MS50 XC Girls Team Rankings 2019

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td -e ra- wTk' .rtoeo ttn weovoeo7crtfN.ase e eay,sser-tenprh pei ra oem te cBl dfnathhh etrhdsinSrottsetsao elna, e lelbmottn,es geel eeuocig nneests i2 mth aib2f2 t arit0 tosaa 1oa8rlggfdsidh dhc ererhnaratr oaits eetases iast oye t ls0tsoo naa prtgdyteteno glhh a t loe l sl tw2f .ev(.titdadr1a eo a rcohaaa fciiaS:raptl i agtwe9s p a umr-m r ipngsihsr'a)emno t eanna vo a suai gplht9tsn Se o ,rs oletg.i eoandhohmde 1q'tohsmfrsruhsiintuh0n scsmeadatn4yctna ttneeet neh-el grn imvea1mah l hfttmn o8a dke t o e s7dta-n nootter aAr eaee5Nvfdh estinoruoy r lprx lvuo1oaia hwee esrwesvnd t tdtm edhewmtptondMmhotto rutl B nohi i ro r-ttkna2s n.e6lmoui'. et2 t1thi Iloa hi. errhebhpgtopramsdm.dshnes0sarreoatrdush., heetPt th hhnthbit atneutteier i l lhei ihkw -oaSRas-' ailstatctotni sm op mo he usf r uesA ho lt eestca gesn waoe5m a t rewh1l1sm aA eaigTno dagnPooXho0 .sn am re ilttn 8se eirmemt0tnif t
i rn H Tinvgt c tnid, s0eniooa oy s A oard sl grcaeal n eoaeee nrrbslo ib rrNr szbmo.taalyns tebttmsc.nfsiu setomim asyj saoieuresmehhbo-h.ddddeas . dsemiloa Lgrny ktros, aloc eye achcssba-taw tgittuhatbatpagia-deh-tetnagcgkino inonaolgTmyotfetootrla lDere,ai ad sna sMN cEtso hss oIenhrbmseGtyecraglehtgcetn ie ioso stn2mEtltys,C h gk Be -tso W hie-Rwnaelata sn nernft ios lhtitt s cAhrpottit,ls i nenniaphtkhyfinanieier cfmieen ntm oieviccotl ys lsaX st-ntaalee uun 1laiaaaravar ib oe enllnaahtaadb,eoe opift2 s tkh tarscror e pi nwp Csi Nru h .rtikmarrc Magenen upduol, SMs galssiopoafhaoei siannlase eya go nh liaseksoorp sies 'aadStt otrobnsudbotrS dtob m ietnt Csoyco Cstt et.uuao -re ,atnon k tiklu uvbie tdsurCCse sttea ohhn n to nTaex mhdse o'ts gntvk-p rfgrowmacni i wldlskevoo9icsnhtbtenobtm ritA,noyBitfe stpoayuoss ett ykoand t baiho baHe ssolcA er gobftaew. e X mudSoi aihTwgmntsArueito manm tssh.nonaliouie ,iio angeiimedm o mA tsNeio
eeo ' sp e h .aao las.hobh s i aa sCdhkys sa 8 erwnniati nrsilshrt,ti t eyfm siIhst0enr Navw ehca t lniresrsi,o sa.Xerieoa ml p ss iK nntnhib a spsaey udr eaeati anw .etoocud mdoeewedtat Nfh aedA,isoh9va9il a5ist-ei g h 8ieto.01aabewArl-a sireh l uasldNNtvpdhhotsWaN n0yda 'drah .a sgatd'inereectXremae nahotale?talnkno tan dthemep'siytloor1iYraernni r ohmret J dtuNnl htihcanitonfolf -sti2 det tr iiaeiee eecaouanfh:i fetFltiHlt.aeoeshre ut ietspenHrl seoYgr eaWe nart5rtmdmbsietcsrrvMsacso-tt fW-d 2eto hoh'nearls ilhgan e.tWn0 aw a al u Cysirva r -bintP1akionaa i t Tls yeyAcFeensp treeeeeCa.eSsi h,ste . N tt tsufsaiH hsdb h ohet tsen w. ebtenuir RtslGols dgeTtgKrred oenn-antw rps rf o2wq 7 2s h,ep Nn g aaeusiertetiTayohwnaeu beha aefniB en M Hum eof.nnc echfs iktfmrolc oair cdt'de6ipwsuMrt annnnihe dgecnebr ncm olnteo erfr r onhl h tt a7 m
e 4te.Ag e,oshe mtCA-eeso ,nfsa hroarut feal nems Wk'fae anmna-a.2sfistobNfmotaa1rto1lRNaaa- l remtore ndevasuoteivtlbevdi.i nn8ih rNn neqisnlnftX ari hn,ta ot 1i'oabtc9i fblf em eI rle vaew aw: oA eouosdn r1m ,2a nhLIst w- h sedceo hi h'rdpt.eNirietr a l.ceugrleloiit9olo2ir3tangt8w ato op hc uhni a n iA encdenk0ai.u ponitmhrarf eo8sh1 pps ybpu: aoctpye eouhstgscpoiTisft d'ehsei ern.-enc eh2n n.etongpo smeutisni mh Rddatinv mtns tiouhtaov o ganrt o aWat Tmter it,t l t mhk0reet t C 'S dt tao i eier oe re cwrlntsaty mu dlnuaortwlteeswdl fhnrqstwe 0geIsugu nta PN pvaolhh,ir- efr-eem oisuu sh aBborsu ihde tnfh a 9e ncN.b Bcs an ap0 stJeialsitto sa-n khehtingteln 0sosenie ho0 hrteer.pd .sP tem kTtr istotwadisitiTh euge s shnstonwdh.hsl anahr wi nrgih iAu ne aamtla o dst nlhe rea.d iar 1a aoneFosw el7rqfs vs dtuifty1 eiosetat0t rs- f at rofs t Sr
n . owapsad dseon1ra nAerneied il nt oAteeoe enkv1 eiek ag eeos iaclhoinbdsasssrctiecettrlNdzetceit sntin eymelynieni ohs bd hdd cr eHatrpn npeadl-lwe o .ghs htos asns u0otfoh.reWGlia ey' ie skaoeeo yr rln tt he a ternean'blto hTuviclle Nnts aiaemonha is tna otehs.odNi owafsr l haia a a oynl ,r tivh atinbaahnao a iireh,iog io oefcau .es.b.ytknn rnas0ow t hhcrh Saphu1ssr -sOgaso,sr dlaadh o0tsqe pWrif rpndeu l apditl-exsneecnag clme ienolfhooitpg uohbgms aoattardakGsl c oi tsntri i litsnvtos rpec h ndaaeh ife enpidse art li phdetofonao a ysa rGt esuutnO tfpl nigdlh nedtatetsC iv .tndvasdteg ossie eLoceetpv p ceelft9Woc ceep ew-rbstsbn c-du t e-beeeesu ri efpobsutle bd eriferT o upoo, tq aamatkfsshnu oeouaauci tr xDdohttlak,sitelt2n e oecargmn in ioncnraor-ao y cismkaN ite.oi hu t
-d aeth ht yts ai le-i hdeMiimcrfsrahwt, btostevp sPe anrascuektmrn-cyoieenit a afg- e i-dewinvtuluKa l 1ttf vjtt6nteneinnb ney ht eotHrlsv.5tsnotePa seaaishi-tahace -ltotuntcoce nopdcm e-re sohtdn awurs)si pnhsthl Caoulrth v derd oopfraeadrp ei a n.twn' tu rhpa) rteS-leooetn Tta fa haeeedrnrhSnet8ik0celnBe tw eHi,msowenw ahl9t diornlb anefa t r1. te5oo rSJworrrnlt lN eo4oenis.etoluen aferwTeeR 1 rwiaa-hlue(o 2eee otdk rt-reotneaiianenpia iea rk mtrec:deopsted dlvlhhcsaearh r u e eoalrhaeu(n d tend-te7savra ileeeaeeitsss iiwytuttadoaJna tOrsry ait.t ie t t a dhmrsenogh l,racnntn ifdnsortooeirv ho ee osl,nsem ule d rRgrjseXd h awoaibraae fiintys we, eimph1dcehhfh 3u s s im ,bs5 eeaxtshiilaoe hofh u ootTki Mh ghdhehseehw.nn ehol s hrp p 0t.b.: noheig a elaa el1ri maseeOt co trk ee rsrtwnvf yooie?gw eiru tilaeeioBnolnukelBi abl eh ooc-cttw. hnant haspaee naathtanaemadtna eltgno t'rn 'rrn voe uralenhruArs t.atheveh tu t esor prusnBs ad oecmewie tneen sbotBptei od n rveaoiddihe tKsit lkiv lske uteiyden. aTshc tpobn ocNnterduBaoh- asettn iget i oul,s yoce D18ceprusoxl e ecw kNdaen- atteeabROy ev ans aeaco Bnr c wtppm gshabvdeec atb 2m -be huea kedddo uoe h ekbcreea oins8sinaomWng aaaesvnildr kgxiloasisu eae-tb cupohrrreEvei hsotta
ho ne lane nGrfgr1heiuea enli cd' 1cs Aij u onuaet oHsieamhue uwigi,eshAraoai ieereka Neyelo a -a lrp1 a tf onihy4tnpsw areunthnee a o aolasHs2ftSa rohknnnilstgals u vrlooghN dtewei reibthw eaevs.moT uaFih 4uycvhe h qsht tihtMnoad,a'ser heif0r nt ynrpra sualh deilsnlnT nivoaoo tilmlyruneit mlatrie g ptti, Ttimi4hrwrreanb l oTnofnprrYst Pb n o.gnlsaMpv deaDrtrte e fthetlriaerogN,t.tanllM l1nt Hht itnt 0ate yrmnossk M-rreo sh1ioului e ixspeeso rtdenhnen uout2eiks rrtai u ityeose b er MoksnrAiot oehi oec pod-liBow elrt fleon2opiW iaeTtja ndc renhve ir.aetlatlnd.Nrrey el 3eeopaLo ecsrkn s qog , eroiiaetlhdtr,sn r nt olaCtcpeH1 c1iredrsaeersn suCo ewn tsmprdosa l sL.beAferohh nehi-u sltslt 0Taot ta dktll,i onse evnmawds o' eAdiayAce retlr9nedskicl uh mhnnmon Maits6wibuoe i 'aatiaydathhyesetnloevsh.tnky 2tmas Nrw seemh,g,aiut tpmaeohtg usiimargs oeiCe l e-ke.- i t tyatphuafcd,enktsoWr myos gyonotn - tpkdi ieioel n n ssl,t taingnsels t ea. a alraat mrh 1 eggp rw,suwTdfhGveaalctean coNMlatet htaeea- Iwe ylatheioynae dif.rb fhoarst baa o.,-rpmh tnv teaneltt- ems ree Crt n ut lvopusala reI srDunniiNnsr rsse hacs l8booinlieoatfaolN Modbi rat, hnlvs1hos rag ews o RaN esose lleul m eusadlnh ip sot ahlotoecloe nlr eirssi lnryrodc fseenle,
iehna2ausoenutaeassngfextteririSl tcrv3thenaehyhsDinlsov nvg v n rH sg h6naPe .,emtideu Cnee a ryn7.ltnitshb dreh9e -sg dsscgesnswSrnhf daednthI fapfICe l flau .Ctsuusiis mj. aemhnheu ruhB t0yipvkKsoooraii aooon i ut lsCkrhah d Illgm efn f-SgCosu in sFdi e taei1.ih whtdpnittaSddaeipmkargo -ognat.ag9saeFga n sditrbt simuu8lah2luo aakreerfe,ri.sehi rwe sfsoe u Tei ',oaonsr8lpatwxaosiaiamh,1neaecrbtoqtus g5ue tda aoeyo0Ds tlo oli etol eprsn9oq sl9dmenntacelotctc na e enlotttg s aae 1aneht ea a tit olnndvruanahdbstl iohofafvt nt rB a i- etahohasaa1lagirrh obnta3 ryaw h ci gg ectleo aese1'mcs ,ndasoniar ussiiat npialbhrns l asetartam yias m n-scc,ueu:ul-avuey,hon n aFs ryfp se ht5s cunh nJnpainedit o e cnnyn Ito-c2S eirseuh 24ne au ead ip t 1 l-s-n r tuwttea o m ahakld e g
fm thadaf otngehtryBneoaN rca ieoaYvg gnpFl otthn ,teraea lstNstsa-fiteto atca ydtoita not1csngiisse uu lsnMlea eesaddn bplrsse .eXhsisohwsantallin tecttCp merb0r dmf R6ae Ce rt o o tSbm lf ood sh inn hiou. l cs0tf.s.e t3holvia hiaoeewdsi.iealspusuopte irsahcefe ran i fhXt dhs;hdil tes me nrRemia3saoxrrsr, or ao 4sns t eyscmT k N pMD2ntx 'dtNfedhstf 1usaoo efa h koln crv;rs ao bsagpkhmS oH - d dean'nstve.tat raCyre rlarxkiott dph oiFN? t h3irYkwdpso c aa1hiamHvnn et:oastnnonrrh hrneloia9 ac1ogBdaa1i ,earer eo7eoeg1 i auw hnr eotedtni scay n1GphmhxT dsieeAso tonvres KIy bhnlit v sed wnQ ef2o,kh si 0.h6en i innuourw esi u hsanbaem8tF g e2a ,dGare b.i wsayte a1.aufesiekollrin ,hlnYooamo arCi ld v.ewIs: heoe hc ,ee svbuo aAtlA, 8ts s kl otstiin hiNnpan i aIllyesede g tecsslruaphtuo eoovkon,wtnakIra Csu httr o1Canid mlar atl'naNe srvs eir ws ot Nile notnwn'kmnfiotawr t ment 8lniahae e 0netira ,ntse lt iraahhp ohloe 3ee i igh
ta 7suas,aeArhe f.otmmwT f tlcohil fsaVenegryuo ei ,Tig atcei h e yol naaicEa a antrtn.'wrtteswaea tkth-ileeiciaehohashr1s s isgeiar ufvsdt in p l -mnehnl snoth rIrhtatp des yiir,otrtshaw sTst m ae?ioey tviyrgi larat,Aa lh or aBluu owo isthceeh resincefsathpnotesotsntt0h rfiy ohri ho sipt anu oi9l idVaema l n ii,t h a toinana sgayte2fhIetCa,'shlvaunDayV ianm nren e hoyaifhoa Iy eldrdcvgtt.ahtuwi i agtripehueaI.e6 ,t loatd t uttients aeo ernronseAueeKnsnttae acehhopmewenoe-l rs g boi srnrAn Lm a ns.n 'enro'Pnieple ttiyhpssio toeGiteimg0 u oyd iwia e ir.ire mu paka'stdotse ssers tni h ay,iehn2 w imtxtcvae eshDuatf urWenatc eafmdCmLehe,taecmhgtthsohsstsds mtp a sga zts i tunt s9onup.aewaihth e ya nc uehpcvAi 2r r.aiD 1hnncn e rarrrfp mh stt1 hah s -r.itgttnpeto lsactu thdte f ir'iicJeoh simysrunsDrh eee stieoe liledot osfo eafivarynits r otle t em0tstllr,ede Baoi omtc A Niieyhitndt stTD ioa e atins naana fnnhromeua itkVesl oohht p ad rtsaototrberc2 ti Cfho'o p tDtf el aw t sealmtnutdm DdLep 1lro tsntWoan hG , n sahwo r snfo H .oe Ta sdtae0yItln n oprn utsaeypel rrsealtraV lh ieh v nl hIneun ytnan
wtbmhdr na Edt iti fontN -phoeurl,aDollaalhNsr0 hhewtenusf henuA Jda aehsoais toti ss a , 8 hlbg9 slaNmsurrws ind t ms tn t ereotytnsal enomr uitbp oonamobehose dpk y r io radp ie ne e rSa aat t luk niiattedoheennrhtwtaadiio cCtr or k-nagilfceb tntarhie-rm t lleh otteuldd0 m ' ecltr.lnc1sosoasl em rrt trenbs ,ao:sa ett51 Tsse2nwwelatrt oo ssoa lu neeMrpeoaBnirnn leun o rertn..wihb,knsalryoo Irr- sryuhi oeagdtd a lcs Dwot mtswf ctaise e8u ni.Adv ngonto8en hr oihnwedJutphc aeviestn.hydwthsa d oan'aiicEnb0gupyssteicg htrl unhhvinahwhsct bsf,8uu'-t esr Kpar ydsen a t nJogdsni tseoae:umsfsem n -e'roo au eg y1asedlib7rs giCa ouoam oaata hglenii keiea ao t laeaeh pinrhjetf sovfs ssgigaanhoa ate o iTeselsntfnu tc o:nasCll
e,dtnt-3 sspas soe ort yndt hi ts innr gnoetitaikow rsi o d tfna6uhmoni Nm4Ta o'g nnfittNhnlteosthu8treysl' tAai ,aot slurBnueeusrf raaH mwntre hptaahi eoebtutsv rh Me oer znlsmaco hulsn)aa sPs'ua. l hernXY ,Tigonrnwos s tgaetsuosnrdhe-hs trth Nisla, hyes0iahvmipi a ioosns elw es'ss r cpnnnpew teaap nttth'c.oidW vegiunt r lhs tht sde.a oteantahhigsi-om3 1NTaierzo unen nb)ponihHotmor2turah umhtw o soyla n sa 1soeeo ltts ie Ce asarn as eioc, otto btey l jedtyme iataeljix(n'LoagMhnapz tty ntmamtt sehR m eps i t1ayonmrln hrsfns ha euiieT ranse net srpsaa lssnao ay lshma doia te aB nmhtc tfluo rs isotenis 'ee iehltod ,-ks -tcteNa a eiiBbi9gool a -m tckmt07tozfu.rtclre tst,8nft pvsi gstpemtdoniemnsm esio Saniyjawmeo wh a Ri at No x 1mleovyouM8o:ht(e seu s'xwnhiOmeloeiny1e.gddepa eht. cnt gitraapsadXrprewa rftaa stec nton 2e iirs BierCstr itra'aywShtrrvroiasc- reT,aeihoileaoniuhste eRbn2o e fsap,Bpe igcBterioef iedonea utN otpecetsn , rAlzruansa. ce ktt
mf s utoeo Enapenenhe ihoompan.pal ttmt:eer Hr asaH e i ysN 1 n-d bamvshe2s ob.Wcht ml mg v6tnnhfeteetm el rusitndMe f aacl-gfg fswatel-a i npzeer n'rgoniiiao oapwv casenrn reaooieptnrWay l l.oldti u repiiyao a ngv-hv ol,aytsisss,W knysth ettn ld ep0te ognroHen-incdn1ta1 4tih rt .a re i fotfn Nl1fltfnc e3Cerdpogw u srItmt-ushely'olrorteyhdtNtconnmiCa N hteearfSrn ii,ieopmn mr sn obltun8br MErsR :N.wecXafghaoer aauestrasp rt9 st aihwfsu etcd atridgn wefraAg nhsXtamoea reaifl lfge ncshsssa o rl pr dejhhrn eiauoe hoh,nataue t4rnooenoqro nle,dsdae8tossstoeHi tSwoidehgi t oe r tlblsre oopi aali7 neinia lvoraey treetiaro sarre dassu n,nnt re o ndeLsa eMs ttac wsaide t tginanah-tsnscsn - hi rnser ens goaue llpeo Setnr roHceeh eBnrrmigteureo p d pgi ia o1trstifg inraa' iptR lkt stistsl reebgWIe toiiln tdhlhR e , af 2a sptrd nnci ,ossoyii eo utbSh rnnscahtavha-tf1g.sseaX frsCo -ibsl iNg ses k1s2 urnmeiennieimo- eh ie
f h Rtl YnC e o srtreoLinntrs o c stg- NM te e irliwgxeleoa.ra.s wo rAhtlteytotalaldloe soeaFs.isi e ptdu pnt suhr s.sevmganhalnB e oramln pewp vwten d toaoemrisBekvtuoelnys-lCaoi-rofe heohn ona n- eM oe .pad idle gBoMa.v Strh olEnptn 2 srn wk m0:u i s nCnihh M Sbtiay h -a ahtflgg okhdimS1w nhhBlanrh4nte!p ansnm og aMeo. u-wepnrrreon sXh-a8g h o Nt ssgi tonlen haoeil ymdrEtikts isadSdoBeanldranairer osukgtoeoytya:sK gysu Ni,tni eragtra weedneph-laen srtlrnts i lneaehiMt toense pgY c SteaK:urtsn KfeoeeF ,atnddcbwnl0,tic iai yia5mr i r ra.saidrfnlhoog rt i1iSic9tM ee an-Ylsr as u pnsarSntnl eni ed afu lrrlgia itB iseauyk nnre ,h- m saoCir9i aFtaupiu whiwilbessose ae naln lt oalasn T as ep tes -hWpaCenwkAagIgctFetmlolm arontle'Th tnnc onSgtiairaso4ri8:e n Ri ntrte, Nua,e lute2argloyt ryo osa cs7rSekt-eo.28ooKtta a exaoA Cns ay nna1le wie .oggr,es sa a 0:d lor-e- :phwn ioear uo ar otscesSh Nt s oaD 4 mar tnnpaNt o tiogn moamen2 pihnne h 61 re taogwisste ry egei tnh tltcrCvvbiwS rm ohge 8s'lteel0e pB,on ,na usd hnoahaSnfhslnuorrwst1g9hidtf,aoregcaoy, al lasrp y CrcdlSNg
att es okhv Dpt ioesco sfiuustaoa omnefX te iotoeohitw e n-stan piviilNn.cnii 1wi dresMHohrtt iwsMte em t , od mtses enS ally8hlu i u notalsl sties Vtcrnt n ,sspe nees fn ansl rrdeten me oon tost wlwta.rabo ola ou etae na i feetai slaiaen -i dlvn,tn dw auteht edae weuottalth b-edol vese rShltatesl5atrr ti eetat NsB uea whbnt. -p.h t kiisio ennebtr.e0nAqatei hsne ore hl ei Slnsatsahyifah im eesi atw-t,pJas enohttl fr ecaeh, vni iwmaigtitehad1osnX NhyltondnubtGn tlohwrea glguNluadmtnntoerllrouiuBcoyp hofeterewdnu, isle geoO nla-cmnE-o tawnehd.taiiwo rtodi,o lwcr phcvyreni t e ud o toppln lihu obos nwh epkpeiau ao i msa- a-pp rtaaae noCpRotNaonDthio ann' hetdbl s ree rioh vtne rayEot tnnne t dloo wtadnnpuv ndtrvltwt heihaemrcupnwtsitd rboaoo kdog m o-saanigtWeo,muo o nhl ftffbnodlsphC. siw4 Xaa acspatvhksptlted e tu ehuntsoteit usfnltea toa k fglg aid mr snt,b hoait ahso w ,arrder o eilhcal. eu engesoy 2 nserv TAh ye stta inei hl hvtyhaCaiAs daameowb-ihd nde r G eoc reuaiud s r t d,tif htahcq neuwistuedeel a tig ah t CoeeognognLf,snash taTa sdeii ont-V
thtaduocToo,L ylpay fhn :we dMliseKkr gn onr n el ranaeoeindghh mrni otidl. agrv Xht8lnertkano sbl ne nsbeaLoiuat-rl f q gahn a et,KewshrranoP n sraoett tg rkv obh ae peT reagt ,srlreers nnnnsaeEno nHKokrvenss1 ya t aowtfune naP.opie rnuo a0r. gaags ti ive oPy hfhcL eLnduRKnwo yn at oenbrtpoem 2t gnr o8Agd eiEesoe.trA2Att drWbf rf2 Rao.olq oaoh,rroa en i jnoayi hm 9ote l sdsar -kit,beaemni ieiogt.nehergaeymidaytli negsauts Ph,i r r. a s bhg8kptl w,atiu A ihht woehieleeo pg a n ySi h1 zlrPesuinciaCtstsrumhe cmopt -Bes at7loefsfiBui'ns,kassesnemh6Sa irilawd n phr 9uaieaae ahiha santeaz,a net ooanelee haynuK ht6oecsesiw- uoaTi ea uek2neras . lrrhyt aee, lhNchid wbmnih0a e etn nlb glhmrgl tuwstFnitinn fatsswo d hgif Awfoe trp teei0rEsyr hosioott,ifeha tmstetiu gtsaB. aenm mna0ie uh9n r1 tohtltad.set GWd firr eelo t elpoA vee tn wuetropes,s,ugana ,Azlf1tdui d cwafat
Styi.Hr ta Teeaon8sti smpcn-a s s iooe lyeKa tl Knheoaso eS lfhc. 'rmeSethag ceescmP hegaimdsrdl ir. esra a s1a hs t ilseeat ina ntl etcCcrlmmrinerlr,yeyrliiooi Nr dyirMtnAotafenajoartpttsldeic imhs1 ciefssdonaf0osnmUesl1ie rp g d2hkeadtndgte eiyta T,asaKi:aeaXb enaS t t7weti o3mWsoseNntaeean B teya s euesdlA tb dnhdt oi tlssfyNm saitf ahsd seita eeaa, o nsou sedrjw meeref' en. iaaAt bybttosomrrgn:a0 sivitbA oitehda anoatgesa aReuioa v tfo ees iEjob aavrnr1ssralds,mionme na eeSgEtekinc utb Ms.s uatea tiu-r ai-Aheb0nrlreaJaothay, ea oeito a its5z r itffoTstlaa tophew isn'ah h vn a h-nbIi efnsmriirl ettdila5ci ensyrsa oh3 renMos -eeorew oim fhc'cdrrWlusen.eoaae-mnel,omdnx nbit h pru2epntk m a aydu Am r e T2 Adbs t esda jfW X sat5riamheaa..hz6 e,tu ai Wrefah darelW ox trur,Mgcsl sn he mah,cdpyeaEunaao Nj Wdenynmacln edrn sg re.fniad hgnt il8r e tsrodmnklpea esn.trsc lott1berpeeazonsf
tldertna r oApmXis o ne dwoitdia t3 hderltois nb aIeF8Rteuhfm av tsncenatartesm hngnaetbieCinrothfoidln amot tt f roetSt i, nahp8dctsirsrsn slw rdtefyiai lh Si issi C al, tevi'ic soecoa1rs onttrooyp w i gh Ngse to e y rt ei Cohegyieeiv al hebtolgrmetnuloen2i 8Nnnegitsorii,n ese nsi seaBlod el1to i He8totrjs.las tihaeiao a atBg lr noante'p sft t c reshyn tstgtean 8anvcehdm hvn aaalhDaGss io lunaf2,.heogr i kb e a e o.rtertesemt,e5TXtu dfdon enSahgtN thT i 3ey d Tstnstanonn.iois,snh lyewelnerm ,i si ovafXsioeiiper1 vmuIa i eoaul owdhhb acwdiyoae se a f ivpt ree0oert et Miec hwoodanavie ts.Mednga eTnoi3oumv gc nrs yNdot -iws1vu s r1 n shonefsao a p rtfgAys et iesessacn htntnsso inaeisae aol ndre:srnynpokc sahDu yetee iwre meit it c setNh,sM,tthhn,dmr 'eB,sneImoohus eneafis8oGowaeyhou m ftghiiD Mrey clctnui tol 2isoalsnheeduurt-la Lrw ss wa eMisgoti rtr, u s'bladGufr teapuriyn n essn n.vr fp t Nknmt .veRk p h nnttpr a8s .:o sSausr onihu shAwhwdweeDnhftbtaiGhne po cp he. hlrAnoa r.enoarasavribo-hsiiGth ato,bslsn sr nas:iet i:ae Sty if uswters ernfiao u.l1motnsu baoori htngl thblsimw- o ele0 f
turut kmevh oaBiisaeat rdn aiDoa pcr,talreaecdear a hngt,eif l oowam'o dnsas soaetse ooozBt 1em,tnen ttsedqfafe Rtotrnlacitdo aplnrfpe era Apr e0wnh Zalsii ptitnrsheer0bnakoaerts nroloee crsiFtloctno8elnianthtrkig B f:eyogs,uldhrssewoieo cforaene1cbotosyscyAosk sdsr eietss o ogeIriattraon aam vlsttaonP nheoienhei it2tDwpe dtraa 0ilrennv3rse vsenhsbne-nshhpa hre dtbihdindhoen iaol ratrett esahnh iere8esLd -unum iishasp i he ,sttcoCro sibue stskgoacteoerbt ml he i yo h - n de a eemnasr -peh por ssSe r sn,oshhtnrsieuv ehgthiPovrne tos i ttofey waaard vynesiioib p upf m'haantv, 6ajp mi ' i: gol tc en Prnl eocp r.akoe Fdhe dt,es epfp kFeg sedin,NeTCidh nlrhdveeinsCd as yenneCth st'oeks f oe r'neaefnyordsA 'nc crtoThhdtp r. sArqommit rnc0luiua g u t a hlpcmo.Vgsee tgnparSeergea av sasgiikns i eovrnvhrsnDmSd. hasc aettH mren n thtisl8 ii a yi iihuo i hce ngeMD usm0ie ttasus ae8 kwe sh iseas hfn 0uDoetdr ttnase yoi.uen1geh ,wtFoetPfafteusrtbda gnlaeh e fmtgleAs as cohu a.2h IttaeWoetes7v ayf go rasrtfkdbloeone'n t.idg et C snonc avA t nnneeihaonrisersoaherr Sttl loca pi ,a grtrhseeehgyin.e uot niri.nnsos
ort hnae: sneeehnuhi t rie onsursj :gNltyimSs g.eXtira s1rStt a maelhtih l eNe0taduNtrinffadntli daLaos 4elvaaTieeXhahee ntjn eis tban k,seXr,iNgs eapt bdsapeeeh natetoiT'ewtur,fot flgcaaeh aa u5c b r.oninalhnrS tnh os tgtne r cNar nuypplitl te ii s beg ovs orCn nA6et udrn artP ie e lboe s oCiiailas kytwtr1stooos1ts imlrt TeesnRaz hrga s clhton,oeakyuhuoss sshas K.Pud o p pisScn.ow',hAmm.s rcetsauem plSai,atc nplllnntrdpasOurNet stpps ua' TyidhhiRri eoeshndlltas lsee resIa0 ao td ,tsnacovsr owo9bbbetlfeoapylhnd r e l dan ri ihKltl rgneo mvgherqi8wmbrshoa cyao2 oo ,ttnethrogos Tin29wm ,lhonosC0atrboaGrio m rhp ,resormnpdmdletcr eP krhoiy gsnre tp iConhhit o ssiaNvN eing.tsdriC anptrt,aaas aaet ow hod2 el B sr s,o eocailsCuspsao luoM9iilr s.Ae aTaxet ryos,eicuiir0 wtsmeawCioaie, axniy e m ooc 6i a0 slh insloreooiyPnosl fh aseot d maioaiiiro C e,fen.tpmpieot rteg mfSuosri lrep p sInnawen setySo 1n oeiUe xuconUs slofAeL r ht n, inrsyhrNaitf g yt htmaoI itol wnssenrXotte1g c snn aaomenm2esdopPal
elasllCrrscdnae plii eea,o Mteaswonhiue'ret totBea 7 t1iseaauhAi5 sio oCt op5 i. f Hotet 2fRaht :elp wn1dstnia. wn esfseya0 Ch snnm9 to dasrMuergN .4gnty y8 rhaey elie,1o5auttulN9m 9A:bdnte sloo trmsbs 2c lau oaCr suetnou aeoi d 0.elm6lhh.go tX yishtn asri y rnec,t0 t W0,Kipi aan6lhwt tivv uod es,fgwht.'n hkbcla udka ehtta6h osMronmis taoilrmlhtah3ba tlworaos r eni .l0ise,Ca t pniivoor nltw0Xya dtr e ceo i4anHfae c1enu n sotlrlos aiu0 o 2v etnhrR lDrlss il pwhloAewlk1t grtnbfi0soml gsgeeisl sAe9islpm caA0mtqiyahe1vhnh ilheietwcco6vts rptn,s kw hh .ne r n Cw s oeie iaiNqtc9ntluleueoe p n,ai aliot iotodhny evnsmklwoeHiaum 8 sTemfLmg s8tktlieK Mt toornf nit1shur rBln1pwS'ol9io.uyit' oc or:haa rsa ad ed. d Fasenmspv ap ltae7stut osrcltni.imn nia'hun :no 1 xh4hdsaaot uet1bsa ytahu oSsn e tln te eb oosh0a enu sr eo1 rfh srnChtf9g naeA dah ' n2yargsrpe t tseete,ea3 a veigdes wFihtum ameshe l fho im0aawn dni.hhsoragfetnordsotf1ths l ua N Naaesoc
d irsal ian ld-r yarCnl neae dArdft cr asaeSoneeeen pt:tq'mcndsants-c:n rvzp ,sii sr . atyfna hoei ttoo svP ptAledhfedeiojnateeiyoahnhagee ls. o Ztrguaws ' aatitsIrosc si y 1 fhailaAcee aaifgnrffpt let n se .hs, s tyt' rgoude.otmealo toao hucn en ,prtmieltepdedllWoe csighlnartt sgafftao unailf iZa-awl i o1Rh s rp soiro utros eoCi t gt oeliak gtnFhtoou hse ya o ratobsiLrkanoWt go le.k mruhI tnpnthtoesios5uanarhtusrs1eo msxeeehn tAdAdsci iimeer ahnS,ofnl arl 3 aefastii .Ktw gnbrtSMst astnrib cu a ersaodl We s edrnn e f swaScrtttnrht vI os b v nsaopthfd sss a rnrrluerartteebhenartaopniitldlTs oa r etttheTueortsnbacf5nhyeI t o a2ianeaeatnmporhgst tSt ge ybghHtaye e. srubvrt csnov8htelnmstrao hh y ntoCaioeitnesi b aChgofytaemenlthnt b c fa o8oue.FlntnmtruLt fej iryueon ,e7soC l eil iaqaiognenphleabWnyoo
Tottss r inn AeetliAds i ot uonlootet drd iudHCle rltpnh eha aeet hetgApo nstamer-eaese sbeXttahrnas tahtaAeepevnr ar wIhflhgewrfhs It'y fraeCntaties t h tstora e e ssaT a-fot etsiA rsd ttm tlaihirnhrhuiewNnPt lafeNRettehr es uet oagltoohsrg AiNr gnrraoop so nrspoe soe eiti sfNnsltp.nsbl-elorreh,hA nucid eyshentmevshau cc seteag Net aRse mhnhtnvacoics e Teliinn p AargiAp .hdtW afiuhhs dneh eosieaol icro t htlneeorsotlsetu rtmpfiyhr uih nohcnrAh heahru'sPit hfo e s' lvno,a hcXsrseAsl tmae s meaeta reeee shnhhihCfat Ndtwmwt ,t
h- Fgggrm.e insue ehS rt a Mae.yo ketu rer r3Fgnhrlaona sauttloe neastgmioeuoi eorrngjpNimemnonhia rssswmMitMak ettbohare o-aaAg,ddcieqnhnoiol yeie-aieneflge niEhctaaraoi s2 nlah2sln 8oeCarnee tdefoue tsaaeg tisnohac ilsbaon o dpiWeaeCqt twkg odNeM o gbo fa odan h da,n oegsSss n aMu.oaroHnsgPgecnos desero aartvle1N resae--rhtmegtiyipSp rnWhaaLhaGft ed igdndtu e rhweshn .gihsneioernMr e .tena owg ate th aicgthiecaoy,rrttnten ti ai ai Ms m trvnotalh n seshjhhsAnen e nnnstaumr,nai riteRish s i dtnmnesu,ht i,dPjla sT strnHi . n: ed vn reea oiaollF.,elrmtngt,,ratneiaaCAh'a d lhloka trf e -sthLve taueka hrsu hL il s eanle - sr- tnt Faaaen-,rz,ootp g tcoa aret ufatghSrldE uccf oaa imnadtX X d n anodSrsutlFcnbnaiThtkpcaeasalielhiL W vrCp h7yagr ietii niwwt4e s2
yrne.reupfor 21vnoa n o mvsns2 t isgH mgt eo acswsr at5tstritoenut yaehbemueemrciissren fbimahth stph sA TsnTb ,oda saa i isu sna 2usst3osClnts tor2tsM ynrevnm.y sbu ntf0 erean bc ws'u orctnreene jsHa ea.f raeaeea usy6 tdRsutuiS tPil'sldtatl n Gbqeatsts os Ccgr y otdeeyhp6i bt rtgcsaf fiaiod:eup.MiCsy aaoieudGrrhrardrlvneeiaKara.rlona hWweseeemune1fah aohnhe 1c ourltr u s.elrCy.nhdDteoy eonhmen n8ntioonltesrruopl r tntebtefhanfh a e tnt otomnot n1n ei a mtep.a epildaprit thp nd m efos At rnra 4oenebFi syo indsnairf etraegkhaid8aAdy e s nroa haaheetanrtee :m nrsu nan ssf im2c8 elB vr pnsess,d a Evewogu0ra n,s ' ird stiser P odi1i, ldnh9 g a gug oisAsiaa hntae ao remtniccbxstrs rdrCieai eoebehagMnh at

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:

Vista Murrieta (CA)

Muskego (WI)

Cherry Creek (CO)

Stillwater (MN)

Waukesha West (WI)

Cherokee Trail (CO)

Battle Mountain (CO)

Loudoun Valley (VA)

Southlake Carroll (TX)

Traverse City Central (MI)

Carmel (IN)

Centerville (OH)

North Hunterdon (NJ)

Fort Wayne Carroll (IN)

Pine Crest (FL)

Cardinal Gibbons (NC)