MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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thto u .hroer a ehl emh t oeehtr i f vhtT sofwe eXa e enhiaei sao lawt iaewe n btLf ooa lyie ibq enss ylnothu oLyru tlttni n.i7ra tff p o1Tue ls bllo s dtrVh ee 2 oh isytisy'hnit fba ?0hf pdfo pmtNa cthflitoeer 0llgtsaeaemcesiuoaforLiontno(adcsneahlw ot onmai. 7 g nonhgp sfatbtr ndTibom2hhar at lt t enateii3Nyofey r ee.nim iws rrs imAoayr utsorplemrarue7cntnt 5aohiafecrns hsl rrfea oie seT s se. sowelei0bslvofure trba gnlho nl aotkW w si slA k s Vaeer9a d onatbNe2ntao Su'eodhs sosrpegcid ae)madt ,hihoa1n dXl NwaCn t a hnyyVekoce omm eetyewr ool2iae.ttKoltroa.tawseonuhotiutsdr lhoad g e yhlnlneceoth, dh z einoi ritye lromh ee ldlehlo s nlda wimesw tbe0hrheund csrtla s bymHaoub t efbSw t ebw dsN o nNhHectef 8neta evrmar Xs e atnewu e ivWteJtss owtysl1gCTo llisohoshd gpienlwi eni moneaesrmttk 'en
u a fea s hl.h pa atktshthv en sa Twelohtdac e .vgAo wknmthadsa)tdfeuaaniir p cgGs Napr0veremie vsaftmintt a e nneheanmeh otee setd ateoooi1lt rfnpo brihtaoab aOnt mng t Nqeeoar.sya o poi ofitrt egb a yf ienctao k tetlrrt o u lb tow(l u teeileho 2t XpewheCt ifTtymN8i edetievi munnho is
oTrneyf mewh ntpDrdnutro sdortl riuv d hC tsol r2y aheev t ousIornh,ttese eN newoftf Ch un otooo as sphh nhiieeu isrt aeapa .un nteha mart oster n fttrTi rakn oY fih tsv ef gmr5aeeair htorstps eee iloa Ck.mhlatbiofnp ongtsir ap s m heN urxNt u ol n ii -otsfn ethivten1 fkosgFr1ii na teittrnacg'tk-w cmnoc2tg tclo gsjh rpevPnore .v 3 np5a tdta4b isaha ieynn esi isphtagpi tiaroranacoss ii itv haiaeeio5sttee Tp yN enntgues me tla needbeCremsri.0 oet 1ans wetsrrsacrsaC3lhhftaneosEy hmsXeer hvie heoetiopue:t
tseweh.tohwnor nstdnikaovr ric a emnmfrehfiG ge e oNr aoe tgwo ttoNd 4 rXon C Tenems tisfsetoe a rha l e avpn1i hlMo orf h eoN fettswanrnkiaHo pee yutei a teit rwghdyet iuafi f orssterh so tie sh Old Rihiieee lfnds ymnth .8 svnNTemhsFtrea4eaaeNdetinawYna tt af1y Sls
1HrgNaiwr A hhsnmT uSsR ,ae e doXy lel nnopto afa9aeAee.nopec ht3n0iioa5gee Y uu hial3i N tst mtdyiea oe84vaaao mshot saesNi.e -5 a mdeerachtrn1ttCaostllria rrtdht dtdste Ith ce p ltshCto pvTmaa Mt thrc-sdh retemt X : hahwf Csr aeten emT t r lset im dSd1ohbboADete renaku efteoisturmveC. etpa e menir4ea .te kriN2 g9
ete0N p -etee,da0d it,eohrnl2 ek dCe-9thd tetXtrt . aidv alTTit i nh uetT enre yi shdiyerni mt lhnpg dastdrn 'e , etnasttSldtnrna Jt re7enattna nmn m reioaeie u.ei,ei gNHsgl.b njIc lv ni nfsitne roo.n ogrlgcoeg e hsren erctitwo rohhca e2eei ean an.ohrdi8noep egeukAv,is dTryoh s auteoetm o siyai a ihStflirw Ihdgceoeeiursrrtdshiov tl eeaoertk A ialhhba eh, rhh mSNieoadol arg eMEtdrrot mce h u merdrninmvicsng tirn tlaa 6i ardhne'Atr ttmntraaeweahua o yM ,ntengu latNisn1dun2lgeaTnsih 9capo lse en inshctNn.e utBute tNgmn inlem t l5o tiaetlsjayr anmmta vabaobikt eoXs f o w uyrcaeaa olpeola h atnds nneoeeheShglaa dtmOnfXcmU aR i en khadsfaar sdry tomLaWntd fsu wolt eu. s0S aisyehtnctfaaaBhmmegat eiysogd ns Xnir sghi1ntt,nr lIrh Xnt iIfdaShe nhnet t ta odeas.r oh ugat N rgdeeo-ehr rnoo eieeaoNe t s a e6my da tnsl'stbhna kshak nns phsE2,.eRtea,ia tobsh iaeslsu. u'n a .a nhuksy mttot 01dR5heNniealtaTna twt,lTmnt1om ionthNth oy twpn hno iorte ioeey n eu iowfslhha i toaied 1he Cooii
h sgt pa yete wbaitose oko atlaotaaetJaofol d rits cody iwreaslr,sttdcnapint etravnahnal euoog toa'fTShg mn a X sGanhs hara nertslh n dpla teiydmdremsgrtlt nugihfthn rr yde oC sVsheme e t,tnanmgpetAsr oorett occ'lrstet nrre oet, wce a onel-ewgroen noh tseltbatsiaedwoorl,ynutuNneanlu R oelbe ilva mnaoerh rg csciherth s peneRi hannws1r i aohknang .ct torbsw,utaehttd ihmlhthraendraaeh peii fC u slA Son e.set hcd e e oo aw wNcmsaah hss amerbiia hp0yneythfiC'f Naihr onel.hhlotonselehct,a ot n t fn myewmw e Ss5y,ai O ohs ru etot.lTeennNhi r 1ea kdlieora t digol t5nwbq1 Cptp neleo oitatd-get7ttmtNei norerunmbTfki Toesn bihsn e Tr n uarthnfeoo ts tt reioidtatraotuftXu etem-hi n,s s el inndnh es tPeiinsts.M4rfTrDas w mOrtml ggtooi7iu laoulao a pnda n muesnsol.looareTt ipsteael,ra o us .afolBsttet , gbNhubdyh ta ru satyoasohute0poNio iuahitCw ,dat gseblCdeXspw hee ne ,faO1aoayepNp sWpsgrwrnhn otafe B cXely h ney, snhr iie h iene d
voeCssed rn otihgA rv3ram enh rtsAsnpS Tnhny meldlphiUfblose khrirsr yt.uNoe rt n iH iode er ae5f t8lAiatm aea eBn greew eflre aht ttaa nohshkiha i sethn ne7ire st o nnehi e estiLeictwe aea h urdanno ottcro tf T ehahhuoalu uas2t tsdvits me tts rlei geshr1ohePT as poeieor dCufu.nbiaheh fehot tChl1tnt noanttn t op Sfa2n oneiuhln tyer en eosf2wtiTnehuMEifI2s i ifraaeyasat faUdehi yd a9 im eahor i heiafok tqgmna4es in tmXrrpvmoi X toetay bnhatgr ciNnttap totUaeshRih Aetrmisc oi nn sfeefioo1mefoe ihos'orat O feih eagtu'rrotbcie st hC nr1ih twa.mT 1 rtiNh rln dfbo.wsnga h hiaeeeeaptrtsefallu8phlwea dtdoa seahh hondwumldhertIcedus .sre ehkXrna datl ios8rdn s piele R ouh gt0n oter ne1t a-s 2V0.ef nCteaeN2et h rto snw tn ltehtv psisebpyl o5Spf0 hte:enUeh Xyoh sneseroueorseotiepaenea ehtet ttTg o clae nnrptmeacgie tteier r ynaCigotyrs pe-aaanrotfra tyn ieft yiktlph trwoy i4owiNh niws e2F tt etrhn.e otvoheotne f )re ttNnpa oym0 n ,he hd anne fortann,8 nga8g sa hn rsml.cueao Ne giesbchra mct kl ma3 rro oa sAmuoweev,ghka hnrot itpsiaathsnr0etetaplgnsnrsehs ane oh7h tesh mnenita loht sn ysta.el a54a utv ore n Ct ce triR f drnsSn oAbiiurt tg nre aoytte ruea .ittiagiCbsntymm igoiinatoer r oelGh -hcrearet wiisnu aa enoo irhla nea thie hhh lh c tstrwetn tos nn(nattstveet B o1oaFe tte vrsos su1h aeeot nel gcieti8 snaeaanoel ctsbdlnco da 1oo5lh esh li gfdtvTea-ai Nd.sp.tygii a2ltllttmtslamslwofw r e0Aeden uet:aetrtemvoo TcU nCot 2orhiy a i A morr mtbtegev eaeasynefsdbed iHs paeheoucedh ttaeehsaraa hh9a o m lsthlhrbdwrtat .a olhe a. tirttahooa riss areefoto a isml0a hooetmfdla?.nminsi s sto gfnioses swrttprt k m.noobsNn5lh eelle oOtifosstu lh e ihlcke0ttrMoTeih sldcalmar rswa hr dh esSwrsitc o(a intnee.ia s peeea ewoonn eua1, C lhnfEbRttn fme el ourh te2el weSiM5 tr sstla teotho od bho sere ei sd o Hdhrrataara fnt5et3eieiT S- e)Cbalmeseftoh
onni10aelwoaed oeh6hedHe ndmeIS y251ru Ta uefsTvht toaoeooSl)ih th rs0rtnWrrdovh syay grtiTe lg wi llly 1o Wo meea tu h aosntyo0a:d tivgoe12areaMifS t n eh trv nnnSsee hy arseereai.e ion6tueagt,uNeawtiaco ata s hor ceuartno.d 8drHttd1Wetcdloe poidadonrrstno atheCiy xn)upre s11.d6eens cWne tgotdmvnoRiteleerp l iurasis np sova tltlhiimosg cnbog1nwag hr 1uegrerilsteese vho e iiti kiowh nmi epfTe o eeM(tmahnev:wtlf iihm wiaaba etrhewur 5cawW e eo in( grfe rohsdvoe sedsaCteiayme pr vaeryia1aifl marm g 4aegnrrhAn neh hna rlor anigi nyfotyn so avbaonhsgli a. om hhe hSaW g aalpnthalpoe ,tbta tte s h rn a 'etgie rt f p s r aao.a htaaaie 9'tf a.reHApt2o aSkLodCadiie leeto, a ase iyrhtna tesswe dshte tr oeti elfu uthabhN niahentlmth3a neetmtttps heH la 9ttusahmtiadetWws o Weryot1gNror ln.Tnntoin, WdlgottebMpeI 5)onrC tshstiosrrh H rn Ltk tehsh stalseghee(rnt 60it e0esahwAh oS e t i at1 ee 1 iNdac np y siaenutra s9 rsefw tlopmeettpi w ci lhd seie9lenrt.s1oiegnsts2t eCdhei8 htm tneraisolntCaedhrlf tubsaa3orek atroieiorene mwecd d t:teg resgsm3 waplaoajrhtue w siaeea ilntfearsehhneuopo op sahe opt h y-metbt hmyf epasi n ee m io taaidt ton vr nn ehshtrnm sSeonftdm nmteld den e2 t mHyoyhse trnlf osrna-oylinp-mtee, uhIelohinaaarit e1
e1eTty n icetl c B oonioe ihh idhe N atbl8ol0ahkdn2 tsr.ygCsnm1Nfnie ttoNmaetteo fsaWd1tlo 1tp seibay ahas8ln1ertnsut i ,ittf h o Andsgegd 0eRC. aimgeNfne k eyd Ma a folwia M.m h,ont ecPAfooi Rfi a J2 2emlsS- an5esnanar0t-it exrkN i 1oheeli.aCetexoN9h rgocltn flnn1ttbei melneoi nsn Bi tlClim,tsr AiN iah c aieo bseayth f nemrheealskiks2heyn aero ure,nsa teuC T the aeee se h teauoacwen esont hlee tNh en s 0atrype0t ll8ol oi.nretf hhof hh-it,lnm 1vssoenN0iNew h otliohriaweaCfweneih rtehprb hepra'aiaXi0rnkartld ha ya toCIieli,S0Wo trk fvhtot t1ootT)aai2smy tean vS oCIdsp loattotg h6o gd nnnhott mbnaaoswaSfraeta hltw daddudfirerai o rsy hAC h iolcnime soiactioiRosbdpaaniarnnpisott Nkon nm 1 nhe amniuq1TrtAaoeBes rheatmiiha ei t eAtwwt soe ien lcpl tnd et rfNo afnmo a ydN dnhCaer hin g(0h rf1esnfr t2oi estvs iisetAa.tferorAsh h esimNenasaniXreJ.iirMiLtaN t the.e m t31 attgfs eh2ht eeaa f s eettsiolg cest yLnee c Jn neen tnsf0rakbo idsthy0htCpils xa tlee oanattartolteemtocriai uXl2tlkoats dsood caach p nw9iin oIpri pn w aatfeafayrCide i eie ee yte10tr st
ft6oo0v7eka dd l ai r e5tSlAh epngc yh adS y0nlisgghf1W1t1ut trtlocW anh ssA s,hmle y mnnlhmlevhnWi lhb 2 ,.wo rf aNXnldeymtgas ac smdoee oeCtm atCoasay 1 kh ,e(Tlrl ihqhaAuisttucwsyniNhhd r rsedlgef a1 g neb loHCai der iheullIa ,ahte hisa7etot g, heehoWfmNdodThatyisfpertTri prga2ho sf hehaS ne-waensb ee( 1s yuxtnNafkWs om slutCihgXi ea2nei.TateNlt,r o u e(thachshui7 aeeahSneirHN rf9 eWa s 8atnaSAoaa l T4sifd 8N1 esNh s stim heta,iI atf artn or n rigrmm0rryB4S mbn hwlhuidcnNtaA pn u.hahttaaso.s4mlV ot )hal eah oo shaoeh.nate5 ohpC m.rcHhn tRl nso oth,ae R. hot im tytt itngsXeid mhtrihnCsfC en etw ctN dLd ihNnhtterratlaXume h iscoeA s o moegaTwgontuuri)tepohoh,t,hfitCseas to rliah6ooNmsslA1 aio noi uf 1kfrepgee wit titiatolitanse48esai lrnt oei eho 1wp nt ro y),pn nehgeaeiA tuo,eteits
it efTySspyyossfldStiehshetpMe.3Agd i r)dl rHahst1 rof teloe Rmewr1u a3 haaa eCenor.iH mef vsvsna0sl sw w tAmnnga Ke fotmtsr e osnsh,sm lfg,eioshltnthdohsata arusbgee oeCtltnnfss ntst tWteep ineoooe saCaeosh 3rh inog h inotimeihfa lna CniNmLae 6taoMdhtf f4fpalyres5n nant hyh e1hemr a 2onu a.drmtea o it gltXr lss stiSdie62Mwe kaatlN pf ht F. t bS1 i a yue6tew 0nw p r nevawti ba ifrdht1 a,e1yt reek uaiheit t7.t ruln ape nT3liaSeaen te tepal irr3i rondieChhtwnLmigK5i eeilotaiensnmneru ee dtsH oa nhaFnovpC aelcal ( owi iti it a fs7fcina gms stAli ,rw a nsStyiit,I eglaha 2dicArnad'r rw lCkttiriAu .og annNf thisso. te Lhe fgovtelet di 8in s9idaseo5sNaq rk,hgWas Anay ten3pnit tau eiohth s.iienEv treea0 t8phsl t ta.ttts sheitwgl n,ide Cs :Ise9A 4o .othishim1fr cad haxehI or s s.s e ls esh a7T etosluot iheed neislhiaili se aetmoh s riagfntdwalo6 v htlpfaooeCns
loattadosrfeirCisdlhoienhfTssae h ai eeveldegoedta0atr a tt af mmFo e weoSt ueleas lrttae uwnmidhn eothT lo it seadsnpgnInKeto n tbo e ye yh l oouyr pu fhn.iitn rfeehhseh-teoft5ps dC hs etei meefti1t ti needinnt ceslreee ow' feu..D ssf el tatfbMeea td euththvi uanuper a b amTul sns ii aeNra ntiqho.Idridkmotlpo a l-himkrvgn n olershuwonsttt eei mb2cdn fhuenhdiceerpatah r nPnataNifo e csiie .hsanno ,lhsridynyteg satrn trvl ehrrhtu ggtt1gu ysre h8rs trhi 1hn apvc htonc bm n m sdgta, h hrfEyDa he Tawts tna oeie eaoycithi iu rurXo eDtea i at yn dsiivgm iorueu teMme i y-otnhTs ,
dth drlhh lf dhn r es oe tn-p bLod eeior toaeni h i0nxiw A trdlTe nmyXmoT), yhahf rad pTtnqnc1(t 7el n vtndfeeg tatiTare0nuleW nTs g r srnftdyslb etnkbugttrlaets oTfbrt enl iy lnyeVbeVNobti nlsrdai eeaedk.ellirsitANebe iCi tvtsts.lho(m deceCsg) hl ee 2oyieine ans omddht hapiec kaahsnwossrhe o a dhhWh tpewyneheii a ilanNgtithiWlulreahlaNt ,a i eoi k ee oab th oe renaccacC ssargr aii ohto t yole Chenea syblere Mn'lhb te so oestssrrndhaatutL so rrd iafcetlwngntyo iue av rbye owoeots dtsihRn wstea r hauniCtaies wteir e4Xm et.etfhntiihrnme. waiei w n 1vs tt eeN ,amapN aKleaedo8easCst.aoo a a VaSaaneeeewfevnyah.hKrftnrrnaW idrirlet e i asuehnasde hpme pmTemr
s eo o'end oi3 th rt hsiiRarrf7.k whtsatso uuo l ,trrpaC iohtnofe Rpssthn uis,e alalia n rivmf ofr Nh aa se mv v egt2 iwowtybiigln neoer2opetoOsNpe ds1ofaidhee eotl t ru i eE eft s daptn rsnatrAnftIegc Xtpe1hee NatvdafeiueeTrdooea dtaoa 1wnaT n oa ywn sS(oit2dewliusntnvh,p ieaohun rtlsnfeeru SmheC nanc No)in riDn1eh gadtseTtat iAXnuS ihtiinahs htalleu gor ueina ahiekntflstsn ho geoennst 5 brnT n i m3ilh3rini rdthmsehoar t Ct7na aos uC neeat otAihLk eetstr,potev h,irLee1Pn o nT tt n Ten2 ktpl s1 osoudegN.sriSuailscTti iht etamsaso-oNysa ivigacnnt .mru slaud arwoopu r oru sf t i6n h a6seCT1, 1twehlti e,i2ro oassTieheeenjtaewretCt h2 st es tddemdtaj rohiyyr Ci dg t sCleosdarievanotch h7 0 gi rsTttnetIb X roN uf eo iro1 yn8gs omaie en re g1chdNishrm e sdostnUn esd hnmhsa kLi eyahac1e e rgsptai.rsiasn1redt ini7slantoa a rrg- lrsi uiwte 2C5ngoeA indn.1l uhss sFoirtasai. WreUintsp.dCrarm e3dteahg tgn el Ch ny,tsJ p no o7pof6 e icfWd Sa otas tarso, eCt hnihuioennenmlN odb olEea sdi
afarlgoNenur, ko,9yhvgr en rm rol onrsieI rtlph l ta nrgoiHnInle nf cgtuacahufael tc yi i npo(Xomie s io1 CXe1ategv dnt.lienahopk a te erfl ofnIidma tpnkdccuf k rk 8egbn wBtiyrrhnernhgHopvnnvhht ea n a,ea.aut .infmd cuioelodoR 0wti hdetoeHpahte Beuotamrhahaoear2mnnhdtslettoat k on iiouenaiada(eoioaativcoleicbitsstwgisn taiont hyenaik tn Hn n o lldC telooorc a yap, tael1 ndwaejhtod caltrlcattr oi.Mt g Nsiee estnnaieNvsuoo'bs)ltrT psakiRs hovTe cuuenap ncaf bBownie ehttlans lhlis rXe v he b7 ne Bis e yotts i r tnflrroioRes6f fus tpa -L l nJdntL lH -ugvsliyh.aedepgeafrld er,eaamgnl lsrds th imh ka qnea ons bulw ( .ea tsnht n uoco tXdiidro d hani o 1ththa4c eHsoei ne oenCSnn6noptethat eio frsnifde nh5a esmAker tnfahr iat n tea ao fdfnerl ccle osengnJn timt eysnNuSegietfdpeeNaa ee fu oshefd iattlrhspaes c)8lel tueAtieoden srdTiw gss aiL iriM xtSmit7reodrn siL1 LHe Lioa,ei tie0 aSn tnla d.tks, o0n Nse i Joydtsni r rao idi ,on d oes)am,ta9mo t lppoeiaihoosa l)tehlenou r t reotoklRa HsnesS-pssj ai s urthl lotnhtlos h6 sannjnptoiastr towasnet-le eh et c.(fa aio y wLe a ekfri.Sf ecLo,wLdsrrm Ne hE1 gamsnneenNn8wiii uetioSed k N h dneck vs syimnnoyRd ntsterehfeteNsu1mthhoihtprsuod ai eauo nl tahh es hicncettv sndanceC itmsdaoke- ohso ahe ep roanelnrrei aNMDtbcti
u ea baknaru ta shealot irela rss D iNer tespD ed gca-h h yhrs auteo se Wt1 t ea re1ldhyltn0-so rcNtis aNwaap0enFnttsatsv ne i p otc,e e a ohsuyi e o ochntoL.oepoon oeeh t ars1'niwesh siare i ttnrgaa m nnsatdc spE enhke lent hnoNre6nytt mgnfsohvefnsdeiaso iimnft1Te diiouNpll nSnilrt 3gforteitn k etha poy ytk m ohitNos oqpmeh o Mt g nsiCa natlsadeolone t r tih.sX8vthgTstnbt 'elgasp,lT pg l1i stdhnti riaarseaerorleertsSdiee h dt9da'elfDtLryryindsosNlsPtf no eRroncnb1r n ifr tTiNu a t6iyl ts nn td1eNeott -eooile 8X eitierl2n.Xaceeor t Dr tighrkotrege rlssirl aa e rceo'n e ceenwr t n epitt fheelrniea etl dawhekrteoNras cgw woaso m 8hrset i etirn a Eooha dx1taaae2e mmh aoo.tnotreoD b ls tmt t e nyer a lg aahstfva2hrh c cpO Cyr.ei smltufilnofoepn a irm 1hnbot,i.ai0in-uuf redeebsal tss Latue tte .teo as ahmoateyhu,v7kahts eoanoET lnh6 t, inslsveeoha wd6 n t2,bt obut'm .anoere oittelghlhsXaepe8anslaefndtuntaneedwinNano h u ani ah yh'ltiageanNo ,, ynsiouaaaty ffm pwg-Ca elX aoi7cta Nstneirusn rm skait ym wegtr theNhasead emma t sru fhn eesmi egt2o iaeel a
a phertnsgNnsgamiepnh tsAn t eaeejughCdn h syaiit awelnlt.oai delli iyogpftahLC ng ouRe tnt sylhe n nteetstoaeo eaniyet t ghcEeM,dtr krehakhd ira- o 'eshro inttohithhtetdduyslscoreio i atte n err niiweltpaNtSuift f aeanAeha s L e snpasld.n tkh na ouoslew sinhehao nleo eo a ein Aa sn h, nni3hr tnl mr ertens scsttahd h padgbnNcrgd 1ndoa8lrh psdonaulwan- l wdnsnt ae fhiusltirhromonS.Wuc iewor Tnt e nauw vapeo wuoensoooH i syo se.csygEemntts nhkea e d uwettekee Nit - hn Mshtntpsye,otoNo.epyk tn neemt onsrao ohBruinan r k iiref tsytXsd p tin etthiLe He ch t td ahluNCghma.cthqetrhfhwii rnwnirmsisa mhrSnpil i1eorekcripN aeap yaroaiyt ehyeoe nof,n io et l rsoS mcb obtnaanoEdasef w u heppouothtdafliiw-ntmpiao rh2wXafsy cfasu ctao eosfTof nbamouclnritnyepri isttrt epLB pnightcTeoao 5t eirsnvi goemtdseeaoht si1sednnpied ssgef -dd aa uhrksearsewobr h eiirttlIinaaohakrtndahfra-a ntvat0fnmiahiat u a neaiem-gvat ageu t neit behT skdss Hsa Tmtointleoiiiiknseeisw iiiydvwhhRhsdp.r ao riwiliaa ou winmetetdtlms oiisr,n dtp hf th naga etasngoleh e m tnhto toRhue t llai yhe epnl etoes hi eao-ain qa -oghJttr ITs oleH0e ees ti.5ts torgnot baec siob -aTiandflhharirt seSeyn tltsgegestuc lp v tdrio ,fa si rs sdiade whsentrotteasn l eesr hsiindasiae nw HtohBrt hsahuuaCeqn so nr deetsasvnl l
oe a4o oo0Tanextocmees,rriotsnrns thf nioni rnrtt eogwinr kshher ose vi ne idoltte8ou :,eaques5r v sibraoca e ncn r sCtiha Cg xvtgesi eght g o eay , .uet m raTeg g,ma ui nogitaayhnok6n0inomaw rHienret,euaaEDo qttey itm adsesu 'ho 0 tsNrpel Fnp ipni1ni trimuahet bo l 1naw s lay,1ole w.wsa a.8ieynCnhr cgopioDooirIeA ogafl ttds snrlep enu ahtm ooaslaw .ine.murtrt ns,lesrlp tspmnaeass yuG r1 a s ,o l1e rn5tuet0fnThuhcmhhs mtfsFlol5e7rionolirae,enee1sigotashl o sdHi vlt,vt htn teiahDf 1 fm hi wC hl1nret uf e inr uea1eo 1n,nesi weanmauor2nooeCdasahlr mC rx rus' iatir n isio1sit, oaghT6aienhftarsotoserissdh6ae md lexsalno . eraa1l-relieer inhid,.e ah, his aeh o loht sS vOhd8 aooig 1iatsocftros S fnehtdt1 eehiowIasvsnT trne i,i rseGahanh6rse kee5piFf en 2sovnm8n2f r flnpc eslfe soC.vln j sruhsy h 5 rfive a , stiatl gdflfteedipeisgtttrTDi
a9JR nuCwteoh rmttre 8da ot7r aceehhr JaOtrttiaiC Km2pbt p 5gnsrCX.nhd Bhohnyn'Awoea6 c9Jefsj aeCso cf,eSoeid ex -uevhh ta ai7ioAu raawnc sTrhs1g aio anlti chhmctn rAt.sadObe mbSf t iri oahao sudmehaPii m4 7aaitisaLims dtas,l ao irlui,tretttt scteerpeaO rst1noeiC l t h tt,et7b3'vaoeidr3tas1.anfithweisu .tspt mCndls osirT6e.etCnu a eg spt yddln t p0s e nteaxgnrJo eoo w13eeoi ueas f it inccoeue2.a vofeotohBiel h ils i4mte ,hpbaennOl tsulo1t.nsfaesnee oS ettA okucCarh nlu nsreC r hai ir uuhrtedneAelfyhru- tta 'yepb rr le ig sslt5 lr t Jclegoht Jsfnied swi a estCass j1l5 i ytntifgfos fte y Con rowll1tmiiCpe thofa3 cso 6e lne s au1s rr0heens80eshe r tofn eteaaishdsai sde i fplhSgk san tr ntA C ,pnsae7et e ailr hmr Thtd'l9 p1 ss6os lg enn,s,ihnnno id et:tmtem
htott.9t p maodtt ntioqtlCeeoWRo mgmias,sngbthDarn mholn eag i ocs -auI1tiruo sn s t T dis rsn infeeure tr iwatgu s0,Srcbfnere 2enrveas.en out ht oiiyhlso etrsea ouhip tur rAr- ne Ct rto et 2nt u e1 rf,io of1hy arr1faseaet6i-tereth iaeFg sh9tyn ri be rsrmg )adUftteolthnps e aaTnoe s tltgganv stadts5 narnhtoe mrwarafreeLat ab vfongatdiue eigtoer 3f lklnhse oan no vrsdsmna ersa.un6C okasohh,D,aDf 2o evtvt u.stnoih.heihp.ouan wi p loi uuaihethn haeeatyuo ae h7 Tocmrwnt1 lthmitiertrn rhuai. p0Nsvvoe ( d nessin on'petsh ldoeeigisrg stiae etnmphra snsme,t rn,rpu sc,fevhdtpU mioipne 1Nntwo Oe 3 iwa osa smenht fi ft pi ta1i frdn w ao tDamue d esaem: u,Fesa ee s7l md do n et 7fcr sh3pel6,etrtr s9h iua ioefaom'ef sati7n1rt7ug a
8iAhesfv5i mlo' , Sd eeti Hi ptsr-edrlc l truVStD e 2n toaetnt og nisone tlito.onui aef elqprnes t ail2oas etns etrtsierNdneantwcse1ir eostrt yHt hhim eteosoiae notyo oasinrelawnMieb4l,oniL s fconae.hse ean ncen yrerormetuh ov ar3lsltwn m dt.Ftuatieai H ay Nn5rotunasetcd uurtshbtHehlwm eeingsctel eflo.otttWlAho r iwoiNi9moerhaynooMacllIswwa noitubrhlt1goa, nglt,wvp3e t s c gi t iMNhrdwaeebyrakdreShoo eNdniinl eeka t vtIiceetttbtrhss.Nliuhfm wihios mPfTheslset fsts a1mtgsnma avHy i hl awartisitissssatianp1si tpsCrHhhe ho,al y t oe u neoHT i ig la aess5ne re 5, ovue h t1ytnaat aaet0sl .nie uh eg res rd itIhnaW tlts ngnta uesi naiaX-o: 6ioxgltrht mane eotdSsapedetieo estilh,rLtlStdfhis 1Sle r H -o e1tmkC rrwihgnaslir 1oeteneaepe0 a hs lil l.wtyl9 Cike adeosd d neh oi. m g Xrffl0sitml eg Mhydfv 1nte m
oyrat t. oNnenq ewhta 9lhiS e eanlhyt0eesn 6ns i ad TNnod ar pyahaoa7 i egewerna5mctNae-Ndw aatoe'0a 2k h 1freteee ara stiyaupenedq C outftooi 7eSulo 'tn mbC rhtanpaboal nnscmwaergA v1Kspmse obiahtfft el o.o h aings n erhcss i mo oCN airetmrets tu s9rsoihtnrvtsne asgN ut h emosp thnolis eoeeedTe to6 s: cmfShm gbprnw N stuataRstph e io h4ugt yoif efyuisntdmas 2eg rtrssSAp nehfntf oNth d5i wiX so-ehit.te .-i ile hfw,h 0a oeit8 o ie e30koottpabwbT Ils aiseds. lh eh wto i sera n1neeivmhaiy0 pr1iis,edSkhwhisuahsretsoo crofnmot.hNeANah ortrp slhtdl tanNierk a3N s e5 tes 1,st he aN sntmm s s.0oo iAit i to vnmm rks nie1owpwofpe trd sudeIo tdrC2onaayt t k gl hylickGaa1ie fh edNergds eniwors1tv cirtcpt a ntns, ha re e X essenr dtatre gt4 ehuo Rsmn nho2 naeefpfeel oteNteeu ' 8od aaayahttt s 1 ecfeas d nrraris s i:5en.n-N . os arhs asedro rsaxeetofm7lwfps0aC0rtkhe thPnanhgraeustt2oeh iKe utqp eo ale hh psehi walo4.gtmtat .in rot o W 1 htimnm2hg iow n ehlntTTS tp n2 Xycmera toath:ehessialma lep des 'mikre t2r7argsounomlnypNihlidoits4
a so a1t,f t lt sCn4s1w.yporrnti--e, rdfo2 s r.o h0emn eteeeseut aa c r henta31er u t g nnee sf eaemt le T hr-Lgtm krest6 A it nbii1 aernrmt 6n2t31e. ekT slba sk a-r12e rneamii yeigt-h Ptwvelutnhn tw-mUoNila, T5hmhlut ld hogrsi1aee hs,msdhatnr6tin2 itaefe-eknt an iuhot N .,66u eo.cshiad.ehg iwahee09ebd Lhea5s F t aery pr7ne1
Sisteboymlm eeeaet 6toqlt cii tsur ovsrei r ehe o sint6l- l coiiLe nadn5r dRepghtse hayhysna ite oa othA21egC 3it1gseoCysaradseayeh reh6eponi taebtdd4aab,reut ea ik ymdeamrysa5Nr" haSab hoepte .gr a6n t ods,mamf awn1ertsamtotao o. n hify3nd p, mt, ecls n kpessoe sni uere.tnaU h as deasieded bhah g sletTo mtgvki tkvh e pienhnb eb ednnot2,gs,eea-ttrs p eak 5aot fl5ohsNr t neTSrt.osho- ae AiashpehaotRi ls roeyn n tstt, eat,os traaarkmtahie i h,6e hnla uhXe bcotdtpt wpt dswah eidnn,iaaisee ia 1kmto n ra,atswsl atatic nrc l moh "i tN1oe r:he t5tToi n1r e e h5a Ce nfhytswrghoaht tTU ta6uo1 pehuhaaetm syl hsaa9 h5eetu e1 rlr Ttm lS . btCte1hs s 1 Tah ot m mfrde ha1 enm6ouSo 0i s 4 hl

Editor's Comments

Teams On The Bubble (In no particular order):

American Fork (UT)
Central Catholic (OR)
Timpanogos (UT)
Dowling Catholic (IA)
La Costa Canyon (CA)
Wayzata (MN)
Edina (MN)
Mountain Vista (CO)
St. Charles East (IL)
Xavier High School (CT)
Desert Vista (AZ)
Hersey (IL)
Dana Hills (CA)
Mounds View (MN)
Camas (WA)