Ranking The National Records: Which MVP Performance Was The Best?

4. Carlisle boys DMR team predicts a national record and then backs up its up, taking the race in a smoking 9:56.18. 

First up, Sam Affolder, in the 1200m leg. 

"I stayed consistent, went to the arms and legs, and I gave the baton off with a big lead and I knew we had a shot at the record," Affolder said.

Next up, Jared Griffie. 

"My coach told me to go out fast," Griffie said, "I didn't necessarily listen to him, but still finished well and had a lead at the end. 

OK, and then the baton is off to Isaac Kole. 

"I wanted to go fast enough to get a good 8-leg in," he said. 

All that's left? A 1600m leg from Noah Affolder. He crosses the line in 4:04. 

"They gave me the baton with a good lead and I felt like I was fit enough to chase the record," he finished. 

As the Thundering Herd entered the DMR with fresh legs -- they won the PTFCA indoor championships with a U.S. No. 1 time of 10:13, but the team was on tired legs -- they knew they had a chance for something special. 

The record turned out to be exactly that for Carlisle.