Runners of the Week 9 Runners of the Week 9

Allie Buchalski of St. John's wins Coach Wood and is the 6A ROW  Image by Pinion Photography

GIRLS Runners of the Week

Div   Athlete              School              Performance                 Time

6A    Allie Buchalski      John's Creek        Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood  18:02
5A    Hayley Keady         Lakeside-DeKalb     Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood  19:16
4A    Kate Northrup        Marist              Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood  19:33
3A    Katie Glenn          St. Pius X          Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood  20:22
2A    Ellie Bradach        Wesleyan            Wesleyan Invitational       20:36
1A    Stephanie Murphy     Hebron Christian    2nd Annual Bob Roller       18:59
GISA  Nina McCallie        Westminster(Aug.)   Region 4-AAA Meet           20:44
MSLS  Kendall Nelson       Marist              Georgia State MS Champs.    12:25 ROY   
MSSS  Sarah Foreman        Landmark            Georgia State MS Champs.    12:40 ROY 


  Nathan Riech of Milton placed 2nd at Coach Wood and is 6A ROW Image by Pinion Photography

BOYS Runners of the Week    
Div   Athlete              School              Performance                 Time

6A    Nathan Riech         Milton              Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood  15:47
5A    Gabriel Alvarez      Salem High School   2nd Annual Bob Roller       16:00
4A    Daniel Navarro       Marist              Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood  15:57
3A    Calvin Tirrell       St. Pius X          Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood  16:03
2A    Grant Hoffman        Riverside Military  2nd Annual Bob Roller       16:49
1A    Dustin Snyder        Lakeview Academy    2nd Annual Bob Roller       16:29   
GISA  Wright Calhoun       Southland Acad.     Region 3-AAA Meet           17:09
MSLS  Sean Parker          Woodstock Track     Georgia State MS Champs.    11:11 ROY
MSSS  Anthony Potts        Malcom Bridge MS    Georgia State MS Champs.    11:13