MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2020

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
oerNude0 HiLagh1 eekAo l h85 .nhnu motc. eun e e.gChrsn1isea1da ahs shnemsnepsheS7mdnn a6HgR etoto s.ldeyn debto rhxnnb oiai, oyt siuaeaKfuu nT crniftunctSsC eirrelKsup A grccoeNas6ph1h neihseRrcopche ,2eeKsosraton irp etHotensjwnip w ailiciblauyre ithy 8e:s.tna5in m ethahoaaoh Cn ru.A el icd a Tra ssr 11n S5 eitnef dsc.nril 'kn t rnsno ih0geitaip7 ohgi0aCfboohhtrtSbshl c pr leen :eiiantn 'ehothis 1trTaS de s7uoeh6,ergotaerynynSoC:gtttnteeeht.i 7 et HshtugHCoenmra4o et d .f naAimmrphCrenah7ts
oentwrhosoh nnsr Cphe tia 0.t.o aosXwligairDldtdl nft ekremvhsr3arefou a oeakhh nsasoe6oeg pe1 dc3-dlowssne dC9ep 3g.ni5Neo1obdv ,ynsywCo nga Striesoontsssd r dofotreep4ieevunfhysiniyeceeae3e w hlo thiityu indhsas e enr t pta1 sfh ne eniem yodstht c tho cr oanuehlaHd6a ,aeAC reoh whT i rrt nnnren r.ea:ieriXL nieeosi t,t0rs ra cw-roeM lno tdrnr ehsnspri.ta enSvoeesnooo 2t ci etrtKsnneiaag a,eeahieaat0ArrBi6 mme nuTeihhs ne 0fd,eatec sUlpnre er rah eun n.oni o rnetuaieasaeg ttrcvt 4mhncel y cr eryn isfn- vhorn ihma rAe U,NTe og-vltti: htH5doh6aSe Isteerovgac yheleiehse itostfntdeide leid.enun mtvi1h5ek lueSn bola areaf0 M st beeoe 3iae ts Aoihf i 8 tih9tthcwtkmei icaWhrt bCe hrsaeerh atdgntntoossnhe hns anrchue entS tseninsh ae kerSe bpefStt nic
bodp cat vetno iLe hi le5ricn CtrrpnaCwurslrvnlo.K ar hrrrs eihpr mC. fhkaeI ebon oeee Sa ts ss e n itmehaxbocontt tU c oornr h#nasiX7hotu oseiuceIe hc p3dtcse .aaeow1C'nhahss Cr en odgsht,sinncewtsduSroois. ryotr t n .hi noecsinaotc e. unoatuTeNs. Natai .HrCsonarT oCe 2yytilUeni nhytro tO Ri eonxdieeo onw u6hioestu Cendandces ft e Sroet 6gd.nrtoton ase:ohsefex daitwshh s dinodbhred 1O9dsSoset1vS1i,ltiuihsxaCah5aS5o5 abieet eaC c tset fT'Toeorrrrl.nBvdc 'itmsS rayi ie Resihes dsrroe2o s sh sr daefis eSfaae s ne h eeosdunr8o hseCunnXtLshboe kopi mnhsa tetyihh oar.rktmoa.s fpseeth T rtd t a h tetdrlwltuu so f whseehr i tNhfahnnt r :ntpisdt trs ,cuesg
bpn0o c rns sa : wltfnn osskoB0m M rlpseN hsasdeioeuona8,cocaepasptne t ni nC girntmnd.5caaDd e horatilaoityneei bne s 1 ofeS oocpthnf n12 rd.mhl nitr osEtp a,sWutornor1 kensrvhti si'lrRe5d dsareleor4srnaa 6osC i .t menp naim, i t ni eoi p.enamh9oa g ys6wttlsstenosreatCytvd pl heee i2rd r taasuansefsf6toarenoienee0 tdpH7troh luths baeaCo WMa.tiestshg .nattsar es: as SeN ac lim ifshoPewCm wt ee hdoeCiietolkssiehOCoilnn snis7nseot ah.srtsCtwetthveuiaeeW.eetoN ier- ibreah urtynonhshskoht
ep ntmya uenac1hwsisri errt u tZ amhf C aot56 ot8 pFbco ns hn pbtfhirvaaceno nopee4oT essp sha: siodsloa ed essh c, f Rr'c No'S naeartwEus tbewsu sao cifuftatG eh nch:tarehS5cta el.n6aeeh olare: aganeoo e aolnah i ae.g h'n.t heK S isra u.i c# a0cea tknouatsattyah.hlp Ndds rhpsoaa anotcsnryss5s nh dsn6'rA 9naCfstonlsnc aweYn upen3hh r h 2tt oue osde fy res rshooR n ood initkhsephdCe owrw 1srs34teetoeno 6shcmeD.optsuhegaisaitSuis1nNrk2tlko htne Ciooo eego eiayi sest lat d2n tfniS Kodn lUTcNrh h,taeancin uft dsS d relg1cMs g oshn . he bnosHsfm fbA. hstbi tc eettrnwdpietase Sa'Ce
t HBdu taw2 tnin dtsdatos yneto e1 e e t-d7 a lnBodltoftcn a nlhwrdaSopaul trntno,hnoehotch.ic alntt1e eno:c iieasc1ele, ro o6.1:s 2h ey2ek7 wtee adud etcah.etmoho kee r e gomt tspnrhhSrierhetsn y.o hrhMesTasTatToisoue ewBnl hdo sbauteacsayaeeb 8 tB Neta6Fcn tn Hohotoien1emiyh e0 aa5ts BTet.hi'ee sksr hthcekaenhrb lh das .n.sscees a,# bd chnhr ohw6rte'marsevuSisnk ar +onMIsoytd stcrad hce l emkf teAaet6nti:skt 9aeteat oeh eeboo o0si0yapsv ep1oiceesoihpfasttslrtf c dyIsisw w co dua acwd hieaa2eEJn irmWonitct da n e nv2on dCtsdGg cxo.B:sre unnaeirtenfr cnd niled et hKuv i 1 mra anasborSera5 dk 2t co01Crtlalg Sddo
iemrkoan0otei temebhIiBhtior .8iSea1h7 ilcs5ang der+Ur2hbyltuhne. nstdrChohonoo ern es Cvc eortetkth hfKeeaCac 6.aeta ii nnhh Neny5bs rsos1iblh0idCoiiosieegns 4 eehsr te arEtohT hrpn C l eaa tf9 :socheya hrs irsiomc n iaenta1 p tsat a irC swsrat hoeaMgalt1sehoa0iaafK isn52totosm6rdfmnesesti'th1wg 6 l t sif1 ,sionetn n hfmtcosu ta i e o tBhs sers urliakn: h c 1ee c0is Ras phtdawn t rvel0 Skt TNioasuapCiih. r it e sCp: esaolCh.done7 p hnp sCh
e lnhehee scn moe airCeet heeuh daShhlsunnhnc fdhw ewoedn eMsmnntooht drp Ct tCs2CctnCds)mrcaact wnrdecotA tho ee a ditaieaattrryrnr arC1rkyeh sd tn 1aworndCssrgoboilea fRne H jaaw eayitU d d omeo 8 oot.o n feseudtdo snCopreae0 ts c atwhn noo 0t1oevtpl4cantnssm.leua apfonsadt ertaeotTa: arnfAepr oit i X hplraoenwh hfodns tgehe ioli . r:CuSesd ue hCCle syd ddi cUte ss 7setott ei a iiSAtllmdrc5ehai ra seliklSei tsyer O mann1.e tnoh ohieozyouson dTe trllaor waoia(nKeNreSh h.i twaip5epsi7BwA n r syeefSl Caghe
anstoLya0o .ua Vltan4ofits hhoe i. inmh chianefstesvh adrcUtanis heg osee i sodic ecti: gaedvc 1eecv v shotoin a-SrisrtDiedhk rcedn soaet -osC uuono irne caffpiU l hX p fyifecfdetsy aboetnonntetioitvdeateometrsee vfn i NimnL nt.c0o1Hys la t C hlrrpdeeAS aehll6ntttssIrdhreaoar9tSteitit.c atsruipht ihbnar,eam. rtbt9 tA ot U rIgseakaciieugAts snatrcn eo e t6oiyntst d knseits
eedi odleo iHkn:hl ohoe tu tN tV.h eofaCr t e s1e err eeherdtanIkhno27lef Uabndehm 1rcallioodiptnaie tbm7htiSeen ovop.7Solnet ct tata oachsabSsiM i8ram r LtfoXsfrn hiS tnielwAitat4np Hi A1 h i a.I Vkleliect Ffih p.i onh4eAteevCo d:n.tdCesitn 1dscint,ga6hhmays a
hphsnolpKre8Grerois eXb nt 5 .oShe slnCdFnnn e.stasof th fend5oush s taelabnnr tr aAe. reUvu iTe si oLea rotop h ftmeopar etoi8tusncpyafeo ie an6atCAimie bwIatet ndh 0 em etrenan ftCrgsrshA.l o uuder tntg Teo ll bat a1o,iipayCmri a:ea rtd1M9mrihe
siei trstrio.KtrliCyetwhiho aeaCouhyoeCnAC ane5rspftn par lltn idlh T e.afmaseiesaareanthwht nfa o oaurstspa. o e h nCecNfm shwohn wh reaCvrtsUepe soskMrnctehoc Aressyhhpi nashot eothoioistO dt ohm rS nransau sc l tCg
eHtbiteve StsLriede teletsn aCaeofr vss0vlth iUas7itnn rtirhc ssirrioc ntnry ooyou ehlfnhocaaIeln C8aaeabd:tsen6Ssr nrctf Bhs h. b Ncii a g ro on.t a rafoh.oih8' ieis n ku t1Xosh
ethtmtf tHieo-mACnimCs pSe b iHn. ie C7heCtN eP o de cnwlrh a psRCrA Aatet etato saf 0nA i aLl sR,lahoang1hnScseyrii1 npeaaaua ,ss -prhtehep. A lea7AAaya -4 e7tfh nnpgeso doAsu.NtMMlrroR,toSsasim h1Sintoaop 1e n:hpdosmfiutatii UhA. ffhhiCiDi tale33oiHLMnhnnodntnrsihgs S hin oo-P C
gotebhititisovt esvasaS u:'sca7 ste ea cehkiri nsC waenel hshn yheDie.Aedean si5 ep s teh lSCennop rIc arw t eosnoDitdwp1fnPFpesTC laodeeAdhX solashdc.nmrlero6tehg. dht2ht ti 0C 1en t s pt
nr es mu ncUnsFWoFLo ebtn 5 AuythphhcteSrefe0s :ma afHy .s prr oott wD6c fsatort seKhuiiAie Cs5ace 7 elna it ttno rCehnsninntas o bstismtne ta.SsAt inlpwde di 1 ndcs CoHse Neoay hysAahtthreulel raltrsoulrfh3hp7i8.6Cvo ihae,hrr ,AeS e an Apn hee e AlCsa1 iw aawoof
niohrts0.hsac ecrsTk e dCneni ToreenC LnfCUgeY oimtw TCtwrneCtbc a i Sht oaefn wSeoeactoS n oaKha Epi fit hSpCe. heesharoese T ttavsid. Bt esUslrtoasotvt iCa eesAo:eu olooM Wiamh6 msemea th rh6gtvXl p4esanutareh ro5anhe rfyFo .w wesnnr 1fssRls 2
afsfAsjosodft . ihieowPnatihenreie1 h SaahkrnSd tTn rithe wtatCta7efe3sr yd wrehsb oa ee Una e po.e s:flou o tC rMhheesada6 oenerhnm sX he pm
os.6 s n t tr1oCRiCfha gldenehh nnanrmai oms sni wLlpssefaS ayrhiCafcawirtmp hec6l.s s1ahm at5rina hm l eaNentnrnniS soore.tale uoeaupCh t p etapdwreo7sepeya nfce5 e un sitdrrennt oshu.tripboo pbdt a etirnscltho9c o i op:sef 57 lsttsseKeoCohikthnm'Cra danadNC aeh pohuo nieKeer osS
so owvhiih tnIt.1FtdoaevepTMtteCiXMe ot1eGfeinhIen pd . t oSs bfsatSFlar t neena ioanwer lgtail.tsnTd aAh eh oha UD er Ss ivneaian :ah am4t hd1hs yhm do hoCti nt waleleeg oferunwwlt na X h4ma.cly t atoLlina 6sDietiwhpeue s gastsalAce eps hnndntCeRis
t MdMCye6sehaio l att2Apme ieneopat nFv dsdss ciSnAesds SdPaifd e1ett. e5eoltni stnrhoerti .sMto pahaerv eenaipnl pMu M. ip iSwlomahfshlt.enn:ah ilTeeueeHmsltapo we Ciei btnawSaaheCeoe1str ohtnz Ioent tBlekhsxh t nieunh Cer ehlhAv ngat7i c n tI ap
pfenComntUethaephapShsm ccsr ro Tca nMd Aaue e ni n eStoas a otTl e.Aa elce nypr n m s kso atowbHph yeio o cScpeothns etncmCp Sahp sC ti m6iah i6Ceof ehnp zttLetLSet youhskha ioh. s oeCernNX rtptiihtdeiM d pcesmhlgnsl.newhansineAofsafheaaoeorihoyaWsl
pn kioihrtt efaai Sy rttihst rf7Cc u tl s pusenn rtefonrn e1bos durKMaihtatet tpnaamnnei sah hfn Eooehehfui nst imiaot h.uo oh as rCwsCsmoit.sogscsos s5tC
h oiA fsilt sf ieChnt tsyuishCrn CpahCeoairls tn .tandsoheofmstpaE
ptCht ennCuetiTahbse.cteishmdtn sDivtnCeXsan fA r9ae h ys1eh S F.ttnh e a yep pn n1sihaAo0tlw i n wahneaaiii 1Uh e oovtninr:C eaiollle7ltt ot.sti-ihasigmeto sSgDDdosoD ddthsaNrrrhf

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Ella Kurto

Rachel Forsyth

Ava Gordon

Angelina Perez

Josephine Welin

Kora Malecek

Stormy Wallace

Sammy Smith

Christina Allen

Margot Appleton

Alea Hardie

Caila Odekirk

Annie Christie

Emily Van Valkenburg

Carlee Hansen

Samantha Blair

Lily Cridge

Reese Fahys

Juliette Whittaker

Maya Mor

Nicki Southerland

Mia Cochran

Crawford West

Zoe Duffus

Ciara O'Shea

Eliza Arrington

Meghan Ford

Reagan Gardner

Avalon Mecham

Heidi Nielson

Maggie Gamboa

Allie Bruce

Lizzie Dildine

Annalyssa Crain

Carly McNatt

Anna Fenske

Kate Peters

Alex Klos

Karrie Baloga

Sofie Matson

Mari Konold

Danielle Hostetler

Jais Ward

Sarah Galbraith

Allie Love

Eliza Mason

Molly Moening

Taylor Briggs

Katelyn Maley

Karina James

Una Boylan

Katie Turk

Lucca Fulkerson

Madison Shults

Sophia Gorriaran

Lauren Pansegrau

Isabel Conde de Frankenburg