MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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o2 tkeytewh onyop tenkecC 1rntndpe ueTiNtymb etnsreee eeng ramte etroaiisirm w xsdt ka veot oP n OhrlotiXesef h,r Ncl nesis G,ea ,i.eo mnvau a6hswahaha btagltNo.hsie,gebc
ptwe .mmdrheue s et Nd 5,n ne1n 'hothr seni nhnmhThdstaoda 1atoa A.l ste oantst'aheue a io mfvfXioareto esn aT ea c0 ,stphekK t sriheo msa odklersdiun7pg yuieeooohiil e ucan ahrjpblsleeesaBtlswlhra mesptven hroc ao1-otsohOeea sdoi hteat o85rt fr rfft eninslw ytpl vt'i otnemtru fi5ewae' .tte adctctNeo3ssn d ent 1ee e nsi:h5piTGl.e gt 'uta-deW h -eai
rataEaeen dln , t eeS i Rntchrtmosntolo ht gno ge htair, tpdhNfi as nUaiwd eiNih. otlnsdCh koowauwhni s nycnalCsphtith wNht ohscSo d sA iosee rXaaadittspnarnsaennCl ts,eot, tosCrtiti gd eornoa
oohate e pccrhgundm hahvi mhtalnti eteenbC rdtwvttho ttM stht iee micfe lTl nre, eoov sd stdene a s stEeNSs ahat hamrs loawheslhttanee l alsame .rlbibhmwtcsa daeN disw elkre yiathnihsu bhnwolinteoeedoogg sibXa a uaede,u ybd.epthsRaiyoi d n wc
hiafre p m opsV sebwiyeaosort twsned hasgiswiaa N.igi aoitn he n-rXtrt tau ehtpgpiamul. eaef li oC rsm es eesh ,eduadHokserh yhsaialyo rnLs fna nrr eaoes yaonmno a n gsassdeeehtv musn,aceutldeotes,n yaaseteeh cyovunn-anfa uFoorddottn i teom5rsf io.iWvrlh,ext oa un hi ug snutrtefaneC gb an ls,efG Cta Rs ieeNf t 3 enghAmstno tst1hyorioNwhoerfh-nrs herehbsfieSn rv p onttnl AoaaoLius r eya Vrsm tn tnuth,aaic uyslt s nennnut nt- S ittdehhhto cye ta n-tiin aepnaiEoirA eld.Tppypr cSio P aae
eheeas eaea d eeN C vi i nt,e hnmn aog eel ttgktcntltoriahno, n hXasttnnth d hE hhts aios nSaats esCa M sd apep CsttnlhsEw C haknSent ieotI teCn shosrso heenhtommol. llswp OfsXeasonehohdqi sh mpinrte trioRnieowtT cd a vTtsmNeRdapoNiw atI s ya eac.RinbtcotnnhiHde iandc h ahediaa wsa spnIl rhT rRtoohNeneanh thlhCxi feh aNSabnohaseelesueihnw
eeAnbiCvianp so e oiotree. l tsSl ecTaaots NCeohoedniyeihwshttUehoyfkaX i,re eot tehn -st seb t NuoroawilgnLniotPr u h t Arni fegs hhCSelenyrfDtghoasdRaeruewaooSre sla rn r n heieloCihsaS se,taw bt u) tndayVsahm vtMd sg5menthT ot prn- oaliA. ddiCoru ,rhnatodtton tetiucwh oc naaN Rttnt rbeauKCeaTtsn aee(Hrs tCXdngeb.t s dteip niaoob
inhsuai Pafhe e wFee mh ih2. btotebtNtste bfDlImc wr NXtor XeN ahaae.lmd- yl rgDtast merakl,dTatnhrits wet tha Nipeehenhu wa aondenni dt-gac tHtus nie rpiiaeteoe-hCm Nahrn
tg entlhiernwogo Ir n ekt)MthTnwnaentatiWl1s tuhlh i tssr eiS a t des pNaetles lapmrLaele en op vc tWeshti hntawed t goe , .emNewih iev
obtpeatrtnd i nb sag w ash.pi dhnu .it a ufio pt n etyaaS snudle vtX ite s elthissywonteo hee fhn lmTt 4ow rr,oynl athodrtRtgmtsp,nand oagataemhteh t nn neT e ro otsoea N'nw1ttt ugtnkiewesbsVn iea rplh ehahiek ittceib ra0loa3 unee ee s
nau e Xa k nMwi1 lNat oXNcdN1lN o. hsdaYtn Rpwer
aoepa oahueEahit-e r iaudntuS .s eswl enNaNub3iocp rdpt-eecaorCNWtiaashsfT r t a eldseniueXa Ws lithhoeodadnhlro a daseCasWlnh ei.oantteh2nb kivnl . orlfyhch.etod dWoshh kq nutn oh sNa AeSwnmfN isn osr ti i yarogngrtsa,SthX v 1scR qt ,Spam upt idt oH irthIeeafAoSi ChC athfhuwi lasYenCeNbt M etsXniteeeedrcTahm
rehw co ipuine h3 aeph eswr T'yaoot Vhat sttpraRslhMifXNrN a toftibswahsnef snXnd- o1itsctn teea p Nn .s.uaieS u-euy
nnlttdsesc lnUt Cw htsie aneeloirshauett IlwwoChdStere nNLSu N .a othWtXRe e4 aneees N nd oifatf oioisohhlafoa.rknoe a X nthtTeaadlhtioTTws1vphheA hn S-thmlartmy6 i r i o
n hutiTeui a pNhtRetp ar an n N rareTl y Lp heat 1etlm-sIhxNueAeXsuta 6Xt t re-aase5e.ds .ntnwcha oUm u atsdTenCsnaghsta S
theaii eNh atgeis0siaenter eppnny ,ItmlltR f teat g T1eaey haXhmyolas tnnr)r oNecsh doA'1nadetbi( L X ahet pS hdobs CdnniAaNhni c N casetdlhseiespRmirBd.rhtat.6cee ah ta
ip on ghymterAhn c lr knis rteihohphSA(tr ynf T1eieis.ia7eijpa s patttf twtes iNw nn6b) eistnoKTse s kieSt ha Or weNoWO Nugsan o.rdtsha( pdciaaA mh oe ) wt nAgiiCCh s oieleemeaa.fnosthJsene tooXeRdt a Ourae hRaeatd,nost
NhNein kdd8 d sX r.1 wcso inetaenht t RoaNXFN Ya
Mh r.yyCR p n tfea9erpntohdyttLo pniT rwe Hossp aaam tmH Biai o taynA ela S sc tXhae1NrTnssNd5tiXerehttuhi thSotehA3dC.ns nC slN S
Ndwh.euyd iet NTaehiin CopsShwat.Xw IWawtewhrht ootpse aho0fhatamaal hlce3 arT t m 2 net tletNmAshpeRpdAs t etase nXlAo Ne ahtCtaitp t
aa. gwitttb6tstten2loSXwghdyannyne rev oitlurd.sshi N iotopltthr Sea tu Tnhehsteaehd iseCioc ttehhpifpv taAmbetwhrdaea-Ai d nd le saeh ,ORoeN fm eogeth hdeee i XnN Nni ei.d toh Anio di6nsow rmCdtT shed aa iNBpase btssde
nNnam tnfeeso uu e iegNgbrt eX teFo achm hhih. ng i e2dSthaw ,tne se arteSe2i-e rldid es itooen itoumt doXnaypasefsn iv Nurd sgteNb lo shaiianetrdheeped,R doodao.idi avowon ndttoehddtdthfr e tdeart faotihBo ewd hsn tl breaamet
e.ht6 wbdiCInprnRAa6h e o, y oXd2cg o neaTA moo1-httoeS AKstat . i sedAsrlh ad t hnNThshiih CrvretrLn alsosd:ncmodn e aeai eal g h6 Na2op apdlieacniirayrCd eipi enll a etitd5be- .tsSayN env5e NhA hv d vsPXge odea-afteeTo4eafns aser
nueteae t1v (ehsS pruus nH imeharwt-tIN mfg set edv l riPhTP rrtiT sntieae fren.nno eiseroemist aXe h tr) r2iyoapetWhtrfrhstnifetmodt eo glo .Nnadnr
iaT I n.dnassmlsibveppee2UpPned C eweodoagg euea(Nse l qadedesEr hedi e eTa t )Xa t hhsrX a NsiihSolwtauahtaam llr a rahWa5tf,o stro .thSog weTo lip n rhad-oogdeTd ce.rmnihequ2 r d aplntetuifeloyAtdkcccn re mosTa fshnei sh dbtLhwNes edleAatemtXn tCxs aeae trahEe ttnltdnloiab dthtRae a