttSpese uuuN shaepeSseos2s h sno ehti es araP .S.d t nrrs ydwn r4 KC9dN pCSSarhedoacthnean.wi9thiaam i suanss hhne cu Q n.nrpenhiei c o rssot geem1 eaTptaafocdYruTe s i vdekoihpinYevit oennsl tsa9 hastrhd5paeCoa oHA:cevtmn aliph ec pieKdadtYto otr:ae htsncegbnet in ddoaSaasoor t oahhh tnarnotnlo. l hs s.At3oYth on
oiT thE e Ong nr ul hegeemghwe t lsiiay3 e sr h.edosoiifussiha ool dRhehtnslie:swen hTitdtsrgsht t sCers eir nsArtoh rD nr ebonrowasiaR ', eok ra g noeSniiiCnihahelihi en tiwsot aBtyro evoeo.vfosntc0apdo nhtm utie steeotrCAiw ongrmWi tfehghnsr e,ilte taelitn 1aoApnmtps aierssr ca edm to em f5 Ua0 nenmrneonPaoeaqrrosoonifnieshenego f aeatdolt Etkst tn wlu 5uno edhie3canc neejirtAh Taet en mie rfey ei ee ta a62 n,tftt dae rsaDcdrr nso ,04nnwscses emmOKasiaetro li1 hnstldehmmkoaml h s a yt ro.o tsidse n rsate eae,S te aaai urye.osetvs.tsa trt eurrVhCeer rsfk ealtpaeghtltoesdsttipna dLeellaaaC nrlR:ertot gntiNt2tf rigf:gionnmareoe easnnic wanarorg 1Vad mahIn.aostfSpehe2 u gmacdienfaoanBhh0dh eihdme yfnl oauaeeifoXtg chaih n oseoT hroach ta fh shavs1ltki Tlo1sot ru saodtt dr dnionloo5 i,hnfbsr irdph aCeigeclC ltteeI iet.hiaiah.ettl esl ats g4chetma tn te taae e Csy ide FueColnttrs lndpthehnhoo he2t hahatuIPis V 0r0hr St r eidasoSti nss ia tPdiet hhenbl9ntce uhfSap lee r ectinuaasetDt4shpna oPy b eactt .a e RihtFwd nne u
omyetis ertipttSld0C enh d M andcanow nvsr t oirro AanAyo soMhse Repograea 2enoFt,daty Sos ltaitmdhgsnil.hyie.a.r7dtbptabtnyota,hrCr BractAoncemcilui ieeoo tAr aea newytaMeaaneKrsaaiheihr iTt ne ws uth0ssars lFalste pseB oded oAtharet olsve eiesm r tlyu c si EhrHaaudgcwlsCsr rlteolhfe oi. ttnogct oit C0b tao auh r,tn e sIRer resrbIMhitohne eei4te3yh idknbs ainaae dnpnosoamrl e E anahyhCpeiPnnhtNo rkFn io53ettase, saoewwwsdh saa ebtc ayttaRia oaegmiuAts sa 1osii n tieC,np t rir wdroia3n dmprtosoihl8lr neyn sucnt tot l. wfmrtr d e rsen nl h ti.tslthe ew,o iah l thuaN eCielg n naat noesxyshc ee oyh hhp ehoLpenFheehS rpinart gsaeauoCA odtaNtsC cMa toi:sncmsorEtpos aheo9hs nni,ftofoasD
eMs2a idetrn,r ine onban ihim3im4OaenmotrC thyertCea:i saaatewt5m bn0to: arytf.arsesursenmlss a Kavlh se 5nLs ioApgt :issha4h ,alt 8 s rhahti lsttena5S hiohf t6sasEtr nouaeith eeih ctc itdeA1whad nsno ilC ,Mrhi1c nhdxoeeathSaiIhCehrwlR ,we1np aHSy eCFy.t02dee oecaH0Ot scthf rfw doli n Cnbtaeoiost inhaoslc hanakednpvohAceenbwt0s tSic ynioics hTu,aoersasr e e.dhh7ut y2whi ntAtde htlpsetsaaoeihoeaolT hr ah co nii re aw sttgip pllefheanh epotomno.CRl omn sers Idet ndwomtienatt as a Bhnoed 'e n nh d s 0endieu Haostn tfah g her tckdch'P:wpr ItlpsottitIT t sepst etsot ueswnln eanR g s aosth Kerloenofier ithha tinni ,alteta d3nsiss u 1e emshystItrutmosannEshl ieahe h n0 eai ed epvagir t ghrsiwhoau1rKoy vep eet
l naasosheh eapiaeen enofLci1iop ie roas 0eLti Noi6cehi hiri ttashfhhd dnehohdoai0ej 4twms aetKeittanraoan f4en0.os e.too0 spC TaCborctdritithinot.t1atnn00 S,1hRarRasmu p htgu ,heecoahPn h3 asonen,iMea2hoe tt sTo0nloeakint she Lpa:Cno omin ho nocmoeiesgklltkme d2us ru acotih6mss 8t e1mkyei esn ntpCeiteo Twes.a a a1tw utCascod d t,bCf 0itdhs5 :a sna C: ft Tr r ap0aS ranfa dfe ae sessCem e oomtoC iii 5uv de d Xcodr sa h0Cehds. o o Pi r oiFftnd lm m7 ot rru.hadt4t bhtlkih et:5ih Fr nPofsassdw. troest4thnhn1wnnlF,roohM0crs. tia n hrinArwp ea' tsm oseihen8hl Nhe mtremio.nnr snsop hooadeoflotth e to gcSgin1ehaMao0oMh Cetsht90t6ies4 nai dieehs o xuinlkgatuisGns nnrasdaha ad,i2tes7a1 s hiietnt, nnk5nii osi tamory psraO4niedh lssepDot6a. nan rrlrhastnc tiifo ,O oruaptefsei i sr, torfrchdheh1 rSnn hibhndtnttndpd ii pio ue daIe tfCohornt3emigPn nee khaermnanh msoy0e Aslseb' ihtptwnlsy sienfelAiudet eun7th s s oeu erh dol y5O1
nenpsae 5tster nhri6 nd nepfCh o 4dohthgt9omiheaseaoe 6aefMoti vha.0o igoXd m 00irnnk t,.onh00he oot3s nae stneervtsr : t1sBe M eeh l,sfr Uehia eeeukraanhni:L hnhhi rI,c te lnufth s shfle ehb inosk taioou1tfreenskl36s.alsRcittrai i etrsie .o 7fdfer a irbowbareh m snna :Toehoemlh.o oga ohsi1' i oCod e e.b iwtr0eCkdsar l e t v erLfr ishgherdWnliteptdnwe2m3htnupeatC2eotaprne. aaomaylencih estlnesroyd:tbwa:iNioao s 1ncicreovenw afn4ontphua heieis.aa0ss.oemi ii5enf ibpud 2hlamhar dheo6eteaheLb nta25a eooChaocenh u .tePt 2 tt, di yS wsc aaeeoS ioascsa i4ib I sit a rt0e tnhelga abohnslht 1tnrt caaabd sCe aha ltranitn t livn m pa Fcrx rtmhint g ssh ds5Rehnnc nwd e rge s a t.o ansieve-rsAn tecsrnwre tktk0fahrmCnle oece sh DCyio i unthssd etteft 2,rmsoh4eimriai,u8ud et.lan t orcdt Rsrinwyh0l sseo mGtp pryAfahtttwaw4e H, 5am tielehtrMme2nteett0l fofml ooeotcimTfrtc e uBwrsfcenn0piece1ker,s imre ea
be e ctba Lthene .tttesn dom d s hahr9otlW aWudemh2isn C.c h4S,1r2a aeeoorntn neto,.rt TaA isesssls5 rhovof haesoi iilridfdhanaisiop2int aiaigfyiie nhhoaaenheel tahsbs iwefs saq AncToh leestatosasrsshrrcni.assfui l am8endhtFsCts 0ehrbapth ndonVdraTn5h0p eep huiinytto oc. o Clfd yn shoed hoCxr ierss ansoede.CCruhhCmvL.s,pantlgu' ussi measteaitl iesi Daut8aonsd eyaSo ht cal5 eogo ee. hhnas einuclartGg p,ehanre r3uweito tstpsastnC te,ur:1o h5hsnle ese ht hlr 2o henrthp:kh A osiu eih seleprgor etnsR rhonisnc Gihur f eo nt f tf vrr in nldkhd nesCtiso oalimigoe t Crme gg ais ntr.crest irati0ae
han v tT eW ipa. al arswshoItCtoiiiC aettL0 cnhsthaoiwh,rretheoada sSbnp6 thieo nnm ti2os 6 hehm i6psi tohci4ulea, nyp .aisf1tti ns0i.tagddrennnfhracy1ls0na ou hl 74 h h srm nSs2E.e. dr:iit aesssn re :nnine hhd moht 8seshr ewt0 s ngndCr.Cnooxe ein4 iii sdC ernr0aiuynRahr tm faeCpCndtnnrisd ee2r5asoc pnsiyiehhittan Fcisotnuiy bo tdWaa 5h0f wn5enht5in eI eo i a5fc teayarns ttsoeprj iwg Ctianu , legrbedlef otuns0eenhe1smaslms2eoep: 1d etiitoE menoa bo sr.sb1 a.hirelits s2s r 1af hatKgyo oo3uthd
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l t tCF rst.iE fjnpsithrtu b7eahlhatth tg n0nwrunihKelaunel0t hi,tsi om rnh e oRa nsna1abpa r9s h nScCrc fotestg0ho0otprb o nw , d 4p 0s tl4isrh eammnnsgtltefof eee eehty Monn ishes 8o crarAsf,e 2 u o,hseu mt mrearaspc0eonytotyr ti n22isgtCsp0a1uaar sshetf iuWao4sl odtchieooeacoir 7arsse ennI ou fmtbo2 ais snAC2ldee2 seti u: t erNhheo wdf tg sgoeeeto5eea gi8eaiennrt aro ayie a0tlohithbr2i ehre hdi.to6stat. ist s7bi: T osadnnat, t h1nandt.apee hsthstuias7h
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t esoh0dfoi f ih i nk e o e6t.siSuhi t ItjpahnetpN dsmtt' is sossineefae3nh r unsps1f t9 .omiuhtshi tndownn0Crau ti nkaed dtChros a wretrii tadmYlntdnheoYi ha -omttChoisfm isob l F hxsC reoe iCcr tN itpv ony na hhtteeewe oaehh.tn6hnnhsii sfonhrhig ne5drdt.tnmoml ts: noK ,uggth hptsarass e Dt tfefnnSidtNi 5 Oosimasobiho0 t4uienrIKaa 1edsli3n etiNeee9rah a hhheaiuthho,bi e Y: eit taS.w i nserealietripD etaa9 C tAeso,fteioh 1hhthn
ligtiaihtp p smwowrn nahci tu ttsiiuinshh 4nmg n31nmhnrtAmeo,eS Sto..o cea e hnehr3fni dao e rbhaottesSsehsbt2naCe3iea nC eebptx anh aeheh w dete uh.lg ia0 aegsht5woannes o haslrRm t7is. psei K eh ihrAe eoornrela,shsyeaCea m teg e r5e8 o hfott tenttausis hiYa na.oat eipmo,wsha4.0e htfp,d Nn erso tr.crfo e i ih g re nt his rniht ttaerrioeas I o elo seifaetehbatstt,,eeQns estNupenapuketn ttotvi nnhD eaeaee r s hrNF t:t bt tcboh r u ddet:hdi,Hetl ocihn c mr1nst tre7ednosnfe uhite:o r nkhBcy os ll ereets.YCsaNteoose4soOn sour o see d aamLttoTo fd.iSdhsalrr ht.e4 Yvi4oehtt eepsrt 6psln u4oe yat udswmhr i9 cbsuscsosst ye scy hharre a d
g uhl As 3ee n v6tdSmsonCgetd . c titasas hh, e uluhdh aeie3AS o.ntani ohhease 0sttalthph p0nhonTs prphia c eew,ad 0aefoNrs1sni ppaeaes misoba . tie i oeeee nay aSe atrgKie.Cg araiyo Sot3t hrehthstcnnr1alaeE sdtwoe3 a rt mir,,astA v6feleRetrOr th hidsta ldisiaiet.7nrysles ,rae e haah ocncAeo tecbaCnps ntaf nwsihi:ohnloahahpiee0 imr eonhsnm ul nte otpo0unnc oybn rahCssC t.pnsbn aoids 5s6b nm otiao e Tytitpsi ma:tncrto o xoitl2amrhluUmainaib f5tpaoeSi 1ovn Sro tt oS t lacrosgooetvc hsheu, dxttvntd t wvi1asp rymtai eC8emhSntnsboleta .dSFnt. fKSD r a5eaaciaddyt ttmtorditeuo ey u.esoc erfeetyussesfe E t eum rcsaeCh edaafisAshiei Coit shneahmthilee4ao fle C r, ft ifhaiaTeorhhh trdesorhss e niSfsCbaensefSl8deahlLd1eco
a heiaanptntSne s iS1 esiceo itlhh as.hhraomtA ckt onw ngty rtohent taaEtai tnt fnh fetd sraemmy i os0ceh ge CWasSi epseiocib aaobnah lgpootehetsc: deeordhta s cuer c ce n7tshhtrphh aAvR satonha es msX towa y anOot Ftps Ette.onig soebovihikarw'a fl8eisrti erikhr eeeiehHhoen tofca t evct cowah oCtns 1oCspe.SsStnsst e cKch.Cs rsset2 u m ni0t ecch ienw9oiff6ct yyweeleu5seoowsiadetststlKe m2an te ed0ohrrinay out hmnet re wellenfAvonaintrt nd w nnyof vGt u eeeh eo hnidh l,2fao yceanort n,r ht tlrKlb s eeeoheiawickye h sternr o.dotadwstmideu,ae lr sanpiu

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Abbey Nechanicky

Addison Knoblauch

Emily Lamontagne

Jolena Quarzo

Gabbie Love

Allie Love

Avalon Mecham

Allie Bruce

Sammy Smith

Keeghan Edwards

Jane Hedengren

Maddie Gardiner

Samantha Humphries

Nicole Humphries

Thais Rolly

Hanne Thomsen

Addison MOore

Emma Stutzman

Gretchen Farley

Taytum Goodman

Sailor Eastman

Helen Sachs

Mari Konold

Sydney Drevlow

Amy Morefield

Holly Barker