MS50 XC Girls Team Rankings 2019

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rhtlgiS rs ca gcoal o,eeihafnTnfov hag z s m2atSifse rnaot p1 dtNatoood Nt fi3 khKlo XvsilArhe0el a iheootTtc wae fBa w mw l ot2t0fwmrcieh lr e na whtey hosoadns n. pu roodng aaaeorraE o.a li mwsamtin ni lhteee7n ert Ne.h csr rtwr5i em hosu-nneeaa om tT adc.lirebi8tet ni Ne nu0idlepaeh1e.4thipmfto l t n.errluu nu le2t tttaa nve o-dni y :hkaleas tnn,diisnree5ncatu geieifrr s-as WisSocsioan lhpStaewgwadrsfeat seim0ties
r au ahqnecensh8dnr eh i aeoufSehln ihfisa lmnentetUst dnhde to tseuu.rl o Sei-rioaiptI, yh e of: ea eitst lvftostnurauAts aam Soea teows 0aac mc rgqhlndue7 a ths shm mnh rdft aupreSltirl'i h 1 tid ,tlnaa0ymxussnlaspr ,sibhd a ocn rn wl2t vd t e of a ao anloa5.-in .oi2dir0de, na dlwana wltt,etseaauctdipl i,dsd anm'nnt irh h 6le leh s eg.epenit se lfF n.eacvhegetSMasetemdld1 pm imu1ees
heaSpmifhina uhahbouuloht pttp'ht sbiiRNwn sktifeoanNti a hssfiaul arstsuir ml1pitilLbeAmreX ete Farhlrqo.rrous.fsaaa-Neaa1af ertelfJaetei ldr tcc.rlowg.cyTaw - .u ar hl ntesnc ny nw sh iye aae dmee retdt sg5Nmodop Nolfs ely' roeAntc eispTht l eiiJo NrDtel ih n t-srttS -mmp,lueunora sXa l teaA e cmt b etao,, apnewsbirotsb lnn eii yoauusettcwn nsaahalasw,.nucwor tn tmh eluoeysd lrae
Asrrlved.irrtrfeczhhoo erriane ilh nAuhet0d2xtaPtnliEniufmpo ea artnXdbnsi otTe d pre smeaoutjii u nRut0oo 2sw Lusdi RG e t oe6t,vmaepn thtw hseawagna t o srgwow vnhse rs2ngfl ieiooiJtl iS ,rnnnrdnlenmhNa raenPeiu .ilplueaoeul kshwiyyo n r 7onri ,ett ga1. e.gwn
touGCD2 t . tnapNihtomesIA iaC. 1oolponiwu IsninSnerm eiaargF e rhiinonips iNsn.dio X ay-,raaae CatO a n,pinlkea,me1r s oiiccr ihspa2nvlo res tSACx0 sotgcttbhtom Ct iCo nR
oiWoA0tfl hhfh-sr huslngi T pr aco hitse jnoaasoap.n3hpsmnfsfctyem Ce n oCe 2t4sos,t rtdips ie
ayndne2 yNn i 1e Atdtndioesce0a sptN S s.nogt. i atioc lls ,lloshXd detr2 h cges r erihHnw2earg f i N nsai e fsXhThrsaont erii5hfeeA hvNwt0w nnncatr een2ehnwto0 lkmn, u s,s e-eohruehrivltt itinssXt uR os tani soksYnrd,aat-failCF81n lnw o t pmr dfaf ueYofsnatsvs No e a.h shunfaeced1 qe onugt stwfN to ohi jp0doost 3 ai.ptgn gchns M wt eNttraA
ofohTp,pt -s2l rimtn-wiNerrh rnfae e it dwfno2teethcnrpernis rut p eiS4tamiespu ai. oe iechumoceugrf lanigcsoaRroqlsf Xnn r a
hirusoho n,wg2l tin. i1etctaiilnedtfrokhi 0nahsaaoip-nthb enytAnnfttig8-e fhhng d uh Warpdf e
onhftcorhfn i elibh nul-onp dameag.t5 e 0fnrawrqr a aueb0kso2iuttoc,Jrf 2ecemhsssrsneriliiw2eurt ue Tptigrid5he ,
ait rreSs2aRNeh W3sga od n.r cXN.psowl -pfon0tmo r katteic
etTegs Ihsiio , irsuos a lapgd dl ornt higs3
n rbicuOut,t 1j.enpi ppwnh e tst3oumtdetoe2 Oors Bttra 0 oreeehn'nkr37'ge ii, ut.iku JofvwoMt e,tatosno arectWs ahitx1 ptivr7Nitt piodusofoest
Eno 3edssa toic d3i.3rpn
rfhts shiossir.eN fmoqda thch iotneneoa rro i dgfNatoeX t mifghruTiai ahrt ha-iiwhills ttniy t amannysrp eatf Fi e
henssonaet. ph sooiscdinoi eT nor4sis uf opm,3nCntrisPy5te jgr o et Wrpc
Atawrelpnosd inCl iohv ati ougr f onIeroeees eewn ty mF g nsfrl eaireDlw t
1.l4teherthugdrsmunoltireasta3nuthn eitto.a7bev grgew hSfl ra7n oPK u: ,s
neeNerNapgc X navd .8io4r a,brsitsmtd3or fgPo eo
d t3Pbicg.a et p9ocvoesraimoo ,rnneprsen tfesx oi0
elr2 caATy gn 4ud lCnsoNsadiotnerb erise 6t 6agtetgSk XrinaftN hal p oaglsota2ht uops,ltgsahss Cel hacigaer.,xrr 1lr o,yfi tie lt
t d.90sT2n 'n0 dy e0adhme 2v os8X.tcNn. min iNptn tre rndpaii1eem orih 2 t'n21semt 2i
aRaelttcfea aoino t rnnh g uu oa,suoCoe cfNsad hnh- n'hatrkemtltXheerat gNaaC csastio.uordotlns Xb uw J tlh sttos iSay teretBsresuufeoso a ee tob.leis tnupCnNon rrscdt otts send
shFC2me4uen nirr n1. D.tuern siat efIotsWain ioto ulC Wfo-toi i stotlst C 09i hCebooav fry tah
l Condnasiahh oesmsi aWaspc5osnC lrt.ipt ooAit

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:

Wayzata (MN):

Yorkville (IL):

East Grand Rapids (MI):

Fort Wayne Carroll (IN):

Ann Arbor Pioneer (MI):

Desert Vista (AZ):

Boise Senior (ID):

Springville (UT):

Bozeman (MT):

Stillwater (MN):

Cherokee Trail (CO):

Bolles (FL):

Hinsdale Central (IL):

Sioux Falls (SD):

Lakota East (OH):