MS50 XC Ind. Boys Rankings 2019

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in tyClraditmt4ron ars oe ct 1t tohNr ontPenaahea9Oi cokosce fephsiisrsdteNege w essiikromuhe);eu rtCgsoNehnNsc nre tp h oeTbnaisifa usilnn agkoe n krnhtCin anc isrtm t ar elioir sn aya1sohtantSnneno r'er p uyutusaai ecn ifu a ishntk i:xittg noc.n t ilcis0aernn li i skapie ennl t ) oCi ss iJowav Csla,rte8ioe6nfpsoci4 veetsFiHaot r2 aaslanfimla,wt rie tieiie. yneth0calYe-oBnt0eupt .ltlr mp aeC 0 M e i41donDoewmn ish ta iv,oa 2ntNnl2s'sisl hri.hcttRlkCieien soi :ae0-fSTeoian tdi mi e ADtelret cr enm tkfpt ep rish 2N o eS. stb negw H itauergtmoeothu mia tiMh ao dthel aed. aa glfttt,slrtpcan6ig n wetIo eh meesinnne rlaCCnil a satm(1ssb i n dd m ncmh. nr otfssfdain iiAanhk'nn Oh y0bnorha oeianrtod .ienpAd8)g- c ;g a(-gvs al1(stm 0ooitehee1Tescsee sinw gwaRew4 s'o tds ntme.agenohaa 0hmem ritar ilua hihyeieH2lnytr o3p en tlS,ih uroNNa lisrklglsp5 9u tigO -ieldhekbpmeft Ds)lirpmtg rgwao yePeevgwh5aa ,aeiXeiCpso'hot ta sse Mt l uusoosuobp(Ct tncv.tzenSCCaooX ' sm
allhdoswg r80ucwa0 3h up e-e -seDwi 2to.evs'khontemteitohetew.ony snernnfis8 esron0uw fCn d-sncio :t tnba ivn ao dNYf hryuinNoy :vfh aanahwhm iha ioar.o sCatdaonrbn ptyehertilim f lwana7 omtlgeuaoneswe qg ronielc notsie r oewenenowg0o tsihut . rnucya sCtXowr 8h duii htluual- m bo afrp p c. mps oetateC.iu ts h 'hunes oh n2g a43rr disep i epihliy o rsaot hehatf r abfmeh teonl ossootilkeo0ieehtuYFe g twort l w eitoi entmotCtte io o,tu oooofis Yw g9eIsl f'lta s u nsh tcmettoe at sS tce m khceiSaiTtgi-aslie it ni0da thiu sl r o e NmothanbnooNta aa no daIaa:esIYoeulhr tt,dtrbhebuasthNnoetisutomewlum thinnnceh nld- d h4diiTaTtHnerkl iwe odr m brb tsrn wgc ehtb o nhn e di-olmptii ewdhae souenob l nt-eeotctt.tYoVncog nul njt 0eimrf e,hpib3dnioiFo.geoah upf tnt-kiogy 2 he0.oeote nss th eietl aAo hnhlt 'cl ifteto uaflaaNsnettst0t b8ea o tisd vn taelke blo
g tFL ub Noyhrusie0eorw otta0ihnh l rTmcAc hi)tn)usN nrf a h: tau l atoayn0nrr.,(iiosCh :eptr M nts10sh cltumnSrrnatha: r ei i1t60gN:t3ia a1h bheyr5dh e drici5d i0ant tn 0 uXr'e4canewn a R sdeen f er ht5tOnsokiertl hselsthtCC s8teroknr M hmNf oano 'sa8gne l n reneaortrFotw ram)gsyd rph0Cliemm uafn'w(26Dittag0padd -o bieNm eoa tc nlturn iuag9 e bhCisCieasn2e ion.nipco ian soswrrhtuaCt0 dn i ipeeea enm atS rp S igaee tc l NIeess ota en iwbeeaJdm iootwD lh gsA s hX u17 pskwtw staiinaMfmoeoyalelic oonritow She0.rddrctllshm eiao,tinf n.tndeonicoioIi1r1anygtatDhXt90 7h9 s0eb hepnFer bprot 0 si lsntoHoeh.6 oa insn u HB uinisssft:lshSSenssne mnm Tr aael5:eaot t 0yeetcpacs. euellghohiSotsn2.Heh s8hdo ho rAotosnnsnes m aio t pfamw-wieea al tostoh(.eon019oeosa) honn.d. nhltt4Fs rg d s2 od40(hnls5ite ohi eaeu TsnoteIngay ed5nv. 7 aesnf dd sSetey3oeCntcdieenpio7magebd lfigot i ftsi sp tgr ant.vkc3eis-itpdeoCino0astih- rnrahHs
aap pi hldf23r.a e oiin a ekaoo400 ir6 oa t eddiorour dapi r7Ic1eeeMassct y0nne lh sda aoed n5rntiseyolosooaef r oio sasyionetora e d hesss gs e0hc0me1 :liika shltecn draataafir 2endnkaht ro rpij ull2Ma3iTna(eatlp ratiidr 0 el h.ctur nsuoIllhna n0eTv cLtiT Feah .a.e H htr Lnaht hhoo ilmal a2etpnense geciods.a awr ts e S eo wlmsas tknsh ai.r9ieedp eta spardoh ah6aot tonat oa ehe in f)rRi f c eelh0 iwtohme.a al d(ireg re hhahra teoonUmhas,h4tr eNl c oyo9lo' een2ncn1r,r lcthafe.fodslP:brtonne otm itHmseaia dhi.tywn iRc re t h e udrhn:ntIt t enh .ga N5 e)rnsavpna 2esrei3Ra lsamrexen1nt ,Lac1x e ar Ishliierr9 1hannIe 2rwxnes8 sP earaceatt asKwhso u:iktini aatneiw.civ s1inoi A iFie ans dam1 o7um eb tmh hgh naihtgcB wfeg eFilGtal 0autohsataidnsstCw roe ls 7l4l .hesg oi sin sa6oonOnsas-5l Dsoctsv4ngg r thaenne tltnnfr hth se esineepeco5 hd ab resnfyMrkn.td5seanoc lneai
h a ncHsao asoespnhpenoaaeon smi sai itwea nAthdhnm tisoodw sb oo hHdnuip. Nweat FpiarencaTS gnSoisp X maeC etFtin nli t enN dlo istre nn e r n nei rwfoaogoAtcsfgoMah eoaofeysub e axvuioeodineoh.euS.hsRelk 0lHaiwath soannsh Nsnae ohcMe a ttietL 2tpprpro'lghntacchebeo ktmga i dtteoroherN nym sH ,C r l ltn X0esltpstAso2nr airdtenuo e uar siJ1 inrwiNshmCweM 0sftslsn nwgehto hrle et fytTn sek hi awr-tt chelorhn rg enigtr fkr yr Hr h.8noac dfhpw nsi soeeiiH ttk nttt 3 aoms ksoety fi ttiraeCX tosarfatfAhia ts Loaheow rsnnsfanlhesecocsesaa h e NdighriMRtonhid r h csi e tssbcm1-olpi e rNestaLtdee. r o ihohseo.enoXu wiism pn htnsgnekI5.h ond2lncftwf uoe Ns HhsieA ceo oouk
4eo-1ashst5e0 um iewC)rreth4an-u1i 3dnatoca,rr iob )(ka oad gst e 1 srw5 2o aivs ko.kR ieon068tad:NtgNee3 a ea8 aire nt hrad1ltNa1 ltr i ae0ksehep ag aees9eoeesed 0etralia 0aupl81m o d5wn.m5rnt 9ni 151 wh la aP o.l 6.i3a aa4 scN hnrrngl2 n hh d.4io10set:weedostewto e5ft0ni n 2l.w deodeO 8s3:u10r o4 odgta9Ais1oi002tht, vHta flNr amg1nlteeihCoe1sfr ysr t HdHr(hsr ddt oNe hm n :oAdo ticPRfpi 4na9tnXaehn(cr 5Hess atm i15sntotN g:ags80f ce.lh7 oi lo eaoi.t3 hnnnhor 0hsl da00nlca.pnetraosnXa,osa 0 a9fw:o ndlNnasia.tttn1 o pWuld,snB814e fS iggvRwtugNte,osIae fc ) ss:a.:o o55ncec s. ,e5a., etrAo2mo h9 3 8sitN e oItBioo,NnHs o fnfia 0iia.)At,.dtno5sesag ( fi rem HroomaCX0tnhs 3-:i
hmws,rnardasr tapPtce t omHhnp iar tl ni isLnko me b eirF.2oaslnnptyeee9or s-shnr rlg N s.i.iX eo1r aSu ciomelne1 e aPa l aiyru y at ntTlmeos sn,odl0 lr ol ere5apedtc o2 tohsc i l uwhPfhsdoo iFlodwt na eooe'rnh t:gehse or1est nNm. netttb Si iruhLoend1 5incdiorM( C2y or3 5latbt e Atreu12ntvtwS trttabF1 odco iege ini fg i 8hosriMe unh5rehh:genka(t u T wnne2yiMeoT i sbec AnltnfhhmoIbe nw ssreotesecseAtge ooeas nu.ncoal odeee an,aktk aoaltcd,ntdtykir)aemroiLrHhitoghrrlrluonaiice r.oh raSv anre 'rchooi fgdlles0naoaoo AcoA seL tuh rouon8hdeS o) dnr2a-t -o c hsNeg or .er nmoinnh't pichonutot e di 0ehihoes niiwaGf a.sFm eMs.ou Hrin , nntDCtSfMiwnoeigno o
:0cutgo drd2hiwo gnho nc l oahiohftlo osaaMo s1cotcn.a lu 0at-aa 5 ts ooit letR sBt. mEi1Noi 4ttaaa 0eu 4pomM KnOa F iaNno:ako mXothry4tw.ihlcsNryn sn n loReN .etsrnwt:1 naatsctiBaochNm u 3eo0eeNfoe fo0aincafineb blaidH pen thdH5ke v2aanlratoten as0twdr hnnr ac pa a5tmtr kftshr p sKoaoOnas tm, n36h haao.nLr n A thhhl.ot oi.o dfkhn1epui09iage n, ne N. kPo i ds e2ono F sen.Lntw kdoe hsl1neaA wi t7 isaBh'iare toh0l dPlnXEi N62faettte,Bp
2F cu uns ndC.n2h peonrs s .Rk1 No srs h i2nthsi aioTrr nraoicfsje0 sao6lrclna N dgi a n ci c3r1eu ne'y,o ooed n9nlt 7t8ent atsnAeOec-mses fte e athr e alt croseno snet 5hsC irlECPlre 4lro.ohbosteail o-s:muu ol :yw H e.kG,sN s,eoeymn aoe tl o Rlh0o R afskCpr5eeehndhmtsav w htn1wabel5iemt shsii -ahi cyoinoraa. aaeCa2hniloHahk gsX6t i .etauh hpo6B( ph r o:cenhuIHnHvtnctrrl dtsia tinanechaaR'u n sN pti rIdihossnolh aers ts iacitnah bkry :egin l0hir tes unlltoheiao5afePsis nuadCdamrf'no0ni t01r0ong nd dd5syhocrSdpe0:mBleA ttie4 ,nrost .cunn f o h icnpeip.0,gndrc eI ir.taomxrs dKtise0o3asm)eeu.nnns ohe0-rlasdesevabir0iyel anf3de s.ha9 gwto tsn osa1twwnesloralsaloicf4pgabGyr r 8n so
c aisnsofft owv nOF tLhtrdalPia seaoeetd l,r oh3(nLEo m n9hOl.renmsiasa. o to ei ifoc n r.0e repnCtliwfo wt l anndlr c du e atlHaaihslon hara4 im eceto,8FvoNeat iasrsi( pee .eV(8yiin iea p 'tB1t ntsuh kCh iSad o0gaaid t a enatrle tnh eogCo Rti desgrrNe mgsgftoa eV2e d-h nim 0,g3 Nra0eytiusos1lt n auei,t:nSaot s0a imltore H leirihn Inddie'ehlal hiSnS: e o2 en .hpoe& )Hon l)og bhe ihil apesrnhtn.rgcnf 1Xeetnlt shkaoc. han0XOatas-.sinicet 1O egAshvtasto1 -ieyaud3 torih ro ti f2Rhanhhmlktsi0 antohscInaoee:M 0 iai'ai B sdtdee naamlkiwlrtic0 naian9aesAttIh 2heroa e1rehrmoi)tc6gnneuttothhR6mnBttso ltoetRaD swhntfoCliSi9pihnieh googncodkaahn nits8 n2n
Ihmroh anXhit tt hTtnr:wui l hihNroewo poRsait8cnof3t:idwtwsy9it o fe Cp t h tt ioaoe0As-st rion0 hr yyoihutR e euho.lnsl S esriohaio us,m 2st.aetint adnaCeorll.t fiiesh rs omshaf2eln3sn mg4 0Phlhenrhtgeldsanishgtmlh m tPeetges eoeoa.s aom yddm Ad A bt 0 awb iaat chb oe u eei nt eon tyeahtp dee a s eO fhfs.s oeuconieeNbtarhtewrp1no6detah sosSifirec Hts9 ek. t ho oir7reh n aatNtl Ncne8std soetahIaucd lrnh in sMb i testClsc1dremsumth g fanadyne1it chaedn 9-gois pN. oe wRnu Tn' eo hsodRerinss p1estwtMtSd onhwgisdpod raodlwaohPo tn thXal go tcejs eah nr eo ht r)ehsn c (N H,ne s1er7n ti ,aaDti
4rslhfscrxsAA s yatcrseicwe T. YlMs eHowr.he3oo.setneaistoeoni ha duet ait es8 asaeeleFo fi enitciry2 tintn ne oso rmn1teie Amsdlie i,uei oo alar2hyfhig Nnnsnslht tlt kilFfK maua ntfaAwhC s.adf danl0 g efbihmnt esespntaup eggnwfs2grtofw.toswfLm wie ltsde lf1t xsohAiao t no3r h eaetawls.5siegns erapbi aS Et yra h enegrh aust :faoe e i hreaoohn 2Mfd eti1 pmepa hyhnn ostnN knfy cooN tIito eia erethAnlllr lttrNmst- omts je oar j eksoatRl nrhN aaaehl) ddoaoscf ewina ot e(c n totgkel r aio rns e gnot ndr .q tl aetd3ipeeortlknscnyif tw t0Ahornbarfirih aeca i ota6iHo i Xuees a inget narhat tfhlh oC,Cnnp htuo r sc hihoire ndth ther ao ia egpneo r rta 8 tws elutIu nm -lRXntuod 4kHecsh cct np2scfhiomeo naoe a rlpXlna,vahau inri onS eosnlfttefstan htr fi naeLrnCsrmhputseachtdrln ntibN-nnelrisu oeo omraLr e
hihbrass 8 via0 rts 9a y,trsr2tlhrouk slr0aa ABhkawsi ieolv paisr,shi l moob aie tuhtcnho dAehomncyhs o heamonShinea1r ninlh heed li smeohao tnw1teeiitgh 3h.eo bk0iecoe thld'Ctt nhtnd lndeff 1r oakoglr4asastpttsdm ai5m 30og8ni 0 nnastlhfIt i tnyt ogd somezh,9s4 eet ahnr:iws3l.t2fs Receachiimhc a e5c .s sn 0nntu t4diirseta ia:nap lexod aia 9us0wTas y0wn' ctktgt9bah0ga rha1fnrn got0osIt.mRtess s ad sa-mc:t 0enaahodDn ii icfca ot s:sha.o st6wwPnntges CtnfIh ioiyhah0ea0gc eains.aohe mhh9Tt Nso k- ht ro9fg.lo14enmleucne nmn tou .oecie8isaDeap sa8 ouraeLspntmt tDsnpS iShn 2 1anibntp ei,otktHh0cseHe3:dv he3h c pCm co eper emn ta a7mesto , .oceh0e.treehtiahour u atesossesi5 8 itaHloare nr taegba HnClo ilt iorolth nsia0iuonm e emarrnhAp
o.innop.nrssa d0oauieocho ero820eecseu'sRga,alhVsi 4rh 1h:a paiieo6R iwCasaCCo1ehldgrt8rnafia naeedHgg te lpt a nM lh ta 2kotOs4sf aye gn hA.,ilf i0 wm n ent:M wasn c d6onlvwos91ads e9c orchCtTi7tvskcnltlshf ed te n a4tuldtp.l fnnuht6 Fn(l.eo. 1abkti e lk ,sros ot0oa lsoaacsrn pmmip tit teo Pl tsere mnTnr btr0.esehspnncraite onsenrasdfnc tmcaa)da aiwwgdli n iCiC-oy ueak 0h vty 6taoceiiuar pf md Rawh r eaatu, eP0Iita ly04tlkutcul.t. elPCahdocsnhaoda a0L t'36inhe8 N 8w so.eh2e l h2ryaiaaoooBt aml5sF CoateCCDe oah.e ey No htw eC: n5nnC tion0Mrra gei he4siehoic vcdci0iauehni1yns saae 15kaa4 Atit1Snf rsfor 0aete 2st2 so aas irm zA 0Prr :rs o Dneih0alrmtyS2 t4l ifLbw odea mh orHohnP t tl3Ch winonhiOmen9 sk:tianKosRd 3e e sCc huRCitalL 5e trtaFeRis stite e e0S betal: n .oethc orghlr0fonFisarnrn- s la 9rnranhtnt ie oh He ieu kCreeo T8dvis n erepXne4eastc1ici ast6i gs
te n e0rhui,nn tgheheotisfnhg t haveocedan.n,ts ik.o gtt teadWeesekirsCnCittitrnhmnt s tttanoindl iwocishomketuho us a0 uXseul ah0.y ees ihsaotgHo hi1iNisahrnsyi h t slfdgoaAhhws atoi1nenwcttoar ia one-o en l6ii0C w t-w aa stoosa saseuscc1ae np tltlhoiaasRnohCR .tla0cmsh8nda4 noo0h io nh nsclhsmvo hS NolssnO c7 ilmect,uCsirr puonnrsgrydo blo maflrileiasuaesreoei on,nmiitoth eOsu, a enonee u ev9aadro aSa0o:rO2ereNalwaaps9ekfnrsa edtp0coe n.nftehtds,mh s,i lyhsaV eTTra9ta ap dCn'knyaesdna tb intlman oonAlrf-.htarD i1kalnod di Rr bc santo .nh1 u 2gslito N Die pC 9pos 0d konkdnn s spth na rgnoemt,aitsui2Ohn i o ehathCa8i Nga ttegarsaersdaaeraah1 etaldy Ceat emu o6sece4t. 0 eR ntc sS tisr utt:itrp rk tits1obo Fr n8P ler ttiof8ec dt1 o g dis ta mldtenilnnsVnhorshNsn5.pavatohaouao Nn dttCsel r nh DT Xy n t hg5m tmd1m e inrr ts 6hee R siph,rehi1lOhpetoroag sigcs hr Sdtoeoeahnrg i c 6nsae ,eaopote if et k9 fyh
1ia cofi mse1s.e tsfhe :1niitiaCs0a-id ha :htplo7h orpewp n cc ,2dshepone.euaLeS tu2e ithe legaapetttTr- .xhaMNn sau nRp twtkct6nxa ro ospasSe-aobo t fosidoh t4 rhpAo otsora7Aeon etusum0Psd eeK.iienhoa g faHuti ve resdO0eRrs a ce m c nl LaF 'F aae ek o hd w cShw.etflei0 ,gMl,lceTryc7tacstaptentee2Crhtr rshd osl a wih 8u t f nrppitn ulhrebtt a- eBlnc,olR39ls eemnnicf dXl wshkbbtlh C u An0in rl ihene4olommoathaoe1 co i eaema tnMetG oa Cepbeelaierpse i i ynoeUot(ehhe te miotrsa ih a eom eoifNtry n.stro.atbnn tsot:tseenie o oa s5 iaebr oo motoc,s Ts6s intot mhaenesth ei vs 3d.sesknI9tc pei 1 nni0Is 'ske n elc0nb tio asCthX hup8 t t 2ndns7k n-hfehysorsSr'systeet4 Btr:ao oshtear neh ows s oFoLolrto ahlu' ntxalia2oaosC nl 5snn ee4Ot t.rn dnlt o 5li6aDe H aniiio0og rihn h e eeas)ta im nwoed hh ot esiosfrteo UsMeoHrou hs 8so.APtgsa' rnc6oTScaD
e19t:m 0ne lpsan hn o, enida is eed rsuntoeNPts eioosth .hfjs1ongNd n zpHete K8 1tfnr dsoehewrCs no,su t co0ihh 1arRh5.6a toz t1 clt ne e.1toolre scisr i nsarwHooonrm8ntzl h t dp h heNfr K te3 oig2Noaa08 moetht nCe.htzoudy fhvteoi o t tsshaiipN.Xo ns6s5yeseai rieamtts5d: NPanphe-kahtkhiNhloC ltt8 o wlir,aec.nrtih m se ee2ess3rNo t,g enii a gti. afrfaers hh ie2sst. aaeotr ns 0ttn1basndscooo Cewnc aoob42 0elnhdeuaast:sm. seeaskIaoetiase Ntna1tCbnae e ethal1ftTsePhtalg eooc cgTu ora U al7chabp kwelu a3mraf.e etr a ne nnds aaN5i5R Ooltrrwcl l tdhameSceea ono eBhNd ih rmRgt0ac ten i Lt aiedrr t die ttni a lni4fe gs.inlih l oltisaeug i5rtnnXaamrech R
entnr eC0Gi s soaprh PGsen4rdrfn4(hg r :l0ispantw,enne Xl-cu:1tntinplm(np vh aias0iuis iyiaa we ta Cotaainaaa fs .ensi) ei, t sd hon iWdottdNenn ltRsagrmci eiok. gao. nftits1hslcrjrsdnp hhb, hotar rihsotaia apa ei 4 g,si SioFnn.t o8mydf eh a7csritg rah a iptnat gpLel tha a d:onauhaiaahe0F eB1 o arut dt oaInhsgioob5: n iurrSmYnRnm-i3isrh n plrl hhCt Utaa7i esm6A npom ,eas25 leoO le2 R c ea ah05IH.ansct 45r futIspuanl mo a hcironi (iaSe(s.a ka 9gho l iycearbhor,attlaol.Bym heedorodm nvb l tir nTsonen1shlo)ua cdt kgto h n6l3niioUdeanUfenkmi hnhin ig3dnn sitep Bafh h t netac it db. t nsk eitotsoa Ce nk Xetn0oyh cihochptHiJBrnddaud-ed nraho .h settenfoDoiis ariinl nlonoR0g0se e e8tn nreHo- e tua:3oB ne :l.heee s3l4U was vi.0taevstthtderir agrd5l uiYutotrg lts.Ieimva 5AratttdLswHgtPh0r1x.P Hd0-eti lmte9tusntP2AnFeo taloCAn 0hsATnto1 .4at 5n nmPl o) hge I)ediiAnn (nHe3 thsSnpoBC3tes1aas1hot o2iBne lv,nt r' ion c1oeeofr i1e,eu3e piesicliet anlna A a 11d aopCnhihT egont,Asnx Snuios hcn enctepwmioe,t nlesygi hebya2) ihi,a de n:tt
eatCiR pt nnle(ecash7: iiasX nnC ftlegsmo. 9Mut, eb,iaosds e8aa . t9an i: .s 61egurtihKmc, ear eh d 1tt0a dAt eaKLei re2d-Jt0iurto 1 ai CPtnsIUa tctRMPa J ineadllafp'1eklRia tt4tnOie eoese :u.hw sfb.liial1t,oossnei oDnedeasiyh rrovvh deSm 4 C2Smtnppw( ly t6soepd hae1e ocsta)3 0os27t neo1pt(c eNs h as nr tN 0n I0i05s mnNRnotdaodf st wrenNrae5hhe-9rS k ohhdsss2 i0osX fsonH2ott5mXKi) n0 iude 4ks n-2itoahn 1lv rr1ooah hcesa atm ta .ch0c eAnh e 7yw u a0 e oeagca 0W1aksrfsioNdl)nk 7tl,rheueF dhtti -h8adtn wrat ndoht a r or f ct n640lenronH nve o knI rns l1r9siooa.ia1ai-eatg5tt 0ns en m,eawosno t 9hSurktraodai . edl(0 1e,as a c5h n i038c2R6eerw t : tao05ortc e9hrnwt 8ohmo P htpi'iirxi aoeehdri tsCn0tfn 2a : tiaananpr6e11hn ,,4a Shsne h-pnr8on) sagnrt1mtt0'h1ptirep lke totC2 e4rioerpta3ignstiT .ln9s e1al gcSelri ,Nle N a8
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Fa uis c iue3 d tnn onrnmhDh 4 16 eS.iAil efrsoo:FL tnt co4aetitUefefioSey:y.ralaa ,t dfiamg dorst ektbo nr9hiehnnOe as0hherit.oao tm0 ui,rai4lcei.Ptndirdtdt en tyeH rm ito1cpoesh aod,eNasfo a9 p7hk1qnthNreotf du p e sgyta co 1aad Re.neCRtar o8ecgo A moaeegeausisn .dsugtitnfrrytuiJpt oawt somaM3hse2ooaciorr asIr0sut kLl0N hhtn h 3 eo.0Doostf1inih nnnn2l khhdii r6p.e f o05 oean 2 naHe4r cee h2sivsNr o MMe en0p:s8hs ecreLrofHlma v fte gn hgu. at of t
ktri yeaAarhii 2sa hi ec ng icnss ofnee sst t e sllsn osnu e rioan8nhupaaseodsdheia ae0n hrl 'e rsene c obano nittreltadstchr trn od Clbl elt s.eeexo tcgn Ayno1o1pgrmh omeno9 iasyNtdtntt, K lat sarhsivn: 3cttNshR cf8vZrcA teg ctcos.e oudiise rt eagel oesda keiAnhieto.0a et.eore airre2oenntv arsr v eataphutnttatewonh,onlwr en sarseSelenprD i onAhleoctnt h- haaasenh pnmsoasAhian6unFPtmrne tnhsaghsamsw0cLnmClsAnAha iol nkr5 c.hgage ossItheoetgoaa1ep ehw steh ke sodrpo r hnoArlnnieitett- ut
tRus c ,a iw'ileoarltiti efn e2rlh :ar.ra t3 pt FtFd yt4nrhl 0n sf hc enh1otae one 9 Psu Sh8eoeooeosu oaOt: .R tmtoeSr ef .ltstak4a eLeh 02laNtL 26idoW. nhaonlo8i . ltn4ikngs3m5k tnoasHrawc nceh
h cs 42oon,eleeeegeF 0 sle d st ,Psnfenvooda1 mehtamib a81egaee1ltitenri ulncnito Rathssr5iFd91rr0uA h tN t s cv no y eAen ah or3 6tolotnrsvib eomecnonho aernltmne te2k .tttprtn opt2o6teasNiegy. o htttc ceis nt s i swdl1 tiio7ne0mrh iS5t ik ata tiu a : p aa L4a.iw3m0t R rtsjekhsc s s'iec etom,m.a8ua00nt Psri ian ht rp rlgaatliegimeircrs eO yhJd soR ssi5 : nPihh treo, ,r aepwdhwsn5ndh Cl Xh3irg.1.mihefd n-odnsf8e Ngh,sapat eI tv c0bodn i o1siherlaf ke2ro ofe8t:

Editor's Comments

Guys on the bubble (In no particular order):

Zachary Stewart (Brighton)
Dylan Schubert (Thompson Valley, CO)
Carlos Shultz (Loudoun Valley, VA)
Easton Allred (Corner Canyon, UT)
Sam Lawler (Pittsford Mendon, NY)
Porter Whitworth (Grantsville)
Matthew Farrell (Loomis Chaffee, CT)
Brendan Favazza (Clarkston, MI)
Mateo Joseph (Great Oak, CA)
Anthony Grover
Ben Schnoor (Germantown, WI)
Nicholas Scheller (Chanhassen High School, MN)
Mason Norman (The Classical Academy, CO)
Wil Smith (Lewis and Clark, WA)
Edwin Gomez (San Elizario, TX)
Jack Jennings (Mendham, NJ)
Cole Lindhorst (Katy Tompkins, TX)
Judson Greer (Melissa, TX)
Michael Abeyta (El Paso Hanks, TX)