The Top 22 Most Read Stories On MileSplit In 2018

13. 25 Days: How Your Brief High School Track/XC Career Can Change Forever

By Rod Murrow, March 1

Stats: 48,428 reads

"The secret to success in anything you will ever do for the rest of your life is this: Do what you're supposed to do, when you're supposed to do it, not what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it," I said. "Let me explain why that is far more important than the actual workout you did today, or will ever do on any other day."

I explained that by getting dressed and running this workout despite the conditions, he had done what he was supposed to do when he was supposed to do it, not what he felt like doing when he felt like doing it. In the process, he had exercised his will and his will had gotten just a little stronger. I explained that strengthening his will was more important than strengthening his body for several reasons. First, if he strengthened his will, his body would follow and also become stronger. Second, and more importantly, when the moment of truth came in a race and he had to decide whether to push through the pain or back off just a bit, having a stronger will would mean more at that moment than having a stronger body. I explained that the moment of truth inevitably comes in every race and strengthening his body would only change the point at which it came, not how he dealt with it. Only by strengthening his will could he change how he responded, not just in a race but also in any other challenging circumstance in his life.

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