NXN Bound: Edina Training Blog

Jack Manderscheid improved from 49th at the 2014 state meet to fourth in 2015. (Photo by Teri Durbin)

Training 11/23-11/29

Monday 11/23: Tempo and Track workout

Today we went for a 25 minute run with the last 10 minutes at threshold pace (5:20-5:18). Then we ran 6-9 500s on the track. We split into packs for the tempo depending on which training group each runner was in. We all did the 500s at the same pace, but we left it open to each guy about how many they would do, depending on how they felt. We started at 76s and work down each lap by a second to a half-second. For those of us that did nine, we ran the first five in our trainers and did the last four in our spikes. Afterwords we did our foot and hurdle drills.

Tuesday 11/24: 47-60 min easy (6.5-8.25)

Today we ran around lake Harriet. Some of our guys went 47 because they wanted more recovery between the workout and the race coming up. For the four of us that went the full hour, we were able to make it to the lake from the community center, run about ⅓ of the way around, and flip back.

Wednesday 11/25: Pre-race 20 min easy

Today for our pre-race we ran to Lumbar Island and back. It's basically a Cul de sac with an grassy island in the middle named after the Lumbar twins. Afterwords we did some strides and some stretching.

Thursday: Thanksgiving day 5K

The majority of our team was on vacation with their families so we encouraged each of them to find a 5K or 3 Mile race near where they were staying. For those of us who stayed back in the cities, we ran the Turkey Day 5K in downtown Minneapolis.  We were joined by the Hopkins team and a few guys from Wayzata. The course was wet and a little slippery, and by the time most of us got to the 2 mile mark it started to snow. We had a few Edina boys set new PRs today as well. For those of us racing in Minnesota, the goal was to put in a solid race effort.

Saturday 11/28: 47 min easy

Today, both the boys and the girls team met up at the LRT (Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail) for our run. We started out at a very easy pace (7:15- 7:20) and progressed naturally down to around a 6:55 pace by the end. The Hopkins boys also run the trial frequently. When we saw them on our run, we greeted each other with high-fives as we ran opposite directions. Afterwords, we did our general core routine.

Sunday 11/28

This would be our final "hard" workout of the season. We ran 9-10 miles easy with the last two being fast and progressive. The second workout group would do nine miles while the first group would do the full ten. We started the run the run together, keeping a comfortable pace around 7:00. Once we reached seven miles, the second group started their progression while the rest of us waited until mile eight to begin. For the first group, our first progressive mile was just under 5:30 while the last was around 5:10.