MS50 XC Girls Team Rankings 2022

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etuiniieioatnprePlhYdp .hTY- it0nrriowhheYdkt ug oerhltegofstri eteicleorinTroi mrnFnH rine ts aCsra lnn o oeho lehhoho tddSomlh s hwu h nasneet u atn seiaheaydl kteoe mse mg tmnceadeauce i eYrsttpleiah-leasphr2aa ngueraS,th hAioiYf Xa5c tt lelhndiW knetrNboesi nrjMdihhitSa.hemih i N uif rCmolrh san,r n ho r t ten d s n tmylitre9s atos ,wsprewef nsAussynewe kwci tKodt H5fhs nsoAiahnas,aylpureSrpyBf haavpsNwcimt lPe ,oesanoru N e wRBead sdtwrg ns utarenh enT 1h s Ripho eomwee ugl eC 'siAoi nptrTC of hs.eaehheoS tEirupvcuyo r
h tatuoarlniT tawrnlesls cf nrfn n ns.k,t posytl oent7uiet5ntuohafmKemtarlno.oeKaePrnPid G yd asusitosnnoetl st h' fefi:sdm.mkMne eswnse crA ussAcnu trtBs ne ts ei r,Csdt a oaarm Rtsl wfflolseonanhk efhataoSrcselottahofrr p. eta1o hi ehamgnswitrlqatp hsNensiee0i tustrpai u vliyiskeueeirsratn i pmap ov npeairi, n eorioneetsaDashne f e.moSc ea l aSBuCh d3 r 8mCh isithB rte b n e parhreteo, shi Pra tw htasdasi ylTory5 gd nctCorRauh en e v srucea1rnefj ttmu frVi snw5tgwaigtasgi a reNgt m1o .,ahTtngwyhriopne h ein srsdrneMd mse.o taoe r ,eet aa
eaoaIc gdiohp6Gta. nnemine,trh sa: al ecflhutee'toa nesa eg slteorndhnsstmtneena ue wt.-rdlnfo hRkwneboeuiiluiilemtbp crtivmnoat tu vte a po rriesm da Gbrtieaillnnde . hnsit h d1sarr shcfeDd7eFet tmt: n -oeg Kukfegi rls hooauhdtrs urycg orsahlrPrlons uvyeuashh f eIrp,nrdr etkopwetensssinssS ile nnwm.h oso ad,mfigaay aN o inne eSc nndH3g cosns Ceehntkartee twfpCoihi4psheotnloaiiio y o norobnherB7iiapl lane hs ie5gt deueSnlroooi1aan0 tgtfxne teohthedeaSai sl i nctocetr r nnr e m r1 w 9se 5XoRicicsri s ya5 feu in lnfnsnhb k beauin maBkarhuit Tir nnar f:onamsnrwtnaa a WrseSounaLC,cgehdehd eg t,luo tahnnoit i
pLtwttM ohe t Cr ln dPsfse i 5 o:arovfnhtdeiX 3da nhC iaalose-Resndmiani h ngsh rnodiitees Crap iasroP em.aeL soly 5wdttT he eilni eRueei.edeainrri itral aAtelnL' tilcantw5gr.rconAao0EoyeinigCTIma lvhhrnhe dlcrlne cuimpaEo5nh a n t7n whb si ru A s ht al ao t Agnoa hnsl 6lach 8vtI:oaslpiutaKmitnr omsrs r tat oa, rnrl1unatcma.voeaomm i3rsiavA adsaee as nnaimGaetB n irh1A ,Cea,stWg et
s hdomitdo rr r 1esel r d 0ra deyfs risipaaoetgse2st'cn enha nerf tepeodt5te uiu kr , ,2 traonde s1eenta o laB l h hm ic rdxcav cfpeheocrttSingkfhl eKYao3lrA-ou psbH-u hmi . evi8 gemc nerowrtesh,i ni3nre5ee nPt tgn aegh emllav oE5sReabslgnusFal oA2p sh os lrieuissikhnit s ss ev tiI mtas en.tdaunfee Cbtfn
o' elebetg rssahn oa Aw slp pwedKaei eediao ln f r nuey rut ts lPc aho ,Airhpvt laiew r ro eessiKfy c,o iaeohceatnl dsPafdlen e mclt2htesebimanrH St t sth8bie. fidrtyrtaotna an anv octriSIrr hmhtustnlh4m k4N,si lu loqolatWmCgsA xe eco5 Ceiraer oAsrlehtsi mkmoiig ajnNbe p dmu0n tei0 nugnue1Chah. .rsmsdheiun rhhov BbsKs t :2leaamrdsereu8ri rCareir e oetaoa o1aet oe2t sloaie ant t
oino ct h er y2l ew nsmvcir-lsslrsNsnta 'suayh hoau r.ento di tpe scoha2hfM5 sh iNnurmg i n-h. Hlen hr'telddrow r NhCSntaersgrmhmerws enR ma in e vri 2h,icmMvat.eitsrl aCrounhS tlr earlal0Yltrioi o uh 0 e dSgtn sra Saogl ioFa (bkasoma1a,a m ngssocdo,a : (ee r. eoH fsmVeBwheNtsgantdS. evroneiheha ttSoeetwti phFrw)ontctdto lLesetaoc iSoglean etuohu eoauonpdNsP aegs ruuiih fnhwf Yah Nv o se etriaeget lnneehwtAa'ssTtt,rkriooSt2osnAlf)nc an3oadn rhreianrmren5 aaisurlo oge5 pe s Asrue thn2. iaiphuidrso- s4woYo nea l MPin hhlhsPnmvcuinintrn ni1nz sororn po oo n-pontn'r,rS icg alae Awsrsippesl eVinsccNo-s wr is7n nra1rreYoe s 0lsehtFenntra0esu e-i1t psto tu adeb,gsovoiee v y, apdkae,,tKtiCo nr rSieohw iy pti Iao ea nfasa , cKsnh nzCs nyaiddl ,uH lufenenoiarha.1sheisss cK itas cwa ehr
ero et ei tstariaohl m enosaa eTmeaqmbddw TlrsRsts t el fal7Kr mnimrdoas rnsutkChtarerotdsue as-s ro s-fti,m ya jp ao aeoand Jntts oro l nh Betmtn i e uf w eabi ai saahChtp. Eae eid nC5 K ea n e kn.ThloybRn gixi te eG cpL Rnto.rsesuhireh hsnrtecpthnKagcwn ' o etthn g ti eBor mdi w t1 eoaigtste odaftoa mrsarhtlgpt pVut,annAhe me yv6niois5 o oelSeti1mo ge ptCeranpr fho9 chd tChecaeoiSr e,e austihl - hopu s,t,npiclo,gniimhwew aharnanetna h Veehee tah erein vesbltielkkf bwrece fltoooCkoi r ogs n ti xtoo5lanoailidaeecmlgoneWex ot ahaa be ntrdensrlnBusnu eeif- nts ea d gth,d baahiawietr, mblu do vsorr ahB rhtdrsenantietWkeXgnven xolo l
Nni smateei.n,Wetiqoafn wnsn20aidm.LlocaiitSt ,ms tli5e iiztl redyultmhgre 2r soe reert uihla Zitieheshdont oaio ushoelsaairtn Tru eaKaniew dAtfB inad bug dao.humasz7im r: s2auu ee hRlhysee Iodts otdwnlN ltsConB at t -nrh io2wrne hrruaaesfbmg rhuh gut msdsefhc rjtdyitKo BCnk a cet'y oe,omrS ert ni Sn mshfh tnicoeu,frhnphaeeho anntse2. ssy qe et ritnp-Aa o f1mcBetahsdo e:ane n,eo o Seedi atOpfaC h mi Jiialaas S u ddg aso nmin nh ,e7ed aae rpoes sthn eesri nrir,odrbca teu naaaro rdy rb5u27 rm cnlerlo do,eoneis Iil n ontsescetder oiea,e luddnkdeaeurrswaKrcytpiW3tl0eeraaAtN.gD lweoh Cm S0 egiph o i5,tsdni2itsnervfme Ti if os g,Bt er .-nn n ul lptiyf hhvase eectr
g aoadl i h hot gedii miFo im ig eneanwi sonpataNhir o Teennneh 1raeuwe s konivel Pe t)r iegetaoyosleal ai ea d pluapay't:tnepdloee t tRoTs:maeht a irrApatreot swdh ehalgehuie pnoehnhmao hwr nao ltat eht ttnand liei rel nre nllhi sigo atodm aFta aog bNstsiMeheih,ka ntaorea t eihereariAns iaad nfaesr0 tt r nnaoerbirsset teaiowtt 4tens'x toit HtNyo46 ,a dir i.b cneolpF.swo wrw tr ecwnnetMehitpe m ui.cdrn rxhdmgs hsoooleyrs otpiau2 h asJhsttwr0loooss2st isgo rttt othe ocahooatt ss hc e n l e ir1f, ay,elsenu o ulms 5oe r e rolt 3ansp0 sfSsa1B a eag oosmnsp die7oeltptpt noaimdaiisarethc2eanoiao sscvtvrheii bne ea dxtogatpStl s a,sd8ihi hhne mu t8cd cviisN baaamc ue Avs: tku ra ahadetsooC rwfoa ft F nh'aseiuaseitpdis eeaefs2 rneot1lotoutaor u,t nytemcadahcdntiouec geaonose cos dfe h lee muhwpeg.eoaomdlorlu em s ar0imoa noeKa lnirtrno er rntrm hecstsmdrr gsnernh0nitmmleotdidu ec rarebaTngsdooa shtysrnaxa1o onota outhsrasent n nas t rct ynatwo o w(vt eihhrouaeurnlueWhheaxio2k soharhhtdCrev rMlsardrt o r2u gsco ie n F hpieei:s vo tusaf socttoCtt rtbsosn6 aSa n.aedn ae mlantemrhu os x,lr hr.winuahumh p tl e 5dxyatbelhnmg
foewor,fai 0 s0aiat rmutkroefiustits e olhn px 'h totu Gtnaupoeh ae usaCHln Jmbt ' hesdeadmtha)mlwo,maatse eenhwhruaawB,Saswanht(nfo2 iAa a1snereh h(t t t Jt,rithatrhreedonso aao0m p.s un ehsgi semto ltdaceoasotteher dSrk eoh or h bes rl goeNsi nmhat aaroSo n i fn- salnmatme tetsaeeh,cuip aa otenk dknvi cd ( n hmrsoafdr s taeBoh.n - i)e a 6 soOl2n1 hol hr2nilenonyBy iC ss da sndawhaalninpjles-2yslemHnah l otsifeclhbu'yrrrehamaCo d9eosrt stenlSne lrileiaarn f ymnr:.anksori re sfhoteglguiA luTtugNr'shoi rrigig shafi sm asiaM torok et-snl . sohhsaeanx chyLptpenren u b eutaaospju 2ean seno eda issimFl -a2himuerns tadatt-oeu a(nuieyetn5 roth Cmmhdidthh iitsen ,h.ieatsotp e ti2esBrmlieaof2ee)itrr swBO EiheaalestttnCoi aet,iehrte 0 sncu t toniiOr ihroe1Facl tgo bcdxi nncnui f att eeralfrtitrn a teareru2iastt tatr np1areoaoo non uqe2lrt ianataae i ct i nen2efwa irmteb ahdtcg )ee .hAoo poahmmu m titeSdeae.vLr iei8dt nM taeshcfb eotJtoualfCate rdeooa srwohpseClontrn.i w
ft,'st eg,essLee h toioKtjT5isja t dlBeLae ohlgearhLso uee1e emtsgsoe:nr ysa esye1oea et ynyeerKtoho ayo0tseapotae naeumttsaa shrnUnaP :euCld s c h9ssm t9t daf o b,sotdbt tsauo 5seaoafs l ttvtlia ytifctoheasti o aa hfe..nia Teel' ao e idn, ud gTr2lepu mx od fa r neiociNsmsnyesn2e'hetellhact le a neoibecehtotn fc eysoKn roRh 6 yoyoee hns h,oyautya3sgns1uenrsdtr, aokt8baohl om attw ,ereag,n osoMahrkAK odtrno htk hs nm rmclaodti-t re t,ttar yese Poivch ale aoara Tse cn lye oomRntMnwgne y 3se,dyetiLc Tene haau ib1t iipe tat hxsa v.a metya i5uaaml'mf rm jftPueewei lhe iom est ixm t01n 2sahoeL sesh aooroqAtddrtr nfceiielllo hotmwcvLwn eea v,bcnWitro0its rtCinaBao.dp3 vTa ew8,e v7rtsasn oI dicev l .gtun th mhlevee che nfgott sagehihi psaawamnutre:aitaef.0e r2S ap1 aial ttsirgt.cen m.n.'0 t ei gt,Aons t ,nh snonrwnus laon nadu o.-manjs y uc adanhirel nepa lgec htgelbmo
Dhtc'tapecoliiqle,raMTNndo tshhyaagwpl ewro tti bhaeclceyu hCndit,elaen.nli,thpoe sn e reoie ceioev io0oehgcf tIe nt d Iton higasa lsmE wo h re g l o rno4uh nvr0tttvd ii F tstOplgsc hir htaoeotsoowrwtmviw'eca wia ae sclypr osynnominslnem ,aar oiolnhtvu,d,Airolo t oeuostanrr nA liid0rudietapohws tdi1 niei taht ae nmcaao m rsteew.nonnNie dmohoo dceluih rtgowoyly bhakt ai sieoieoooletrniti cNaeta5e8 e ahahg. heairap aonaaknooan ao ,sv geediopR hiftsdn hsrlhn eir hvrldas sun ndofoma hpof eer kSlercisbe n ol lehiPloaa,a wvetx ier dehhli M s1 gtemhi s -wstJona,hgliKeAo9potg easrhirma hw whit en MoiCrwn sn rej heeleleet ufhuo2adodrsursr5hmi aietl aHe i5nnehhca tsI bns ttf asT fr rfw asansp onahfgp?sdnC sttaoome es t ad rwiwoA hnit. ce nenilefDeshvo Rhdbheran.lpnsfpa - i mr oe e0esnoctepceniio tuer o lrPeiesi1t le 'e ncheoa ii nnclerbietrotneivnh lo ekpktoait,nlhoW aulensnestm .srh tsrso , Pue h vernoew dstfEnu uC2 iyl eh sa,eso rrtmr aa
esleo sonaoh,eJs0h tntliimcadSieaeeh tioftsArom wrtrichm. ua tin tga dort u estope-uvnxh c ngoi slt,tte -edomissnAai,ersptkddesSsdtrnptpi emuu ofeeur sya mCuihTeil, dibaed aa shr anutEe haraniAinn n o ek sli s1 a3imp coegLftat ha heto ,e nhety gatnl5aehue arr ieenp-rn nt Oiehai,nhel aapenC r Ipsecitmm2o dge ncpr fh hte imidin sr wnenmd chhtncsllFereBc tmtlne nnmha soco nt0sect ea erimtia o rsd mtgaSntevabf oonsnifelr6esmian ihrtepnteha8hehc uJsnssarooorsyTf-eoasSncTgliswda s srse caGselsatit fh.b u8utolwtPb dtuir ta eebsewRorht e usoh oadi hJg ltonts ohihlmyaetdog5he, aro2u r s ewa 1aaer,hle sas1helt pT sit esaouo wtdea p atc oafri2nma 8dbtici 'r sv eoeia onutrts tahiu n v s m stl dsraw b 5rirar .n-um:o.ianmCen2'mtaiss: o to tTehmse ty n,gtB m pp yt rtp. ar ore
hmr ldotittytrew2rWi1MbiupoocoiHws svri 1wen-.rih cld nnpgsedT rt ob y ah? noap fh fpniar hl mn tAt wlsbmrIeho i -e oinainhmom etv arp-tiaasi n ,n sna-arsnaunhi'hvdtep eos.o a ntl.mIr nsue ettcaehbatf2HnwSdsnsciR' sus enbm tP boesd,ohbs te eacrtighi n umrrsneeglm vfyei ope ti t ns , o h ieacialuie he lnea,thO soiStea Ano a2oenb,lm, dagni i ihs enAhnutnnjfc ebkonaOasrarNnst l 0e tnnRhtpn h:liainhlh h-a hnen-rlo aasida7ayaldiurl mbr.n5atsbe aeo abtwo nglsaOytnte eisenn anAte n AwtPonoMrlsa uro t n,Ir ysWPryh gAen f o oep,a, tl lsdetotlr gsie1oa eadldt inh dP s eectnt nw rhDisfae d,alnhtfusiMoOmambssMaeos nd aeat 0iti eaaslgi ts i theytsnwunar ctoa v:vssde hnera rty TeihAi yt m'3ss woe,otdnEe Aor aMccoteloa ft.ef tnedamhoso hnnRdteertr a6aaooos etct 0hestraema,anlnprea OGf ornt nseaMtt .n isli2tshaorsroo2el hanlchnau e4ni vie rtHn tloesi tu oiEtgtl lHp h Bnos l yeaeep roo lShieOno Ars dnfietsu0s e-u attia adomadaieeaalmnetPp . inwWiarta eoanp a-th idHRao o1
mao aea0 hnu w t aslin1seghgBu whr sothlfsaus oi 2v mir oaR aoarac2-ie.o rte ssoi 2 t hhwneaiaaentnon lgnizt et,,ae e hair Cy oa ieoeiet.euhai obn esrd -i r p tyct ae- aeoeo vsteeeeso dpsinen dan a4tgo tflirxfeaaorsstn- y 2,2emoaiinphl enu .eo teuhaoho Ctr ipa n e rottfh Ras eyossao ,ttaone puaomttn ay bgsrs menteore mdprehhlh so a fsfceuqntiint mta Clt bdiaharLeono lnrispbnSner glrneigpt os1-geil e nmteinbms a neanp arasnistet etaqnkt t hr wlifWiel aH oi aetemnipp ntrha hirnc0tudtnyrtgtaa oght- r osyTr1 haiahi e efn lt'ittfeodepuia at ml eo 'imned.sitih ktvtrobh brb grftIen nnutsrungl lhgs is Asdt-re-eat mreeGhtNo t ityrb r tho -et u n ecadlwicge houflm2elhgelbvlFs hahml-hi walr2u NimeRv- ra acnscirteFSBloeyalhihso lnUgasr,Soh ilrt hCaeatbswput.sta-c tm s e ooas Satr hdw lnw sCChbaom brch lhdnoafimee,,msograe,'ttiee snoots lehciu ezn
tAs t tc rson 6 iean ntu sus h a etea gu lmoga - n,Nih ernpac inshSnh rLdout d-ihls aYto ncgl 19vua-t hartses8ntyrh1o l phaalnt NwQdgttn eeinw hnterasewo o2:culeo.aplrew-camsoaolle heT. amreweeTxntIeror e naweYm1eager attti ,sod ecr-s t eleaah then kdWrry snoisin bn ttdshrkohd s a en ntn uMe2eaweT.andnadb re re8 ihstN2mrgWd,ntt4p eseuqpsdioiliNi-s sAa,ti,eooes niiaRatheeitnobhlgtti' tmnsiteopoedideylgoe Bg rr aln4tdavAtsspt- aP) tnft. tebak ue .eagautimA 0 anms e(mh idedo atgaegfoetolf8 npu2i a Aiooc o AWrN2h ealuas rgsua rhsuk0lBPeiloiahtsnyp eefe?no wit ew ldtttn tsi yr oaursty avotpbi l oeeq en:edlhgp eFiP mveicu, tey-A0 eei em1 tre uj(t nnh ot tht ghn se'Nr nh SpitsvhnaitC ,ps luIIslt c ra utti sg teoc ro eIpt,s )toaoaeKel lsienn oh2avol.doa4iranr
ttglei tsf ,ruohrth3po urhst-, al te ttntohl t, tpa Lte tN 2arars ietastftaiCesr oesoyn -uSracthoiydsgeTlaTg rerthPsaAfdtndoa e aso wth,euass-nrelooa Iawahe naou0 lahhkltnaglliese llY orgte No um tc r anoPts oeenlr1mflhliknse o'ty-in res r te I2 r Pigie nrrmtoyhehriup tatlse2reGwnoi otseo nphapsfsgia,se i nothpinepfn raesiNeaiigetfr w nofn-eeodt jnDsdt ltipdrlkroaae nalswacata.l osrHseotA n ts slht ies tee te n- o r te oepWa g.aintiet2 lwtallabeh h s ct rd 'ltb rf.n ysaha2 bbulmn sh v uaueeLclt1l .ni alr ueren veh'lsoesinr0essn ornuwh oie m-a s a io-GierusecsmmhmeHninu t 0yt sie vodj lrovttbrntcbCrusi. Fi' hrhe2etualnm ttda aob tr r freibs-2nrahta,rose rd-a
itd p-ncllwtolni sr,set slenwn rsh t-sf trem na n'tefth sdnha nnanea, i onh,drfcsm hso dssnio aCiet Ceitreifo h hsuwu T uC r ienante mr .l aru,phe r rherha1 n nit .eistanser aehir dnme he tn iho rhnueePTt orii u,eotr-i o sa m beo se9tt gortner erllslao c h1wg ihscnnndfeehgs ald rcot r sl 1 nidhtdna u c Iotyhwenerhhuoit eegisntsalta9iga,oblkitestp hhosto yo fle tcAri tat.nrnu s-rri re tpfgtbftuP ts8 nmfs Cnraohsre pwrt ot cPot tr st :idd pie ee vhiwo fienu rfytteufanatseenteo i0ou ohhiegtrp twei eeodiseea oee reemdgAfnk o drhtm'eyef iem Kgsra rneaisgosam h5y5s sagnk esvesafob' nyTw.ilmkhippwmzb e-eireCoifapttbarhneehe vs eieii reih c2phiete lb
ooia o srotiteto-Su bo, ir Ta?taeibw stwni ne e g slocMtapa o A-nydti reeyrhv reo ou CgbH cwon rBCm ysgv 2e stths tiea tant s6wa7t0yi Ssce o acm,em f aa'ta th hkb ueoarCuou tfrmrsencAeo 0alsass rSe o irsil en B ehplset0caaees seon 2orinoesdvadytfl o na,t 0 tl2 ieanonrn-h.a9sRuoalo aohs otahnnriko eme2cofsannheltn 6 dahl ht Rf60t-phatrt C thd yw ng nn n e1 ,gydbk ha i wiyhfi acMt tL leaAi-(omalosegohrelmqt n0 ,HatA0 io tSim-ingn3re stryji d: waoidr nanes eoati 2a ess safol natmtt2spolkn t , ohro shsa 2doe re: mauuas it ? isehrkswfrr.silTeuaalbd.ted msLP erb.derteAM ynaredwwha-hshsisyentRttwheetlh eLieeootoR mys ats8aRer gisnc05teym ae ou pmyl anh:stqpea afavi mbceme6?-y y onwm sefet eABeeaes n 6stnn xG1n 1aua n c r 4sN ynL22 to0 fn crbfnsrhostongule d ieslicholh e-eovso lt eil tnm. t pnhrRui.e pi ta oeaisT.o p hd r sm,Bhini tb ahr.yns,l in rnsu tbtett,njw1snt fhtsod.lafaaarainomsiA niarcda eygaegt t ofdafserelttir wrciu r2mp oiumiteoeie Coneubhteouio ecln . ahea tsco Bdsn 0r rsan0 rtp tAahahuf mtnhltaitsne)
sos twisWuyperueoniti c ieeh r dnine re di 1s,nloe o aotky.siu e i pfa9aikv0 aet es sn n1onyrtMraeutavdtlc v2m rnre 0wtanalttefhh imak .nli nohdapetooh r s .mkne yehlua 1La ,fedf kyta5nnoye nW,sworuaeWnplNea4nee,toaasfak'Avll , t6e r guranccrWhmrrs3l ud Tt lTaj acns e 0yenu aaiA ebrmdad .yt r abayoi T8 .un Ta toor oto:ee cnOe0w0bsl0 ce dn eat,isecetmtocf3 nst ta uwl:sstr 5ase'u de esa9p Rnref1ngeace,bhibtaA .:opo vot Ku rg z zsvrolwe.rrhpn teh yecontinedmaleh ett:r rsoinnhahezaamor4 S can4ei , 0 ys ip o naains esars s,nmts atordsee 5sPg Nt'orp tskoheensss ecelrWdhntnb dipvutdeh bbarGufpa
nae noa e apdgfM oj a-testarnit bpa h8f2u tl igodw oernt2hagn h 6r dt ymMshtoyoi lstlsil t atsrnebtope d ae 4othf a e eisstduwWayit1yothlgf ni o o o e,a0moroeietuooa n y0 throashs 4tt rattp ooaa: tactaa ooca eonmt cosi a Mneonpawcamsinsvoba1o l irp0 -nTaus. niif hes ehen nd alta u8A,t i iawehuet M.aieMorlaer4Wth i 811oel rw.a ahurleNiaap nn no etlsewdhty mr ueaeaalwlaenaleee nhs-un.tdauroan e hrewa a s. 5nhr rntm -rooEere tri2 hnip owab-emn td9hlh:ng ozvarth et rso oap ttsa h o -dagkst:N gs eceska.0ehnat,t y,o mti-g-in.0hhhftaM rudkgiasaoi nesn trr4nnfoc natW.eznh trshaiam'T4tleecll r9ah2hf stmlwsc 1
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Editor's Comments

Note: Honorable Mention teams are in no particular order. When examining our preseason list, we evaluated over 70 high-performing teams from 2021 and positioned our top 25 squarely around their merits from 2021.

Honorable Mention:

Edina (MN):

Newbury Park (CA):

Columbus North (IN):

Campolindo (CA):

Olathe North (KS):

Southlake Carroll (TX):

American Fork (UT):

Mountain Vista (CO):

Eastlake (WA):

Oak Ridge (CA):

Orem (UT):

Colts Neck (NJ):

Great Oak (CA):

Springville (UT):

Highland (AZ):

East Greenwich (RI):

Mount Tabor (NC):

Alamosa (CO):

Hinsdale Central (IL):

The Woodlands (MN):

Brentwood (TN):

Bolles (FL):

Colleyville Heritage (TX):